2009年1月28日 星期三


選擇以「逃出魔幻紀」為結束今年也曉有意思的,它的意思是遊戲一但開始了,就會有許多意料不到的事發生,現實世界甚至轉化成魔幻世界,參與者一定要完成這個遊戲,生活才會一切如常,事情回到原來的起點,而且將來變成一個比未曾玩過遊戲時更美好的版本。一如七一反基遊行之後,世局奇妙的變化開始了,只要各位反基玩家繼續玩下去,有一天它會結束的,世界會回到更美好的起點(即 2007/7/1當時,可能我當時暈倒了,現在的現實是暈倒以後的幻覺!);但是,要是其中有人以為中途棄權就可以結束的話, 就是痴心妄想了要回複正常。做人做事得堅持到底才會有結果,完成一局才可以走出這遊戲,否則喜歡不喜歡,遊戲還是會自己繼續玩下去,一如(令中共滅亡)程式啟動了之後就不可以暫停。

A few Directions on our war against YOUTUBE censorship

(From: http://euler.truthbible.net/index.php?entry=entry090127-232143)

1. Continue to apply for new account to upload the banned animation, then email me or Ohmygod@truthbible, post the link to youtube video in your website/blog. Please state in CLEAR and concise manner that the link to youtube video is what you just uploaded, and place also the link to banned video. We perfer YOUTUBE for several reasons:
A. To embrasses YOUTUBE;
B. To act as undeniable evidence that YOUTUBE has exercise censorship base on the content of the uploaded video.

2. Use email/telephone/fax to complain against YOUTUBE's censorship at its Hong Kong substation in Chinese, and in English to the mother company of YOUTUBE: Google in USA. Please send us a copy as an evidence that a complain is lodged against YOUTUBE, to prevent YOUTUBE using time to dilute the negative effect on its own misbehavior.

3. Complain that to Media, Newspaper, TV/Radio station in your country, and email/fax one to me or OMG as a reference. Then you can place the complain in your website/blog along with the name of media/reporter; that is to give the media public press. And let us identify who is truly speaking for the people.

4. Ask the Atheist/Secularist/Humanist/Liberal of all nations to translate this banned Bible animation to their own language and upload to the YOUTUBE server located at their own country. That is extending the effect of 1 globally. We could also initialize the competition for the Best Bible Animation, to make truthbible the hub for Global Atheism/Secularism/Humanism/Liberalism. Let's make Banned Bible Animation a symbol of speech freedom!




兩年前我曾投訴聖經不雅,現在聖經真的被youtube封殺了!果然是「凡祈求的、就得著(馬太福音7:8)」!奧姐姐今次說了兩個故事,第一個就是「祈禱的威力」。為什麼保守基督徒都是唯我獨尊,常常刪掉他們不喜歡的東西呢?原來這是源於聖經的教導!大家收看第二個故事「有佢講冇人講」便會明白!現在互聯網已經諸多制肘,但政府還要修改淫審條例加強監管,更要過濾網頁!回顧過往政府的裁決,不難找到荒謬與偏袒的例子,例如中大學生報及明報引述學生報時提及亂倫被評為不雅,而明光社及神學生文章引述同樣內容卻不用送檢。若果不想將來更多東西被封殺,請到http: //nocensorshiphk..com 參與一人一信反對吧!不滿保守基督徒干政的,可於網頁中「更多意見」一項中輸入: -強烈要求公開所有審裁員的宗教背景。 -不少非基督徒網友均表示曾申請審裁員一職,但不獲受理,故本人強烈要求公開審裁員的雇用條件。 -為免利益衝突,若果被送檢的物品與審裁員的信仰有所衝突時,應改由沒宗教信仰的審裁員去審裁。例如牽涉基督教、其他宗教或民間信仰、賭博、同性戀或任何有關性的物品的均不可由有基督教背景的審裁員處理。

2007年七一反基遊行發言人 尤拉張








2009年1月27日 星期二

Donald Tseung’s Game on ‘Reforming’ of censorship system

(From: http://euler.truthbible.net/index.php?entry=entry090127-232319)

Now I had been busy waging war against YOUTUBE’s indecent censorship of Atheist video(Bible animation), maybe it would tempt some of you to think I care only about the right and interest of atheist. Actually, how can I not aware of the pointless dispute in domestic violence ordinance waged by self-righteous Christian Right, but the acute concern is about HKSAR’s consultation paper on reforming(strengthening) censorship, or the so-called Article 23 of the Internet.It is trivial to see what Communist China’s plan in mind: First, Article 23 of the Internet; then copy the Article 23 from Macau, and lastly the Universal Suffrage completely under Communist China’s control. That is to tilt the playing field to the favor of Chinese Communist’s favor, namely DAB. This assignment either to be done by Donald Tseung, or the one replace him as the puppet head of HKSAR.

