2008年8月31日 星期日

Schizophrenia and the naive hypothesis

Schizophrenia is the only class I ever missed in my study of Psychology, that has deprive me the question that I harbor in my mind since I meet this term: How is hallucination different from dreaming? How could we define clearly and precisely that schizophrenics are indeed making up/distorting the physical reality in their mind, since it is commonly understood it as ‘hear voice/sounds’?

Only until recently I found a better expression of my speculation which is against the naive hypothesis in neurology. Naive hypothesis assume that the brain just interpret the neuron signal triggered by outside stimulates, so the process of perception could be seen under a ‘coding and decoding’ framework. However, other than lack of research support, it also suffer a serious bout in face of phenomena like False arm and Somatization disorder. In the former case. the brain create sensation in the body parts that no longer exists; while in the latter case, the brain create sensation which couldn’t be traced back to any known physical and biological cause. Thus, it appears that the brain doesn’t just interpret like what most Cognitive Psychology textbook would tell, it is actively and continuously formulate hypothesis about the environment and situation the human body is in. Schizophrenia, just like False arm and Somatization disorder, is where the case which this hypothesizing process fail to provide an ‘adaptive’ response as seen by the general public. It maybe more a mystery as to why our brain is capable of capture the essence of what it take to adapt to the life so well, and why the hypothesis we formulate as different individual looks so similar to each other?

At that time, I am about to push the envelop further as to whether there exists a reality that is common to all of us, or is that illusion create by the adaptive needs of our brains? How is the reality of non-Schizophrenics more real than Schizophrenics? Can anyone prove that?

2008年8月27日 星期三

My commentary on this Prophecy

1. Indeed a netizen from US joking about CA seeking independence when Bush is elected by slight majority. N.Y is famous for its liberalism, Texas being conservative. Does each election bridge the difference between left and right, or widening it? Or maybe Bush has done so much damage to the reputation of democratic system in US? Or combination of two?

2. Conditional. If 1 is false then 2 can’t be disprove. I can imagine different state seeking independence, but what kind of dispute can’t be resolve by American tradition: Court Battles(Land, oil, natural resource)? Why wage war? Over what?

*3. Indeterminable until today. But this 2008 Olympic break all the record on all kind of complain, the activist does not rest even after Olympic.

4. Have to wait until 2015. Conditional upon 2.

5. We already see Russia invade Georgia, and refuse to leave. The reason that cold war never disappear is for the sake of oil. Politically, how does Putin maintain his popularity in oligarchy of Russia? Russian don’t like to be a weak country after years of glory. Like China, the transition to capitalism only increase the difference between rich and poor, decrease the stability of nation. Because unlike Eastern European countries, Russia has little history of a functional democracy, and capitalism make us all slave to money.

6. In quantum mechanic, yes. The untested theory is here, but of no practical usage.

7. Conditional upon 4.

8. Remind me the movie ‘The Day after tomorrow’, conditional upon 7.

9. Look at youtube, it is already part of daily life. Even I have a youtube account. The rise of New Age is already observed. As science progress, the emptiness of humanity would only increase.

* According to my source in China, Beijing Olympic is extremely damaging to the rule of Chinese Communist Party, spending 62.5 billion dollar in the middle of recession isn't a wise decision。 Plus, rebelling organization working hard daily to destroy the legitimacy of Chinese Communist Party.
My conclusion, CCP can only last till 12/26/2008.

2008年8月22日 星期五

Euler's Back EMF Generator

Euler’s Generator.




An idea for today

Further, if we connect these two coils with
A. 2n個線圈又如何?
B. 2n個線圈+magnet又如何?
(n 是正整數)

Euler’s 線圈是也?

Re: An idea for today

比較: 1.單邊Magnet+線圈 和 2.兩邊磁石+coil

1. One-sided mutual depreciation
2. Total mutual depreciation

1. As the coil vibrate in the magnetic field with the magnet, the coil would vibrate in a resonance frequency eventually. If we place a coiled-magnet, the coil in magnet would reduce the magnetic field in the magnet, setting up a mutual-destructive interference in one direction of movement, the other direction of movement is not affected.

2. Now we have both magnet having the same presumably mutual-destructive interference, the effect in 1 would be multiplied? Or something different?

My general impression of matchmaking site

1. Why do they still exist despite the abundance of social-networking site like MySpace/FaceBook/Netlog?
2. What value they offer that other doesn’t provide?
3. I don’t like the fact they read and approve the message between members, there is little privacy guaranteed.
4. What they provide appear to me only as a place to concatenate people of similar interest, then offer a central place for IM or email, nothing that Gaim/MSN/ICQ doesn’t provide.
5. Yes, their values lies in their ‘unique’ search engine, nothing special about that. There is not a special formula specially to match the right person. Doing so will require knowledge of Psychology, which doesn’t appear to be their strength.
6. Knowing how to search is NOT equal to know how to do matchmaking.
7. Base on above, I have little incentive to pay them in order to use their advance function.

