2009年10月16日 星期五



5=3*5 -->


8=2*4 -->

2+4=6 -->




The Euler-oneirocriticism postulate

Consider this operation I call it EO transformation:

15=3*5 -->


8=2*4 -->

2+4=6 -->


2+3=5(which is a prime)

My postulate is that, for any non-prime number, 5 and 7 would be the most frequently appeared result.
Could any Mathematician please prove or disprove this assertion?

2009年10月12日 星期一

Why reality must be stranger than fiction?

This is an excellent example to demonstrate the difference inherent in the cognition of Physical reality and cognition of reality as constructed by novel. Generally speaking, former is determine by interaction of bottom up process and top bottom process as stated in Cognitive Psychology; while the later is determine singly by utilize only the top bottom process. The discrepancy between two would result in the sense of ridiculous or funny, so either process would have to adjust to the result of another to eliminate the cognitive dissonance. Therefore, Physical reality must necessarily more complex than fiction.

Bottom up process refer to how our mind construct the abstract representation of reality by using the information gather from basic sense like lightness, tone, shape and movement of stimulus. For instance, to see the sum total of all basic components of letter A as the A in the alaphbeta. Top Bottom process refer to the process of inferring the stimulus should have present by using one's understanding and theories/hypothesis of how Physical reality operate.


這個其實是活生生的例子去說明在認知過程中的「由底層向上層過程」及「由上層向下層過程」的分別,所謂前者是指人腦如何由最基本的感覺資料,如光暗、長度、角度、移動的方向、形狀等有系統地組織成意識上的慨念如杯、碟、碗等,又或者由A字母的形狀推出「這是代表英文字母的 A」;相反,後者指的是完全相反的過程,就是由抽象的意念出發,如字詞、語義來推導出最基本應該存在的基本的感覺資料,例如在 A_ple就用蘋果這慨念把遺漏的p加上去。一般來說,現實的感知通常是由「由底層向上層過程」而產生,也就是說觀察者是不可能事先知道這些資料是什麼,而且當這些感知而得資料和「由上層向下層過程」不符時,他/她就會有一種荒謬的感覺,小說則基本上是「由上層向下層過程」來產生,所有的一切都一定合乎作者的邏緝。