What is the game plan of Donald Tseung?
We can’t assume that HKSAR doesn’t know that such a proposal of strengthening censorship bodies would met with fierce opposition from liberals and Netizens, giving Pro-Democratic politician a handy cause to relay support after Edison Chen’s scandal.So the same storyline once again, BIG battle between Pro-Democratic and Pro-Beijing political parties; which giving another chance for the rising star of Pro-Democratic camp: League of Social Democrat to bring the battle to the footstep of conservative politician’s door literally. At the battle field of Legislative Council, what Donald Tseung is looking at the logical consequence of blood fight: All proposal to slightly change the government’s proposal are shut down by partisanship, allowing the original proposed reform of censorship passed.

Or what Donald Tseung’s strategy is making the demand of the strengthening the censorship system so high that he don’t expect that to be truly implemented. He would then pretend to give it to the demand of Pro-Democratic parties and liberal in the middle, which is what original expected, so he is playing ‘hard to get’. Since the opening demand is so high: ISP filter the content before it reach any Netizen, when yield to the middle by ‘public pressure’ already fulfill his goal(like mandate filtering software for each parent demanded from ISP), then later Communist China can work behind the door with the software manufacture by expanding the keyword list. If this play well, his rating may boost despite a crack is already placed in the liberality of HKSAR.

The last case scenario is a familiar one just like Article 23. When he start the consultation of reforming the censorship system, what he expect is a dogfight by left and right so the proposal end up rejected. Such a would further deepen the wound between left and right, but the consequence would be the trouble of predecessor and Communist China, so it is not his concern. He satisfy the demand of Communist China by left the existing censorship system that is tilted to the favor of conservative intact, he step further to remain in the status quo.

This is the troublesome reality which HK is looking at. By simple logical extrapolation, Universal Suffrage can’t wait until 2012 or 2017 if it is to be implemented by HKSAR under Communist China’s rule.

2009年1月24日 星期六


1. 上一代常常「將心比己」,下一代「自我中心」,然則兩代都是沒有同理心,甚之堂而皇之,拒絕承認其他人和自己是不同的獨立個體/個性。前者可能還會有良好的「利他」動機,後者近乎完全不考慮他人,對心儀的對象貼貼服服,毫無自尊,對一般人只是盡量利用;

2. 上一代:工作的目的是賺錢,賺錢的目的是生活,人是為了生活而生活;
下一代: 工作的目的不一定是為賺錢,賺錢的目的不一定是為生活,人不單是為了生活而生活。

3. 舊: 男權主義,男主外女主內,男人一定要賺錢養家,女人就是為了服待丈夫而生存,女性的社會地位來自丈夫的社會地位,因此婚姻的目標是為了將來幸福:因此要嫁入豪門;
新: 男女權視乎誰賺的錢較多,誰更被社會尊重,男人女人都是為了自己而生存,因此婚姻的目標是享受,因此要嫁入豪門。

4. 舊: 生存一定要適應社會,忍受一切的不公平和不合理,只要能生存已經是萬幸; 新一代會比較傾向於相信自己有改變社會的力量,但香港1997年後犬儒主義盛行,對社會及世界冷膜。

5. 舊一代欠缺公民意識,「各家自掃門前雪,那管他人瓦上霜!」,家族意識強烈,不理社會事務,只掛着營生,例如我父母每次說話都強調「自己人」及其他人的分別,甚為討厭我去管社會的事,因為於上一代而言,政治是官府的事,不是平民百姓的事;新一代的公民意識及歸屬感明顯較強;

6. 舊一代欠缺環保意識,不理自然和人的關係,只求有得吃,有得穿;新一代較箸重自己行為對環境及生態的影響,明白到經濟不可能無限向上發展,同時,人類和其他生物是平等的,要保護其他生命的存在及尊嚴。

7. 舊一代以為讀書自然會發達,書中自有黃金屋,書中自有顏如玉,不明白讀書的本義不是為考試,或者是死記知識,而是訓練頭腦如何去分析及處理資訊。

8. 舊一代有差不多精神,凡事粗略,不求甚解,不求真,例如1時15分只會說差不多2時;新一代較有科學精神,凡事要有證據及理由,要有邏緝,不可以得過且過。

2009年1月22日 星期四


(轉載自: http://www.nocensorshiphk.com, )

請各位不要再受瞞騙! 青年不是沉默的一群,也不是被動受害的一群!


「青年必受色情暴力資訊荼毒」? 誤導大眾才是真正的荼毒心智!

青少年被諮詢文件定為「易受外界影響的人士」,蘇局長! 請你不要再假裝在這份諮詢文件內沒有放入任何立場或假設。由封面的標題(「齊享健康資訊」)、構圖(三個年青人的相片)開始佈局,早已擺好操控青少年接受性資訊權的圈套。在我們青少年討論甚麼資訊是健康、不健康之先,諮詢文件早就聚焦於如何修補現有制度的問題上,令「成年人接收資訊方面不會受到不恰當的限制,但同時可以給予青少年適當的保護」 (見諮詢文件中文版第三十頁)。這等於是將「青少年的心智必定比成人遜色,所以要受保護,這就是青年的權利!」的迷思合理化!

