I have spent whole article to discuss the process to overcome the technical difficulties in designing an overunity motor. My conclusion there appears to be: It is impossible to build one which overcame the issue of inductance. Although electrical energy is saved by the elimination of Back EMF by replacing the attraction of electromagnetic coil and Magnet with attraction of electromagnetic coil and ferromagnetic material. However, to prevent the attraction between them from halting the motion of motor, the electromagnetic coil need to frequently switched. As the speed of motor increase, the electrical energy spent in fighting the inductance of electromagnetic coils increase, so the effect of reduce the waste of electrical energy decrese as the speed increase. What is the solution for this problem?
The answer of this design problems lies in a phenomena known as ‘Parametric Power Conversion’ which a coreless electromagnetic coil would attract an iron core into itself, lead to an instantaneous increase of electrical energy in the electromagnetic coil. Therefore what we need to do in the design of overunity motor is by placing corelss electromagnetic coil as the stator, and a ring consists with material that is ferromagnetic alternating with material that is non-magnetic as the rotor. Then we need a circuit breaker to demagnetize the electromagnetic coils to prevent them from holding the rotor ring. If we can overcome the technicality of letting the ring to enter and depart from the electromagnetic coils freely, while find a way to transfer that angular momentum to do useful work in outside; then the motor require little or no electrical energy to operate(because the lost in electrical resistance in the electromagnetic coil would be compensated by Parametric Power Conversion). We got kinetic energy from electromagnetic coils for free. We essential continually borrow the kinetic energy from the bonding which held the stator static.
How to overcome the technicalities of letting the ring to enter and depart from the electromagnetic coils freely, while find a way to transfer that angular momentum to do useful work in outside. We essentially need the rotor to float in the middle air, while extract kinetic energy from it. How is it possible?
There are two approaches to this technicality: 1. We can think in the direction of using special physical mechanism to hold the ring in mid-air and use friction to transfer its kinetic energy like bearings; 2. We can separate the mechanism which hold the ring in the mid-air and the mechanism to take the kinetic energy out of the ring. One mechanism for latter that naturally come to mind is attraction and repulsion of magnetic/electrical field. For instance, we can use the magnetized metal in the ring moving between the electromagnetic coils to attract the ferromagnetic metal of the shell which is supported by a central axis. However, caution need to taken to avoid the mechanism to harvest kinetic energy of the rotor from diluting the effect of electromagnetic coil on the ring.