My thoughts:
1. Can we have a free matchmaking service base on P2P technology? i.e. decentralized
2. Can such service be of higher quality than existing one? Not just a giant database then search, search, search.
3. High privacy, nobody to approve what and monitor what.
4. All operated by volunteer?

An idea on motor

Euler’s Anti-Gravitational Technology I


Euler’s Anti-Gravitational Technology II


Euler’s idea of mechanism of cooling of liquid(III)


Euler’s idea of mechanism of cooling of liquid(II)


Euler’s idea of mechanism of cooling of liquid(I)


Someone's method of destruction of energy(II)


Someone’s method of destruction of energy(III)


Someone’s method of destruction of energy(IV)


Someone’s method of destruction of energy(V)


Euler's idea of mechanism of cooling of liquid(I)


Euler's idea of mechanism of cooling of liquid(II)


Euler's idea of mechanism of cooling of liquid(III)


2008年8月21日 星期四


(轉載自: http://atheistdemo.wordpress.com/2008/08/21/%e4%bb%a5%e6%96%b0%e7%b4%80%e5%85%83%e6%80%9d%e6%83%b3%e7%82%ba%e5%9f%ba%e7%a4%8e%e6%b3%9b%e5%ae%97%e6%95%99%e8%b6%85%e5%ae%97%e6%95%99%e6%98%af%e4%b8%ad%e5%9c%8b%e7%9a%84%e5%94%af%e4%b8%80%e5%87%ba/)

中共思想的一個核心問題是全盤否定任何形式的教義和宗教,以致它的任何行為,最後都成了虛無主義,我不以為人可以在理性之內找到終極真理,人不可能 是純理性的人。中共的問題是把自己和全中國都忽然間當成純理性的人,忽略了現代文明(機械文明)的最大問題是人和大自然的關係疏離,結果虛無主義+偽哲學/偽理性(即以為可以在理性之內找到終極真理的理性)做 成了一次次的天災人禍。人心的空虛,是社會一大問題的根源,宗教是一個暫時性的代替品,要取代宗教必須發展出一種以大自然/人類主義的超宗教,而某些基要 派無神論者一樣,卻只懂得反基督教,卻提不出比基督教更佳的代替品。我不以為中國可以再有一次心靈上的大躍進,忽然由泛神變成無神,比基要派無神論者消滅 宗教更重要的是建構一套新的泛宗教/超宗教,而新紀元思想是一個好好的題材。


(轉載自: http://atheistdemo.wordpress.com/2008/08/21/%e5%a4%a2%e6%83%b3%e3%80%81%e7%8f%be%e5%af%a6%e5%92%8c%e4%bf%a1%e4%bb%b0/)


我的信仰很簡單:自然會戰勝非自然;中共的北京奧運是一種非自然的終極表現,由天氣到比賽過程到結果到比賽對外界的影響,中共不惜一切代價都要在它的 控制之內,絕對違反中國傳統的儒釋道精神。
雖然世上沒有一事是純天然的,但有不少事都是人類順着自然的規律來做,順理成章而不是逆水行舟,反自然當然是要 付出重的代價;為了確保好天氣,雨雲也被打散,結果是中共無法令水份消失,只是別的地方大雨成災。由此想來,之前的傳言說2004的奧運會是最後一屆是有 點幼稚,因為中共一向是不惜工本的要達到政治目的,問題是在中國如此的政治/經濟環境下,不惜工本會做成什麼樣的效 果?
反對中共統治的異見者,做到的只是透過散播不同的言論和思想來不斷的加重中共的政治/經濟代價,直至它不可以承受為止。如果說可以單憑一把口/一枝筆的力 量就可以 扳倒中共是痴人說夢,則還爭什麼2017年普選?還挑戰什麼有美國教會源源不絕的財政支援的明光社的基右霸權?泛民主派大慨可以不用選了,中共在動員全中 國的 資源來和泛民主派較量,而香港政府和9成的傳媒都站在建制這邊!

2008年8月20日 星期三

Follow up on invention: PDG by Parallel Path

This article refer to this design, there is a slight mistake, so the correct design for N-2 should be like this:

Be careful with 6 things:

1. The arrangement of magnets, you can guess it is N-S-N-S; the top magnet and bottom magnet should be the same polarity(N-N,S-S…)

2. If the volume of the IRON core within electromagnetic coil is 1, then the one in the middle should be 4.(That is the most critical part, all effect depend on this part)

3. That would be some tricks to do with rotating the rotor. Since there is iron and magnet, the rotation would NOT be smooth, it would be jerky. That would shorten the motor’s life cycle.
Do NOT use a motor DIRECTLY on the rotor, otherwise you can NOT see the Overunity effect. You need something like those in the bicycle so Motor can accelerate the rotor , but the rotor can move freely on its own.
i.e. The Rotor can move FASTER than the motor.
(If you don’t understand, say so and I will try to fetch a picture from the Internet. It is a very common device seen on bicycle so it move forward without human pedaling)

4. The longer the distance between the middle iron bar and two magnets, the weaker the Overunity effect. So it should be as close as possible.