青少年會犯罪,成年人也一樣會,難道可以倒過來說成年人心智一定不夠青年人成熟?假設青年人是易受荼毒的群體,簡直就是反智先驗論的鐵證。大家長主義思維可謂昭然若揭! 難道還想誤導大眾,這種以保護為名、剝奪青少年選擇權利為實的荒謬邏輯就是道德、就是真理?蘇局長你說過即使過濾軟件有問題(如將提供較整全的性資訊網站家計會等等也過濾掉),家長仍擁有開鎖密碼, 可因時制宜。作為青少年不禁要問,我們的主動權在哪? 無論過濾機制做得否是否完善,出發點都只是建基於也「青年沒有能力及權利成為選擇資訊的主動者」。


作為公民,無論是成人或青少年,根據世界性學會議的「性權宣言」(1999世界性學學會) 每個人均有權利接受各種性資訊。有關當局根本無權以「資訊荼毒青少年」為名,限制資訊的流通。是否接收是青少年本身的決定,選擇權應歸於青少年,而非淫審處。為了保障公民接收資訊的權利,我們要求政府延開有關是否將現有制度廢存的討論,而絕非將現有的惡法修修補補,企圖瞞天過海!


青少年和成年人一樣有血有肉,有性也有情慾,亦有權接收相關資訊。面對現在落後而保守的性教育,我們甚至有權相信,網上世界的性資訊對青年人來說才是至為重要的性啟蒙/參考資料庫。整份諮詢文件立足於如何保護青少年免受荼毒,可笑的是,有關「不雅資訊是否會令青少年被傷害的任何量化/質化研究均隻字不提! 與此同時,文件刻意迥避各類性資訊為青少年所帶來的正面功能。只是單向地想像在各類資訊自由流通的情況下,青年人的心靈一定會被污染,不再符合社會認為青少年應該是純真和乖乖聽話的標準要求。可想而知,預設「對性資訊採開放態度就會導致道德淪喪」,只是一個恐嚇青年和家長的假象。當我們荷蘭當地推行的性教育對各類性交、性取向和性口味等等的覆蓋面可算是鉅細無遺,但墮胎及未婚懷孕率也不見得會比其他地區高。因此,請負責制定諮詢文件及推動討論的相關部門先做好持平、廣泛的資料搜集,不要急著為自己狹獈眼光而聲淚俱下地辯護,這樣做絕對無助於為社會帶來多贏局面。







讓青年擁有性權, 讓我們為自身的性及社會道德,盡公民責任!


A simple method to approximate square root without calculator

I thought of this when I am in Secondary School which I love to compete with calculator for speed and accuracy. I encounter a problem when to calculate square root of 5, there is no built-in mechanism for my brain to square root. So how?
Then I remember that
or (X+1/2X)^2=1+X^2+1/X^2
Since 5=2^2+1, therefore we first approximate square root of 5 by 2, to add one in the square of the result, we need 2+1/4.
However, although the square of 2+1/4 is closer to 5 than 2, but there is an excess of square of 1/4 or 1/16 from the real square root. That is an error of 6.25%.
To eliminate this excess value, we remember that (X-1/X)^2=X^2-2+1/X^2
or (X-1/2X)^2=X^2-1+1/X^2
So we can try 2+1/4-(1/16/(2+1/4)/2), which would give us the excess of (1/16/(2+1/4)/2) squared, i.e. an excess of 1/72 squared or 1/5104. We are thus now making error of only 0.02% from the true value of square root of 5. That is good enough for most purpose.

The general methodology is like this: Suppose we need to find the square root of X^2+q.
Then we first approximate it by nearest square root, i.e. X, and remember we need to make the difference of q.
Thus the next step is adding q/2X to X for suppling this difference, giving an excess of q^2/4X^2.
Yet another step is treating the answer X+q/2X as X in the first step and difference as the q then we try to eliminate the difference by X-q/2X.
We could repeat the process however many times until the answer reach the accuracy we needed.

2009年1月21日 星期三


(轉載自: http://euler.truthbible.net/index.php?entry=entry090121-012739)

1. 繼續以新戶口(以防戶口無故被刪)來上載被刪的短片,然後電郵給我或Ohmygod@truthbible.net,張貼在自己的網誌/網頁/網家,不過必須清楚註明原來的短片被YOUTUBE無理刪除,及原來被刪短片的URL,盡量讓任何人看到,即時可以理解發生什麼事。用YOUTUBE來上載,

2. 打電話/寫電郵/用傳真投訴YOUTUBE香港分站,同時亦可投訴到它的母公司Google,最後留一份傳底給我或 Ohmygod@truthbible.net作證據,不過YOUTUBE未必會即時處理,可能用拖字訣,直到事件被遺忘為止。因此,可以把它的回覆貼到自己網頁/網家/網誌,令它備受公衆壓力!

