2007年11月9日 星期五
中文笑話 2007.11.09
2007年11月5日 星期一
中文笑話 2007.11.05
2007年11月4日 星期日
中文笑話 2007.11.04
2007年11月3日 星期六
中文笑話 2007.11.03
2007年9月19日 星期三
Components: As seen in the drawing
EM coils controlled by the circuit is producing an attracting magnetic poles.
Magnet is thus approaching, carry the movable EM coil with it;
As the movable EM coil approach, magnetic polarities repelling to the fixed EM coil are formed in itself, thus the movable EM coil are retarding backward along the direction of radius;
At the same time, as the movable EM coil is moving away from the magnetic poles of the Magnet, an Back EMF is also produced to resist this change.
The Back EMF from 3 and from 4 are of the same direction, reinforcing the strength of each other.
The spring behind the movable EM coil are compressed.
When the Magnet rotate pass the fixed EM coils, the spring would return the movable EM coil to its original position. It would encounter no resistive force since the complete circuit of movable EM coil is open.
The circuit of movable EM coil is completed once 1 happen.
2007年8月24日 星期五
The detail process of electrical generation
(The following discussion assume no load is connected to the generator.)
1. Source of Magnet is moving relative to the coil.
The strength of Magnetic field experienced by the coil is changed by B=Original Strength of Magnetic field/Distance^2
2. Thus the EMF produced at the coil= -2*Original Strength of Magnetic field*Velocity of the Magnetic relative to the coil/Distance^3
(Negative sign indicate a repulsive poles)
*3. The voltage built up at the coil experience impedance(Magnetic inertia of the core), the electrical current is building up slowly.
Higher impedance— longer reaction , Lower impedance— faster reaction
4. The electrical current from the coil magnetize the core, the core become a Magnet with polarities opposing the change of external magnetic field.
5. An opposition force is experienced by the source of Magnet.
The above discussion is simplified with only 1 Magnet moving relative to 1 coil. In practice, we have most often m Magnets with n coils. We could thought of m independent cycle overlapping with each other in each of the n coils.(Assume that n coils doesn’t interact with each other.)
Although the process is generally following the above sequence. However, since 3 often take longest time. It follow that before when a coil has completed 1 cycle, another cycle already started. So the cycles doesn’t just overlapped by source of Magnetic field, but also by the timing of each cycle.
To prevent complicated interaction and overlapping of processes. I suppose traditional generator tend to have coils of impedance closely match with the velocity of the Magnetic source. Therefore for each generator it has an optimal speed for rotor with guarantee efficiency. When the generator is operating at a speed different from its optimal speed, the efficiency maybe lowered due to mismatch of cycles.
When impedance is too high compare to the rotational speed of the Magnet, it follow that the Magnet already departed from the coil before 3-5 happen.(Or 3-5 happen to produce a retarding force against another Magnet). The rotor thus experience little or no retarding force. (Therefore we could theoretically then any Generator into overunity by rotating it fast enough)
On the other end, if the impedance is too low compare to the rotational speed of the Magnet, 3-5 may took place before Magnet is closest to the coil. Therefore also reduce the retarding force against the Magnet. And if the impedance is a match of the rotational speed of the Magnet, the retarding force is maximum.
Theoretically, we could design a Generator to rotate at certain speed which we carefully program the cycles such that the drag force is minimized. Or maybe in some case, aiding the movement of rotor instead of retarding it.
(Clever audience should notice that this train of thought is how we can arrive at an overunity Generator.)
2007年4月24日 星期二
Idea of today
Anyone ever thought of using water falling from the sky,
i.e. rain as a source of electrical power?
1. Collect them;
2. Pass through a tunnel;
3. The channel has Generator built-it to convert gravitational potential energy into electricity,
(Added today: 4. We could use filtration mechanism to clean the water for drinking. )
The design of 1 and 2 could be as trivial as this design. Water from sky is lead to the tunnel with spiral trajectory or any design like those. The outer arm of Rotor of the Generator inside the tunnel is lead to rotate against the Stator, which the Generator itself is insulated from water. The electrical energy produce could be stored using car battery.
2007年4月15日 星期日
The reason for building a Pyramid
Zen Buddhist believe Crystal posses mystical or spiritual power by the virtue of how the molecular configuration of the atoms, i.e. Regular Triangle, Regular Rectangle, Regular Pentagon, Regular hexagon.
Pyramid is built to imitate the Crystal.
if pyramid has special power by its regular shape, then so do crystal; or vice versa.
crystal has its effect as many pyramid, or pyramid has its effect as single crystal.
Care about their similarity to Euler's Coil technology?
Notice also about Saturn's almost hexagon flow of air current in its atmosphere?
The universe is all connected.
2007年3月28日 星期三
Suggestion for Linux hardware detection
The reason: what is written in the fstab and what it detect in hardware is different. Actually, it is troublesome for these who change hardware often (like carrying the hard drive away for work) to change the configuration from shell every time they use a new computer. I suspect that maybe only for Fedora, but it is most likely all distribution has a fixed fstab and check accordingly in the boot time.
My suggestions are:
1. Why don't all distribution adapt a Live-CD-like hardware detection scheme? i.e. The fstab and everything is dynamically change every in each boot time, therefore saving user the time to rewrite the fstab.
2. Why there is all the stupid Master, Slave jumper on hd and cd/dvdrom so the computer can't recognize a hardware even though it is already connected? Why can't we have an architecture that doesn't require jumper to distinguish between master and slave?
Master and Slave is only determine by its physical connection, nothing more.
3. Why can't there be more than one version of a library exist in the same distribution? What is the harm if two versions of the same library exist? Since the program would know which version of library it needs anyway, why we must have a single version only. That would resolve the trouble for incompatible program that require two versions of the same library.
2007年3月2日 星期五
THe problem of existing Chinese-word algorithm
For instance, if you enter B, then a choice would pop-up with BA, BAC, BDD, BFE... etc. The user only need to pick one of many option, therefore save user's time by preventing the need to enter the whole word(For example, BAC).
The problem of this algorithmic is that is it is using only First character base system, and it has no memory. It would assume every character you enter is the first character of the word, and list the choice of word accordingly. For instance, assume BAC is a word, then the input of BA would not prompt the option BAC. And instead it list the choice of all words start with A. So the challenge to remake the algorithmic sensitive to more than one character, that could theoretically done by a function to mark the end of last complete semantic unit, and store any character afterward in the memory, then use this value in memory to search for words starting with these character.
We could further extend this idea to the case of people remember only part of the word, like A?C?. Once the user type ?, the program would be on-hold for automatically guess the character; only after the user mark the end of word( i.e. the last ?) would the program start locating for the word match this combination.
My suggestion could be implemented using any MySQL like database. And all words are enter in the dictionary. The point is so that everyone with lower literacy level could easily navigate the Internet.