5. Try with resistance-type loading first, induction-type later. I done many experiments with these, it usually work better on the former.

6. For testing, you can try with load connect to coils or close the circuit. The expected result should be higher than load, and the Overunity effect get BETTER. (i.e. The loading is on while the rotor is running faster and faster) Therefore if you doesn’t see a good effect with the small loading, then try with close the circuit.

Sorry, I done wrong calculation in the original proposal, I forgot that the coils would react to two magnets, i.e. the upper coil would be drag by lower magnet, and vice versa.
Because of the distance, assume it is 20%. So total drag force in N-2=2.4

also that the middle iron would interact with 2 magnet, producing net propelling force.
So total positive drag force=-4*.6*2=4.8

The net force forward=4.8-2.4=2.4
Amplification ratio= 2
(Notice that the Amplification ratio is fixed regardless of the efficiency which K.E. of magnet is ‘converted ‘to electrical energy of electromagnetic coil. I disagree with the name convert.)

Assume 8 magnet per round, and initial RPM=1,
The RPM at the last magnet of first circle= 256(if not exceed the Physical limit of Rotor)

C.O.P= Maximum physical output/initial input

With these 6 taken care of of we are good to go!!!

We call this design M-2(since there are two pair of magnet, and M refer to the name of builder.) Since the building of M-2, I am already dreaming of M-2*2 which has amplification of 16, even combining the idea from this one(Haven't know how yet…).

We can even design a car base on this, all we need is just a energy banks on the way to deposit the excessive electrical energy produced.


Sent: Sunday, July 6, 2008 2:09:18 PM
Subject: 9月選舉玩大鑊
I think Olympic Game is a delicate Psychological warfare against Hong Kong and Taiwan.為最壞的情況打算!如果有辦法搜集足夠證據令北京操控的選舉被宣佈失效,香港政府會玩完!
Who will do this?


我記得在美國星期五的Fox電視晚有個劇集叫「Millenniums」,當然是當正千禧年為世界未日,有一集說一班印第安人要捉主角去喝毒 藥來看他們的種族前途,因為他們的祭司只看到一半,一定是某位外族人才可以預言到下一半,主角看到了一個影像:一班水牛在街上四處走,後來果然成為事實, 但是大祭司卻拒絕承認預言真的應驗了,這等於是他族/他自己的未日。主角如此嘲笑大祭司:「The prophecy are fulfilled, you are just too blind to see it.」如此真有意思,是不是所有宗教的教徒都會如此?最近常常在網上聽到中共未日的說法,心想這就算是真的,中共國的人的反應會不會和大祭司一樣?
這又令我想起有一套港產片叫「未日風暴」(God.com),結尾是十分有意思,亦有點哲學的味道。什麼日子是世界未日,這就是每一天: 自911以後,世上沒有一處是安全的地方,而油價高企、通脹以致地區戰爭和政治不穩,專制政治(中國、俄羅斯)重新抬頭,民主制度日漸被跨國企業如MicrosoftNike、Coca-cola腐蝕,壟斷及反競爭行為不絕:你用的電腦就是(我不用Microsoft及它的所有軟件的)、ISP和政府合作監聽通訊、媒體日漸失去中立性 (尤其 是美國),不斷散播右傾的「消費自由就是自由的全部、經濟是人類生活的一切」,約可稱為「重商主義」的思想,然後是溫室效應、超級細菌、生態系統崩潰,還 有人為的以引發天災為武器等。世界每天都是在面對這些問題,世界未日真的是如此難以想像,真的是如此不合邏緝?真的是不合乎常理?還是不少人所謂現實的人 不願面對現實,尤其是既得利益者?




另一個不好兆頭: 八月一日是地府開門,當日剛好亦是大凶的日蝕,日蝕的範圍包括北京。有趣的是,中共國人民為了「心安理得」,中國傳統文化中的吉凶都自行重新定義,甚至不 少新人都依這個國家定義的幸運日來結婚,原來中共國統治者的功能還可以定義吉凶,不單人定勝天,而是「天人合一」,真神乎奇技!