3. 打電話/寫電郵/用傳真到香港各傳媒投訴YOUTUBE,最後留一份傳底給我或Ohmygod@truthbible.net作證據,如果記者/聯絡人未能即時處理,或用拖字訣,可以把它的回覆貼到自己網頁/網家/網誌,令它備受公衆壓力。此舉的目的是令YOUTUBE在香港的形象受損,同時亦可進照妖鏡,看看哪一份報紙真的是敢言,肯為公義發聲!

4. 號召全世界的無神論者,自由派,世俗主義者及支持言論自由的人仕團體,把本短片翻譯成各國語言,繼續上載到YOUTUBE,把1的效果擴張到全世界;同時,亦可以舉辦「不雅聖經短片創作比賽」,以致把Truthbible變成全球無神論的中樞/焦點,Truthbible成全球支持言論自由的象徵!


2009年1月20日 星期二


(轉載自: http://euler.truthbible.net/index.php?entry=entry090120-035016)

近來天天打YOUTUBE言論審查,可能有人會以為我才關心無神論者的議題,而不理香港社會的大事,我不是不關心「家暴條例」的鬧劇,不過我更關心 的是「網絡廿三條」的立法問題,因為依中共的盤算「網絡廿三條」之後是以澳門為例子的廿三條,一切都是為親建派度身訂做最有利的選舉環境,中共不怕為23 條再換一次特首,反正再上台的都只是它的傀儡!


還是它一開始開天索價,提出連它自己都感到離譜(如要求ISP預早過濾連成人都不宜的內容),然後落地還錢(如強制ISP提供內容分級),因為一開 始時訂定太離譜,所以中間才是它想要的目標;幾經泛民主派/自由派努力「爭取」,才中間着墨,如此一來,就一舉兩得,又給人從善如流的印象。

甚至像普選一樣,其實它目標就是利用左右派不和來令文件被否決,如此一來就可以保持現狀,讓基督右派繼續壟斷淫審標準,還有籍口推到社會「沒有共識」,所以一動不如一靜, 是香港人自己唔生性,唔關政府事;代價是香港社會更分化,當然這是下一任特首的事了。



(轉載自: http://euler.truthbible.net/index.php?entry=entry090120-024517)




YOUTUBE則不作好事,為了取悅全力支持香港特區政府以道德之名行言論審查之實的基督右派明光社,在雙普選發生前實行香港版的金盾工程(Great Firewall of China),它刪除了無神論的影片,而且想辦法毀屍滅漬!


Euler at euler.truthbible.net

轉載: 為什麼YOUTUBE刪片關你的事?

(轉載自: http://euler.truthbible.net/index.php?entry=entry090120-011912)

如果你是無神論者,YOUTUBE刪片明顯是以為我們一盤散沙好欺負,(就我所知)相反就不敢GLBT的短片分毫,以為基右財雄勢大,又得到香港建制派的 撐腰,泛民主派有道德包腑,不敢亂說亂動,,更有望取悅中共,把「不穩定因素消滅在萌牙狀態」,望有一天在中共國內開設分站,如此政治正確的事,本少利 大,為何不挑最弱的欺負?明光社一衆基督右派聯同YOUTUBE已踩到我們頭上,還不爆發,更待何時?

如 果你是GLBT社團的一員,無神論者獲YOUTUBE如此厚愛,成為首個被完全消音的案侈,還不是為了表達對GLBT的人道關懷?痛心基督右派在家暴條例 的盲目不仁和偽君子?此短片除了用聖經以「子之矛攻子之盾」外,提出了聖經內有亂倫故事的事實,有什麼色情/暴力/引人犯罪的內容?如果如此的內容,純綷 因為和基督右派意見不同,就不容於全世界最自由的互聯網路空間,更何況一些被主流社會視為「更激進」的同志神學內容?或同志小說?

如果你 是基督教徒,想一想YOUTUBE刪片背後的邏緝及心態是什麼?我們只是借聖經來表達對香港時事的看法,順帶可以說是對某一派基督徒的意見,同時可以勉強 說成對聖經的一種解讀。因我們和在基督教中的當權者看法不同,就立刻遭封殺,如果他日你不同意基督教教會對時事的看法(如性工作者,性權,香港的民主發 展,教會內的貪污腐敗),你很自然會用聖經的說話來表達自己的意見,YOUTUBE可以用同樣的邏緝及心態,因你對聖經的一種解讀不同主流,所以意見自動 被消音,你想見到這樣的一天嗎?

如果你是政治上的保守派,想一想YOUTUBE刪片是促進香港社會和諧,還是為火藥味本來極重的家暴條例 爭議火上加油?現在世界經濟不景,香港特區的管治權威望每下愈況,激進左派勢力如日中天,YOUTUBE由美國自由派把持,是真正想幫香港特區忙,還是想 幫倒忙?幫手推倒香港特區的統治?


如 果你是泛民主派支持者,自由是民主發展的基石,沒有表達不同意見的自由,沒有渠道讓非主流的團體發聲,民主會不會發展成「多數暴政」,甚至成為法西斯主義 的溫床呢?今次YOUTUBE統綷是因我們和主流社會對聖經的見解不同,就急於「政治正確」,把異見消滅在萌牙狀態,他日會不會以同樣手段為爭取民主普選 的網民消音,令傳媒/互聯網意見一面倒向親建制派,來保證2012的民主普選由親建制勝出?

2009年1月19日 星期一

Google: Do no evil, Youtube: DO ALL EVIL!

Hello friends,


First Google say: DO NO EVIL, then it cooperate with Communist China to filter out dissident websites;

Now amid the YOUTUBE removed an Atheist animation of Bible to appease the Christian Right(like Society of Truth and Light) in Hong Kong, who fully support the implementation of Great Firewall in Hong Kong.

Which is more evil?

Atheist Activist

Why should you concern about banned Bible animation?

Copy the following code as your email signature, or place it in your blog or website to MAKE a statement against YOUTUBE censorship.

Click here for a higher resolution:TruthBible.net

If you are atheist, clearly this is a cause for concern. YOUTUBE banned the animation because ATHEIST are a minority in the world, therefore they can do whatever they like to us. Let's demonstrate to them how 'minority' is us!

IIf you are an Atheist, clearly this is a cause for concern. YOUTUBE banned the animation because ATHEIST are a minority in the world, therefore they can do whatever they like to us. Let's demonstrate to them how POWERFUL is when we are united!

If you are part of GLBT community, you are also the minority in the majority of countries; YOUTUBE would have the same mindset toward your group. Moreover, YOUTUBE can use the excuse of contain ADULT and SEXUAL material to prohibit your from expressing yourself in video.

If you are Christian, then YOUTUBE prohibited you from expressing your opinion using Biblical passage, and they can proceed to use excuse of violent and adult content to prohibit ANY PART OF BIBLE appear in YOUTUBE;

If you are non-Christian but a religious person; surely they can find some part of your 'Holy Book' inappropriate to some groups of people in the world. If YOUTUBE doesn't like your religion, that is the precedent they follow;

If you are liberal, it is clear that our society can't survive without adequately informed citizen. By banning this animation, YOUTUBE demonstrates that it has the means to make anyone submit to its opinion, and this time the opinion of YOUTUBE is 'Bible is moral'.

If you are conservative, don't you think that one day the tide may turn against you. And when your OPINION is unpopular(like Pro-Gun and Pro-Death penalty), you opinion would disappear from YOUTUBE just like ours?

Donald Tseung want HK to develop Computer Animation industry,

(From: http://euler.truthbible.net/index.php?entry=entry090119-032831)

And YOUTUBE's response to Hong Kong is CLEAR and LOUD.
The action speak louder than its word/principle, if it has any principle at ALL!

Hong Kong citizen should refrain from use animation in any inappropriate, sensitive, controversial, unpopular and indecent material
; WHATEVER THESE TERMS DEFINE BY THE HKSAR'S political or religion authority like Society of Truth and Light.

Hong Kong citizen can only 'DO WHAT OUR GOVERNMENT APPROVE US FOR DOING, SEE ONLY WHAT THEY WANT USE TO SEE, HEAR WHAT THEY WANT US TO HEAR' Don't be too creative, and NEVER question the status quo, NEVER doubt any word from political or religion authority like those from Christian Right.

Is that the way to develop Hong Kong's animation industry? How can Hong Kong prospers without guarantee of speech freedom? By making official animations approved by Chinese Communist Party?

Economic development of severely constrained by lack of political development since 1997, for both Hong Kong and China. Blindly focus on the former with no regard to lack is a recipe for disaster. That is common sense.

Last year is started by Edison Chen's scandal, this year is about BOYCOTT YOUTUBE!

(From: http://euler.truthbible.net/index.php?entry=entry090119-030758)

YOUTUBE is certainly a BULL govern only by impressiveness and emotion.

If you think Edison Chen's scandal is about invading privacy of celebrity as an implicit attempt to get back at the 'entertainment-political-commercial' monopolization of Hong Kong, then this is a more worthy cause of concern for all of us. Why?

Since YOUTUBE has NEVER done this to anyone before(that I known of). The deleted Bible animation is NOT pornography, contain no violence or vulgar language, it is essentially a graphical presentation of the literal Bible story(to express the opinion of an Atheist on current affair).

So this is PURELY ABOUT YOUTUBE to eliminate unpopular opinion(of Atheist). YOUTUBE deleted the video to pretend it NEVER exist in the first place, akin to how MSN search engine strive to eliminate all 'unapproved keyword' in China domain, and all indecent content in Hong Kong domain.