(轉載自: http://atheistdemo.wordpress.com/2008/08/14/%e6%95%b8%e5%ad%97%e5%ad%b8%e5%92%8c%e4%b8%ad%e5%85%b1%e7%9a%84%e6%9c%aa%e4%be%86%e7%9a%84%e8%81%af%e6%83%b3/)

我天生對數字有特殊的感情,因此喜歡久不久玩一些數字遊戲,這幾天來,看到公事網誌的總瀏覽 人數是18XX,忽然發覺很像年份。所以我想做一個思想實驗: 如果數字是有特殊意義的話會有什麼意思呢? 因此我便以八八北京奧運開幕為分水嶺,統計舊公事網誌和現在舊公事網誌的總瀏覽人數(在八時)為 1905.

清朝國祚是268年,1911年亡國。所以現在中國的處境是: 清朝亡國前六年, 但中共當政目前為止只是59年, 所以用比例: 262/268=0.9776119402985074627 或 0.98, 以此推算出現在是中共人民朝的98%。59年=98%, 即中共尚有 59/98*2,即由1.2年壽命左右,由2008年10月1日開始算起,中共將於2009年12月13日玩完!

如果以最精確的方式 來算,取小數後20位及北京奧運當日為分界: 1949年10月1日到2008年8月8日共有:58年281日或6135日. 6135為中共國祚的0.9776119402985074627,即中共的總壽命為: 6275.5日,換句話說,中共只剩下140日半命,亡國日期為: 2008年12月27日早上八時。

Are you ready?

Yet another idea on Euler's Coil

Consider a standard Euler's Coil technology with 4 independent electromagnetic coils. What happen if the electromagnetic coils is connected as 2 pairs? i.e. When A,B,C,D is arranged in a square, A and C act as a pair while B and D act as another pair? Since we are connecting the electromagnetic coil in series, the result would be different from when all of them are independent. Moreover, what if we switch the connection of the electromagnetic coil from parallel to series in the middle of experiment according to the states of electromagnetic coils?

2008年8月13日 星期三


(轉載自: http://atheistdemo.wordpress.com/2008/08/13/%e7%84%a1%e7%b7%9a%e5%a5%a7%e9%81%8b%e5%a5%87%e8%81%9e%e4%b8%80%e5%89%87/)

本來想用旅行去避運,誰知要來的始終要來,因為同行的團友要看北京奧運,因此早上被逼看了游泳比賽的片段,似乎是無線電視的記者在訪問一個剛得獎的 美國游 泳比賽選手,幸好我曾在外國留學,懂得聽英語,否則就讓無線記者曲解了得獎的美國游泳比賽選手原意,讓觀衆們以為全世界都是民族主義狂熱,採訪的人似乎忘 了美國不是民族國家,何來民族主義?
她的問題大約是你贏出了比賽心情如何、你為什麼會喜歡遊水等等;他的答案除了理所當然的高興以外,還有他自少便十分享受與朋友(即現在的隊友)一同遊水, 而以往在習訓遊泳時,彼此的「Team Spirit」最難忘。「Team Spirit」即香港最近常常提倡的團隊精神,但是在無線女記者的毫不專業即時傳譯口中,卻成了「最重要的是要保持美國隊的團結、領先及美國是世界第一遊 泳大國的地位」。前面一句可以勉強算得過去,但後面一句「保持美國是世界第一遊泳大國的地位」根本是無中生有,把自己的狂熱民族主義幼稚病,強加到不相干 的人上面,強姦他人的意思。
任何有點美國文化常識的人,都知道美國本身是世界亦一不是以民族主義立國的國家,美國是由移民組成,何來美國民族?另外,美國文化主要是提倡個人的成就, 獨立自主(individualism)是美國精神,因此孩子五、六歲便有自己的房間,由自己管理,甚至搭飛機穿洲過省,大學時代更明正言順離家生活。每 個國民都是被教育成注重的自己的權利,而且個人權利和自己利益是一生人中最主要的事,我在留學時完全看不到任何愛國主義的教育。而所謂大美國沙民主義,通 常是由傳媒和其他人生活中習染而來,因為電子傳媒上的消息,九成是美國本土的消息,不少人對世界其他國家所知極少。所以即使是美國隊勝出以後趾氣高揚,也 只會說些:「美國威、美國醒、美國無得頂」的說話,卻不會像香港某些政客一樣,吃、拉、穿、睡,無時無刻不想着「黨和國家的恩情無法完」,美國隊勝出,想 到的只是美國國家應該要如何去感謝他們為國家出力,爭回一點面子,卻一萬份之一萬不會去想「黨和國家的恩情無法完」,自己應該要如何去感謝國家的訓練;再 者,美國是民主國家,他該感謝美國民主黨還是共和黨呢?民主國家是每選舉一次變一次,應該要如何去感謝他們為國家出力,可以感謝的國家有什麼固定不變的內 涵呢?因此,美國隊應該要如何去感謝他們為「國家」出力,如何會說出只有中共國國家隊會說出的話呢?