2009年1月18日 星期日


(轉載自: http://euler.truthbible.net/index.php?entry=entry090118-075353)





(轉載自: http://euler.truthbible.net/index.php?entry=entry090118-072205)


yahoo video/Google video等,
如果繼續用YOUTUBE,則不要忘記同時放在yahoo video/Google video,

2009年1月17日 星期六

Press Release: 'Indecent' Bible Animation from Atheist disappear from YOUTUBE without a trace

Press Release

Original: 2009/1/16
Translated 1/18
'Indecent' Bible Animation from Atheist disappear without a trace

A pastor has made slanderous and defaming comment about GLBT in the discussion of Domestic Violence Ordinance,so the original initiator of Bible complain OhmyGod make an animation of "Bedtime Bible --the Fall of Sodomites and Lot's Incest" to demonstrate the quoted passage from the Bible is actually a story promoting incest. However, this popular Bible animation doesn't stay in YOUTUBE more than half a day, it is removed and his account is immediately banned WITHOUT ANY REASONS GIVEN WHATSOEVER.

Since the last Bible complain incident, TELA of Hong Kong already classified Bible as Category I which is suitable for all ages,to protest the act of censorship against 'material deem disrupting the social harmony' by YOUTUBE, we started this 'Flood the Youtube with Indecent Biblical Animation campaign'; Does the behavior of YOUTUBE exemplify what will happen after the renew of "Obscene and indecent article ordinance" (censorship system in Hong Kong) ?

Biblical condone Incest in its passage?

For what Christian see as a story to demonstrate the fall of Sodomites due to presence of Gay and Lesbian, what we actually see in the story is much more than that. The so-called good guy Lot in the story, suggests that the mob may rape their virgin daughters in order to preserve the angels' safety. Moreover, he later impregnates his two daughters, allegedly to preserve the seeds of his bloodline. Within 3 days, truthbible website has receive more than 10k hits for this Bible animation.

Netizen demands the rationale behind the removal of Bible animation by YOUTUBE
What YOUTUBE did was removing the Bible animation,along with any trace of its existence, including banning Ohmygod's YOUTUBE account within half day. The rude behavior of YOUTUBE caused much furor among Hong Kong Netizens. It is a big cause for concern since TELA has already classified Christian Bible as category I -- suitable for all ages, why YOUTUBE abuse its authority to remove any material that may deem offensive to Society of Truth and Light -- a Christian Right organization in Hong Kong? Since the inception of this campaign, many Netizens opened new accounts just for the sake of uploading this Bible animation. It has been uploaded more than 30 times.

The censorship system has a record of biased against minority and unpopular voice,would such incident of self-censorship become commonplace in future?

Now in the Review of the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance, HKSAR suggests to mandate all ISP to provide filtering system to users, many akin that to be a Hong Kong style Great Firewall. If we review the judgment made by censorship bodies of HKSAR,we can find evidences violating common sense and logic, while in favor of established religions. For instance, the world famous CUSP questionnaire is classified as Indecent by the mere question over incest fantasy,while the reproduction of the same content in the website owned by Christian Right flagship Society of Truth and Light, TELA refused classification. In another case, Broadcasting authority STRONGLY URGE 'Gay Lover' in its alleged biased toward gay marriage; however, it refuse to process complains against TV program promoting Christian Right's 'Family Value' and Creationism. The judgments in both cases are later overthrow in expansive Highest Court that few can afford. Now, when Internet filtering is implemented, what could webmasters do to protest when their website is blocked? How could Netizens know what information are they deprived from? As 'indecent' content disappear before anyone know it!

The banned animationn:"Bedtime Bible --the Fall of Sodomites and Lot's Incest" http://truthbible.net/bloodybible/bible ... ble1.shtml


Click here for this in pdf format

[1] Unfairly complain processed by censorship bodies:
2006 Netizen complained about 星火飛騰 promoting superstition but the case is dropped from investigation.
2007 Netizen complained《Hour Of Power (ENG/CANT)》making miracle claims without scientific investigation and seeking professional explanation from Psychiatrist. Some consider it being unfair since it lack naturalistic interpretation. The case is dragging on until now.

[2] The status of the Bible animation uploaded to YOUTUBE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03WMtWgHDLY Removed by YOUTUBE
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=wbWjhxqHuAI Require Age verification
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=Yf9pa17UOpI Require Age verification
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPLhBRClsNU Removed by YOUTUBE
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=cPkBrHJcUcQ Removed by YOUTUBE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu-cydeuVso Removed by YOUTUBE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWgFkjcpXvo Removed by YOUTUBE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hgr-0zMRB8U Removed by YOUTUBE
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=wTvWTV0uGSQ Removed by YOUTUBE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5e38QzqhwY Removed by YOUTUBE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRq7sS9zwo4 Removed by YOUTUBE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DpGhKKqGPs Removed by YOUTUBE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eE-t9oUf_4 Removed by YOUTUBE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Y-UhIGQlb0 Removed by YOUTUBE
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=SvpD2raznCI Require Age verification
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMYC_biuqkM Removed by YOUTUBE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Lhx_m-UpjcRemoved by YOUTUBE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBnMYIQxf6QRemoved by YOUTUBE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiPOh0LntdERemoved by YOUTUBE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSQDLyEdDgQ Removed by YOUTUBE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyplVOZOaaA Removed by YOUTUBE