English Accent of USA?

When I was studying in United States, there was one time I am chatting with other International students in the cafeteria during supper time. Some of the International students has concern over the issue of their home accent incompatible with the one in the USA, and other American may not able to understand what they said.

I, being the king of English with accent, give the following shocking answer to them: It doesn’t matter, as long as you can conduct your college life normally; because there is no such thing as America accent. The way people study differ from a State to another State, plus it change over time as the composition of population of United States changes. For instance, now there is great influx of Mexican into USA, so some banks and restaurants begin to hire people who are fluent with Hispanic or people can understand English with heavy Hispanic accent. After a few years when their socio-economical status improve to a level which is compatible to middle class of European American, or at least the level of so-called European African; then speak with strong Hispanic accent is actually an advantage for future employment. That is, given you know enough English to conduct your life in USA.

I think the reason which international student would have such a question is that they all come from national countries. And the majority of countries in the world is formed by a single ethic group, or at least the ethic groups that share a similar language. (So EU is base on Latin) It is actually odd that China as a national country could united with Hong Kong when they use a spoken different languages, and different written languages. However, United States is unique in the aspect which is united on a abstract basis such as a constitution instead of other inborn characteristics such as ethnic groups. Although the majority at the time United States is formed is coming from Britain, but there are other immigrants from other national countries like Germany, Israel, Italy and various part of Africa. So USA has the name of melting pot because there is no absolute majority or minority in USA, and the guiding principle of domestic policy is to give equal opportunity to everyone regardless of race, religion and origin.

It does so happen that I am popular among International Student, and made friend with many Americans without able to speak their language as fluently as they do. They and other International Students eventually adapt to my Cantonese-style English without any complain. It may not have much to do with my excellence in the subject I major than the sheer force of my intellect.

So my advise to all student that would like to study in any place other than their native countries is: Do you best in what you are doing, straighten up your priorities. People will have to adapt to you, which is a better policy. If one day I ever had the opportunity to speak in UN, I guess I would choose to speak my native tongue!

2008年8月9日 星期六



2008年8月8日生肖猜不猜到是什麼?當然是中國人最喜歡的龍了,五行中極之偏向金,即日主自己,換句話說是次奧運中共會成為焦點(沒有說明是因 好事還是壞事),五行中木極少:即因此而得財政收入是超小的,和現實的情況完全乎合;但是奇就奇在代表職位壓力的火也是小的,是不是代表本來北京奧運不應 產生這麼大的壓力,而是中共庸人自擾?代表能源消秏的水就相對較大。
其實今天本來是不錯,五行亦沒有什麼不利之處,但是今天日主是龍,偏偏中共因迷信八字會發財,因此便挑在全日唯一最差的時辰來開始:晚上八時,為什麼是全日最差呢?因為甲戍時的主人為狗,剛好和日主相沖,通勝上寫着是「日時相沖 諸事不宜」。中共只好自求多福了!

2008年8月8日 星期五

轉載:公民力量 - 台港公民行宣言

(轉載自: http://euler.truthbible.net/index.php?entry=entry080807-215540)




北 京奧運,中共利用眾多外國政要出席的機會,向國內民眾展示中共政權「不可動搖的合法性」。鎮壓于內,求和於外。中共用心,無非要鞏固政權。但縱觀天下, 2008年的中國,並不安寧。從大雪災到大地震,從抱怨毫無預警到抗議豆腐渣工程,從藏區藏人舉義到貴州甕安暴動,從廣東惠州騷亂到陝西府穀抗爭,從浙江 玉環衝突到雲南孟連流血,從北京刀客斬殺上海公安到昆明公車連環爆炸案……險象環生,驚恐不斷。







中國公民力量 2008年8月…

(轉載自: http://euler.truthbible.net/index.php?entry=entry080807-215540)

One World, One Dream: Take down the Great Firewall!

Hello brothers and sisters in hacking,

Since advent of computer, hacker has been playing a critical role in the advancement of humanity from Linux to Internet. However, the most repressive regime of People’s Republic of China has transform China into biggest prison of all time. People has no right of movement, no speech freedom and no freedom of thought. How does it enforce all this: The Great Firewall with corroboration of evil corporation like Microsoft and Google. It do much more than a mere censorship tool, it a powerful tool to manipulate the public opinion, it create a false impression that people of China would approve the act of government. It turn civilian into mob ready to attack anything China government doesn’t like at its order. What good does Internet brought to China when Great Firewall is there?

So, my wish is you wish is very simple: Let’s take down the last wall separating the most populous country from the rest of world. Return the Right of Information to the Chinese, and let Chinese join the rest of the world. Take down the wall of Babel!