[3]Quotes from Netizens:
mm104337 (youtube)
Does that mean conservative Christian prefer Incest over 'Go Gay'?

mcdon1978 (youtube)
Protest self-censorship by YOUTUBE, return my freedom of information!
When the censorship system is place, what can we see in the Internet :'(
Speech freedom and NO CENSORSHIP!!

hac129 (youtube)
Against fundamentalist! Against censorship! We love justice!

ballballpen89 (youtube)
It is not a joke. If one day this preemptive mechanism is applied, will any of us able to see this comment?

Fai (Golden)
If Christian think Indecent Bible is an outdated concept, so why not Gay blasting in according to the outdated Bible?

Should we maintain the concept that Bible is always right?(since Bible is God's word!)

This story is about the good guy in the Lord's eye, which he send angels to save him from the falling city, which become the ancestor for the whole Shiite race. From what I see, it is a good ending for this 'good' guy(who committed incest.)
Now when we read rape cases in newspaper, however sensational is the story; it always end up the suspect is being arrested or prosecuted. In the worst case s, the case is being investigate by the police. Comparing them two, how can we avoid making the conclusion that the Bible is 'encouraging' incest in the layman's eye? How would you define 'encouraging' otherwise?

2009年1月16日 星期五


有牧師在《家暴條例》聽政會語出驚人成為眾反基討論區熱話,投訴聖經發起人之一奧賣葛隨即發佈「聖經中同性戀之城所多瑪滅亡的真相與囡囡妙計姦老豆」動 畫,踢爆原來聖經反同性戀的章節竟是一個亂倫的故事。豈料youtube竟旋即把奧賣葛的帳號及他所有動畫刪除。由於影視處已指出聖經為一級,網民認為有 人濫用職權禁制異己言論自由,觸發「全民發佈大行動:抗議youtube封殺聖經亂倫動畫」。更有網民憂政府實施互聯網過濾後會有更多此類言論封鎖。



現 在政府建議強制互聯網供應商提供網頁過濾,有網民表示擔心到時會有更多此類言論封鎖發生。回顧過往政府負責審查的部門(淫審處、廣管局及影視處)的裁決, 不難找到荒謬與偏袒某宗教的例子,例如中大學生報及明報引述學生報時提及亂倫被評為不雅(後來被推翻),而明光社及神學生文章引述同樣內容卻不用送檢,又 如廣管局強烈勸喻《同性戀人》欠持平(後來被推翻),卻不受理對宗教節目的同樣投訴(見[1]),令人懷疑這些政府機構是在為某宗教服務。另外,對於這些 裁決我們還可以上訴(如果有錢的話),可是當政府實施互聯網過濾時,作為網主的可以怎樣上訴呢?作為受眾又怎樣才知道有甚麼資訊被奪走了?因為還未看到內 容,網頁已被封鎖了!




[1] 部份偏袒例子:
2007年有網民投訴《881 - 是他也是你和我節目》導人迷信,只說神怪事情而欠缺科學解釋及精神科醫生的專業意見,有欠持平,事件不了了之

[2] 部份已上載該動畫的youtube網址:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03WMtWgHDLY 已移除。
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=wbWjhxqHuAI 被標18禁
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=Yf9pa17UOpI 被標18禁
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPLhBRClsNU 已移除。
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=cPkBrHJcUcQ 已移除。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu-cydeuVso 已移除。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWgFkjcpXvo 已移除。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hgr-0zMRB8U 已移除。
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=wTvWTV0uGSQ 已移除。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5e38QzqhwY 已移除。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRq7sS9zwo4 已移除。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DpGhKKqGPs 已移除。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eE-t9oUf_4 已移除。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Y-UhIGQlb0 已移除。
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=SvpD2raznCI 被標18禁
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSQDLyEdDgQ 已移除。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyplVOZOaaA 已移除。

一定要 YOUTUBE 解釋 !!!? 保衛言論自由.
而且早有影視處/淫審 講明冇問題.??? YOUTUBE 咁做完全冇理據 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
淫審制度檢討仍在進行中,? 應出來解釋.

亞基拉 (AK Zone)
本人很討厭那些小孩子被childhood and non-sense父母愚弄...他們的小孩還未懂事還未明白什麼是fag.就在大街上大喊「god hates fag.」




我係果度post左d反基督教既野 幾個鐘頭後就被Yahoo!知識既admin bam左

mm104337 (youtube)

mcdon1978 (youtube)

hac129 (youtube)
Against fundamentalist! Against censorship! We love justice!

ballballpen89 (youtube)
唔係講笑,第時淫審單野過到既話基基block q 晒D反基網,想抗議都冇得你抗呀


故事講到羅德係神眼中既義人, 滅城之前都有天使特登救佢, 佢亂倫所生既後代成為左一族既始祖, 故事成個theme都講緊佢做既事有好既結果
睇返報紙講強姦, 就算中間講到點搧情都好, 最後都會講疑犯被捕或者正被通輯, 衰極都有警方調查中, 如果咁樣都仲算係鼓吹, 我會建議你首先定義 "鼓吹" 先再繼續討論

2009年1月15日 星期四


These are 'removed due to violation' of terms of service. What terms? Youtube consider Bible obscene?

Better than the OAT process of CUSP, these is rated s adult content(so Bible contain adult content!):

The only success:

Interestingly, they are all the same video form here, which previously removed by YOUTUBE without any notice! That is only a Biblical depict of incest, what is wrong with it? Doesn't hundred of millions of children read it?

May I suggest atheist from all over the world to make this version in their own language, upload to YOUTUBE, and see if it is rated ADULT! Let's rock and roll!

YOUTUBE, you want expansion of business into Communist China? How can the political dissidents all over the world entrusted their video to you?

2009年1月14日 星期三


Hello all,

Remember Edison Chen scandal which HKSAR do its best to remove indecent video from the Internet because Edison Chen's father is rich and has connection with Chinese Communist Party?
Now we have Edison Chen II. YOUTUBE SUPPRESS the speech freedom of atheist activist: OhMyGod, who file the famous indecency complain against Christian Bible in Hong Kong. He has just recently made an 'indecent' animation of the Bible and upload it to YOUTUBE. Then within 24 hours and 7000 hits, YOUTUBE ban the account of OMG and delete his video WITHOUT any reason stated, so do discuss.com.hk. That is, YOUTUBE is working hard to be a standard-complaint 'new media' included in the renew of indecency law.
The background of the story:
Hong Kong recently embroiled into the controversy of granting the same legal protection to the victim of domestic violence to GLBT member. Although this law has nothing to do with recognizing Gay marriage, Christian right see it as an attack on 'Family value'.

Please post this 'indecent' video as a protest against the CENSORSHIP of YOUTUBE!

Atheist Activist


兒童床邊聖經故事之所多瑪的滅亡與囡囡妙計姦老豆上載到youtube後不夠12小時便被移除,連奧賣葛的 account和其他所有videos也一併被封殺!有網友指出,youtube一般只會移除影片,只有屢犯才會移除account!而且youtube並無指出奧賣葛到底犯了哪條規例!


為 了抗議耶徒濫用職權封殺聖經亂倫動畫,請各巴打來個全民發布大行動,把兒童聖經床邊故事上載到各短片網頁(包括開新account 上載到youtube)、post到各討論區(包括基基討論區)、post到各blog、share到facebook、製造seed到各BT區及在朋友 間互傳等!這兩天來兒童聖經床邊故事已有超過7000瀏覽人次,只要每人發布到5個地方,便可發布到3萬5個地方了!看看耶徒怎樣把它們全封殺?

請到 http://truthbible.net/bloodybible/bibleanimation/bedtimebible1.shtml 下載手機版本、mpg DVD質素版本及mp3 隨身聽版本。若上載後遭封殺,請把詳情email到ohmygod@truthbible.net

2009年1月8日 星期四

The speech should have given in Model UN

Hello Friends,

How a twist of fate when I am representing Kazakhstan in the Model UN meeting, Belgium is a member of 'UN Committee on Decolonization'. Since Hong Kong was a British colony, and one delegate from a Canadian school question about my heavy accent. I thus gave him a speech that I should have given to the delegate of other nationals.

My fellow delegate from all over the world,
I would like to ask for your forgiveness for the duration of this meeting, since I realize my accent is too heavy. My accent is so heavy because I was coming from an ex-colony. My native language is considered a second class language ever after the colonization is over, what is the fault of my native language? How ashamed that I felt when I am giving such a speech in anything but my native language? Why must you endure my poor accent in here? Isn't that fault of colonizer who rape my country, even our own language? How would the same world prohibited slave trade, but still tolerate the torture given to many parts of the world known as colonies?
So I urge my fellow delegate, to abandon colony in its totality. All existing colony should either entrusted to UN, or given a right to autonomy by Universal Suffrage. Colonization, like slavery, doesn't fit with the ideal of equality, freedom and liberality; must be ended completely and totally!

(At that time of making this speech, the colony I had in mind is Hong Kong. Hong Kong was NEVER given a chance to decide our own future. As long as Chinese Communist Party is in power, NONE of any Chinese citizen has the right to decide the future of their own country. The one true way to guarantee democracy, freedom and liberality in Hong Kong is when Hong Kong is an independent country running its own affair, or a new Federation of China is established.)