One world, One dream: Break the electronic Great wall

My maze idea today

This idea applies to Pac-Man or any game using maze. Usually there is a power-up in the four corners of the maze so it could turn the role of Pac-Man to Ghost-eater. i.e. Originally it would have to avoid running in ghost for survival, now ghost would have to avoid it for survival. The task of the game is to eat all balls in the maze by passing through all the possible pathway in the maze.

My idea is that, instead of placing neutral ball along the pathway in the maze, there are positive power-up and negative power-down along the these balls. And each time they are distributed randomly with half and half. The idea of power-up is that when the Pac-Man running across a +(Yang) balls, it would increase its strength, therefore move faster, and when the strength is above certain threshold, it would be able to eliminate any ghost it encounter. On the other end, every time it running across - (Ying) balls, the strength of itself would decrease therefore it would move slower, and when the strength is below certain threshold, any ghost could eliminate it.

This illustrate the idea of dynamically changing advantage(Nobody has an absolute upper hand or lower hand for a fix period of time). So neither ghost or Pac-Man has an absolute advantage or disadvantage against each other. The advantage and disadvantage would change by the movement of Pac-Man. The goal of the game is either it visited four corners of the maze, to eat all the balls or eaten all the Ghost. It is like a new kind of game mixing the idea of chess and computer game.

(One complexity we can add into the game is either the Pac-Man can endure so much power-up that it will explode or adding the power-up above the maximum threshold doesn’t affect the status of Pac-Man at all. )


(轉載: http://atheistdemo.wordpress.com/2008/08/07/%e5%a6%82%e4%bd%95%e6%89%93%e6%93%8a%e5%8c%97%e4%ba%ac%e5%a5%a7%e9%81%8b/)


上次Take it to the UN是比較少的事,但我以為:
1. 歐洲民意一向重視人權,而他們對中共國其實並無好感;
2. 北京奧運是世界大事;
3. 北京奧運在事實侵犯了人權:
A. 奧運其間歐洲運動員將失去部份網絡自由,參加的歐洲國家是不是共犯?
B. 香港的奧運馬術比賽侵犯觀衆的表達自由,有沒有違反國際人權公約(因奧運馬術比賽屬於奧運場地);
C. 因為北京奧運而被拘補的維權人仕,即北京奧運加速中國人權倒退;
D. 不妨提一提陳巧文事件及保良局女生網誌事件,香港人的言論自由因北京奧運被侵犯;

誰寫投訴信(我的表達能力麻麻)?可以一封去歐盟 (香港人在法律上算是歐盟公民),其他去歐洲議會各成員國,另一封我找美國公民分別轉寄到美國共和黨及民主黨。

2008年8月6日 星期三


甜與酸不是在化學上對立,只是在人的神經系統演化中,即人的舌頭中,甜與酸的感覺是互相排斥。甜與酸唯一算得上在某種意義上相反的地方,是的甜的東西放得 太耐變酸,而人體需要甜的東西作為能量來源,但酸的東西因為是欠缺能量或者是已經變壞,甚至對人的健康有害,因此人天生有一種喜甜厭酸的趨向。因為人的神 經系統的設計給予甜與酸一種相反的具體表現在,如果吃完甜的東西不去喝位水清清口腔(清洗味覺神經的記憶),再去吃比較不甜的東西,人就會覺得酸。

Specific Heat Capacity varies as temperature vary?

I remember that when I was studying in Secondary School, Physics taught me the formula which is E=mcΔT. It implies that the amount of energy required to increase an object is directly proportional to its increase of temperature, which seems very reasonable to me. Since I suppose the implicit assumption in Physics is that there is not net different in terms of energy between the increase of temperature from x°C to x+1°C and increase of temperature from y°C to y+1°C when x is not equal to y. An inherent uniformity of nature across the temperature is thus assumed.
So you can imagine my shock when I later learn that in Advance Physics there is a concept know as specific heat capacity at a specific temperature, i.e. it implies there is a difference in terms of energy between the increase of temperature from x°C to x+1°C and increase of temperature from y°C to y+1°C when x is not equal to y. Thus, uniformity of nature across the temperature is just an assumption by naive Physicist. Since energy reflect the internal state of a material, thus the nature of an iron in 5°C compare to an iron in 10°C is different. How different and what is the difference? How to account for this difference?


環保的觀念,自我小學以來就耳熟能詳,在最低層次說來,把現有的天然資源盡量利用,別浪費,以免對地球做成不可挽回的破壞,最後傷及人類自己本身。這個理 念簡單直接,一說便明白了,要明白也很簡單。但是,當把這個觀念用在水上面就出了問題,因為其他的天然資源在本身的性質上是可供任何人在正常的情況下多次 使用,例如:寫字用的紙,用鉛筆寫完後可以再寫,而第一次用來寫字和第十次用來寫字的分別不大。但是水一是供人飲用,既然是飲用,當然是只可以用一次;如 果是用來清潔的話,水是會愈用愈髒,第一次用和第十次用水的效果當然不同,因為後者我們用的是水的清潔能力,而它是和水被用的次數成反比,但是紙的載上字 體能力,卻不會因多次使用而大顯箸下降,因此紙可以再用,水卻不可以再用。在某種意義下,因為當我們用水時,用的是它的清潔能力,而它的清潔能力是直接和 水的可重用性掛勾,用水時侯我們不是在用水,我們其實是在消秏水的可重用性,因此提倡環保用水在邏緝是自相矛盾的。

2008年8月5日 星期二

Alex-Euler Static Generator III


Alex-Euler Static Generator V


AESG via Parallel Path


A Generator design from Euler(I)

A Generator design from Euler(II)


A Generator design from Euler(IV)


A Generator design from Euler(III)

A method for amplification of Electrical energy


A Generator design from Euler(VII)


A Generator design from Euler(VI)


A method for amplification of Magnetic energy


Magnetic Generator Concept from Euler


A method for amplification of Magnetic energy(II)


Magnetic Generator Concept from Euler(II)


Method to implement Non-Dragging Generator(V)


Method to implement Non-Dragging Generator(VI)


Method to implement Non-Dragging Generator(VII)


Method to implement Non-Dragging Generator(VIII)



(轉載: http://euler.truthbible.net/index.php?entry=entry080803-213831)

你們都知網上流傳「北京奧運出問題及2008年中共變天」得很厲害,因此我寫了這篇東西, 順帶傳了一個URL及一句「Now, I guess I could put a thousand bucks on Beijing Olympic not happening.」即中文的「我和你輸賭1000美元北京奧運不發生」給我一位朋友,誰知今天早上收到他的一個電話,說我是為政治而瘋狂、無人性、走 火入魔,因為我朋友和大陸有生意往來,但怕被人知道我在搞反動,而他會因此被「文革」式清算。一來,他因為恐慌,又不太懂英文,所以想我必是沒有一句好 話,因此把「Bucks」想成了是炸彈,所以他說我不要害他一家五口!

一: 他是因為什麼而被清算呢? 因為看了一篇說北京奧運頭頭踫着黑的文篇(是事實!),再加我幾句冷嘲熱諷?原來看反動文章,有反動思想就是有罪,不可以和中共國的商人做生意,怪不得他 只看東方日報了。(我知其實他不是因為政治理由而轉看東方日報的) 如此的說法,在慣於政治鬥爭的中共國也是奇事,是不是寫的人有罪而看的人無罪呢? 否則大紀元日報/BBC/CNN/美國之音天天導致中共國數以十萬的人坐牢了,看/寫蘋果日報的人最好不要番大陸公幹,小心被人批鬥! 一個普普通通的香港人,為了糊口及中共的所謂「中國盛世」,竟然可以甘願降格為奴,想主人所想,怕主人所怕,香港人是不是淪落成如此?是不是再過十年,我 們連自己人的說話中,都要天天三呼中共萬歲才可以在香港生存?如此的香港,如此的中共盛世!

二. 另外的是,當我的文章真的是在煽動革中共的命,革命是一個理性的決定,而不是今天忽然心情不好,是故想去革命了;因此是如何的瘋狂、無人性、走火入魔麼? 是不是毛澤東要革中華民國的命是瘋狂、無人性、走火入魔呢?是不是洪秀全要革清朝的命是瘋狂、無人性、走火入魔呢?是不是孫中山要革清朝的命是瘋狂、無人 性、走火入魔呢?由瘋狂、無人性、走火入魔的人革的命,會成功是奇蹟,即使成功了恐怕出現的是另一個獨裁恐佈政權吧?到底是革命者瘋狂、無人性、走火入魔 呢?還是被革命的政權瘋狂、無人性、走火入魔?是不是革命者被當權者稱為瘋狂、無人性、走火入魔,因此革命者就是革命者瘋狂、無人性、走火入魔呢?

我看到的是泛道德主義思考的恐懼和對中共國文化大革命的陰影如Panic attack一樣的發作,當如此的人一陷於由泛道德主義思考而引起的政治恐慌時,則什麼英文文法/語義學及幽默感都失去了,實則上,李柱銘最近的「抵制奧運風波」、沙朗史東的「四川地震活該(Karma)論」都是犯了基本上的語義學上的錯誤,和文化大革命時把「一個管紅、一個管白」因此白的是在搞反動(批鬥華國鋒)的「邏緝」大同小異。
如 此恐佈的香港,如此恐佈的北京奧運,如此恐佈的中共政府,怪不得自中共成以來,反共成了一個有代表性的名詞,反共既有「亂臣賊子」的含意,亦有依自己良心 不滿中共所作所為不合道德的光環,如此算來,中共是任何一個正常的人不反不可的東西,怪不得全天下都在反共了。撐中共者,都是為了名利出賣理性、良心的 人!

How can we live like that? Can we still call ourselves human being?

2008年8月2日 星期六


中共國誕生於1949年10月1日,誕生數為7,7即政治,而中共國建國後內鬥不斷,似乎和7代表人性的黑暗面十分配合;而中華民國於1911年10月 10日出世,誕生數為5,5即享受、放縱及自由,因此它有的不是政治問題,依數字學來論,應是不節制做成的問題。7和5爭起來,應是工於心計的7勝出的機 會較大,但7如何管好5,卻是天下間最頭痛的問題。香港特區的出生日為1997年7月1日,算起上來比中共國有更多的7,因此難怪無論中共及香港特區如何 努力去政治化,香港社會的政治化卻好像比中共還要嚴重,而人心的陰暗面可以比中共更恐佈。所以純以數字學來論,中共是天生命格在政治方面不及香港,因此難 以駕馴,反而中共較容易理解台灣的一舉一動,只要不損及台灣人的基本自由,還可以過得去,但和香港似乎是非玩政治遊戲不可。

2008年8月1日 星期五

To have more fun with China's Great Firewall(3)

To create even more trouble for the infamous Great Firewall of China which is the tool to suppress the freedom of thought/freedom of information and freedom of expression, there are limitless way. I would like to add to the complexity of the task of GFW: there are various way of inputting different subset of Chinese character like Simplex, Cantonese, 4-corners, first 3 stroke…. etc. So Chinese character could be simplified as far as to the input of a particular method, but the output. For instance democracy(民主) could be written as 口心(RP)2 卜土(YG)1, (Chinese Communist Party)中國共產黨 as 中(L)1 田一(WM)1 廿金(TC)1 卜一(YM)7 火火(FF) X1 (Simplex), which the last number could be display using diagram or picture. Now the GFW will not see anything abnormal about this as in a webpage since it can never understand the intentionality of each type of data. We then left with the task to write a simple program that interpret them as input, and output it as Chinese text.
For the more sophisticate type, the clue for inputting method should use anything but plain text.
To reverse engineering this ‘cipher’, the Great Firewall would have to know all encoding method and all Chinese inputting method, that would increase the time it took for 100 times.
(You can use it in combination with my other ideas to be more effective. I would prefer to add another layer of complexity by written the alphabet as number: 18.16.2 25.7.1 20.2.8 26.8.6 or 十八.十六.二 廿五.七.一 二十.二.八 廿六.八.六! )


中文有上十種不同的輸入方法,中文輸入方法的流程都是用者以2至6個英文加數字來輸入,而軟件則以一個中文字為輸出。例如:民主革命在簡易輸入法為口心 (RP)2. 卜土(YG)1. 廿十(TJ)3. 人中(OL)6,假如全篇中文文章都用中文字碼的輸入部份及數字表示,則金盾不可能分得到口心2. 卜土1. 廿十3. 人中6 或 (RP)2. (YG)1. (TJ)3. (OL)6,的用意是一篇夾了數字的中文文章,還只是一堆數據,還是一種密碼。再者,為了增加它分析的難度,數字可以用中文字或有數字的圖像表示,剩下來 的就只是如何令讀者看得懂這篇文章的解碼工具了,這是個相當容易開發的軟件。當這一篇文篇到了金盾手中,一定是要用非常手段才可以分得出它是篇「加密」的 中文文篇,但因為它不知道對方用什麼輸入法及最後的數字是什麼,除非是用人手,否則用自動內容審查軟件一定要花上比平時幾千幾萬部的運算資源。如果一篇文 章有100字,它就要試上10^100次(未算其他的中文輸入法),如此一來,自動內容審查軟件便失去了它的經濟效益。
(更有趣的玩法是: 口心二. 卜土一. 廿十三. 人中六 或 18.16.2. 26.7.1. 20.10.3. 15.17.6 或 十八.十六.二 廿六.七.一 二十.十.三 十五.十七.六 或 18.心.二 廿六.土.1 廿.10.三 人.十七.6; 金盾,和北京奧運一樣,都是虛有其表的東西! )


中 國流行的易經六十四卦好像有個現象是「迴光返照」,即事件/人/生命由最好變最壞以致敗亡時,會有一剎那最後的輝煌,好像是為了留給世人一個最好的印象。 最近香港的天氣熱到無譜,我忽然想起中共最愛是紅色,即五行中的火,火最猛烈時天氣不會很熱嗎?然而這是強弩之未,最近天氣是不是有這樣的象徵意義呢?