2008年5月31日 星期六

One answer to the ‘Question on electromagnetic inductance’

Since it is impossible to supply infinite amount of energy to magnetize an electromagnetic coil, therefore the answer for the A Question on electromagnetic inductance is that the surround ferromagnetic material would decrease the electrical energy it required to magnetize the electromagnetic coil as long as those material are not contained by the coil. In a sense, the ferromagnetic material would supply magnetic energy it required to magnetize a coil. Where does those energy come from?


最近美國有過相當流行的電視節目叫全美大民調,比賽的題目清一色都是來自該電視台搜集回來的 統計資料。我想,如果香港電視台亦想辦類似的節目,不是不可能,只要多加變通便可以了(亦可以巧妙的避過版權的問題)。這類遊戲節目,問題在於事前要搜集 的資料太多,成本太高,搬字過紙是不切實際,因此可以考慮的方法是改一改它的形式,例如其中一個可行辦法是每次都有百名觀衆,以抽簽或「以一敵百」的形式 取得上台資格,然後上台參賽,而比賽的問題有三類,一是實時進行的全港調查(由全港觀衆即時進行網上投票),二是對其他未上台的觀衆進行的即時調查,三是 一些常識是非題。由於一來百名觀衆中不知道是誰可以參加,二來調查是實時進行的,上台的觀衆是無可能作弊的,而且節目互動性亦比美國的全美大民調為高,調 查的重點在於參與者/觀衆的即時(可變成份高的,例如衆人對時事的態度)資料。上台的觀衆可以有三張皇牌,可以打電話問朋友查資料(有三分鐘),在第一、 三類問題時亦可以要求其他觀衆投票,另一張可以跳題目。
另一個主意是結合「以一敵百」和「全美大民調」的形式,可以是三類或兩類題目,這一百位參賽者,全部都參與比賽,比賽同樣是以調查的形式為主,即參賽者同 時要回答調查問題,亦要猜度所有人參賽者整體調查結果(如參賽者中有幾多是身高5呎以上的?如全香港的人中有現時有幾多是快樂的?)。每次猜錯的人貢獻分 數給猜對的人平分,猜錯三次不可以再猜,由最高分的人得到最高分*一個由問題的答案決定的倍數。因為本比賽人人都是參與者,氣氛會比較熱烈。

2008年5月30日 星期五


常常聽說香港97年不認同自己是中國人,因此要接受愛國教育,一步步重新建立自己的中國人身 份,我想來卻覺得有點不對勁。香港人在97年前是不是誰都自認是英國人?是不是人人都不說中文,只說英文;不寫中文,只寫英文,而對英國充滿了鄉土之情 呢?是不是香港人視英國如祖家,發生什麼事感同身受呢?到底有幾多個香港人知道英國的福克蘭群島之役?是不是香港人當時只知道英國歷史,而不懂中史呢?是 不是香港人當時只看英國文學作品,而不看武俠小說,不讀柏楊、冰心、魯迅、衛斯理呢?是不是香港人當時只關心英國時事,而不理中國的文化大革命呢?香港人 是不是不認同中國文化?當時有沒有香港人會否認自己是中國人呢?
如此這般,香港人不是一早便當自己是中國人,不是一早便認同了中國文化,不是一早便熱心中國時局?中共國大飢荒時,是誰去接濟中共國的窮親戚?中共國被國際禁運 時,是誰去走私貨物給一窮二白的中共國呢?日本佔釣魚台時,是誰最活躍去維護國家領土呢?如果不熱愛中國文化,為什麼會爭取到中文成為法定語文?
我以為不少「愛中共國」人仕都在佈煙幕,玩偷換慨念,香港人一直認同的是歷史的中國、文化的中國、中國的道德思想,卻不認同政治上的中國,尤其是不認同中 國共產黨可以代表中國,誰沒有讀到中華民國是1911年由孫中山所創立的?誰不知國共內戰,因此中國到現在仍是分裂?一來中國共產黨成立的時間尚短,二來 中國共產黨剛立國時的治國方式實很難會有正常人認同,三來中國共產黨自成立時曾向中國文化宣戰(文化大革命),自己割斷了和文化中國的根(即五千年來的封建 皇朝中國),甚至連文字都和中國人慣用的不同;四來香港人普遍接受了資本主義的生活方式,難以接受中共的共產主義,而且香港比當時的中共國富裕!五來香港 的「回歸」並不是一帆風順,中共成立的臨時立法會並不得人心,到現在一般香港人都認同的民主普選制度仍是中共國的死結。因此,香港人不是在97年前未回 歸,而是人心一直把文化、經濟、歷史、政治上的中國分離,就是因為他們一早已回歸文化、經濟、歷史上的中國,才難以當中共國為中國,才難以「回歸」中共 國。不信,你不妨做一個問卷調查,最認同中共國為祖國的人是長者還是年青人?對中國歷史了解愈深的人,是不是最不認同中共國為中國?


香港政府是如何「依法而治」呢?從最近的副局長持有外國護照風波到陳冠希事件到民間電台,足 可見香港政府是立法而治,利用它在政治上的優勢,即泛民主派無法通過任何議案成為法例,甚至在功能組別團結一致下無法否決任何政府提出的重大政策草案,基 本上是可以想立什麼法就立什麼法,因此香港政府很容易令到任何自己想做的事是合法,唯一可以阻擋的終審法院,然而港府還有最後殺着:要求人大釋法。

表面上副局長持有外國護照風波中香港政府沒有違反法例,它當然不會犯法,因為副局長以至部長制都是基本法本身所沒有的,沒有法例自然不可能違反;立 法者本身是政府,它當然不會違法,因為法例是它自己想出來的!這件事拆穿了所謂三權分立、互相制衡、互相監察的神話,本來理論上可以做監察的立法會,因為 選舉制度的設計用意在令泛民主派即使在選舉中大勝都不可以在立法會過半,而基本法要求通過、否決議案又一定要過半下,監察作用形同虛設。結果是香港政府喜 歡做什麼便做什麼,香港骨子裏只是一個開明的專制政府,民主監察亦只是一場戲。這場戲的作用,是讓市民以為自己當家作主,實則上仍然是獨裁統治,唯有輿論 可以勉強發揮到一點門面作用!

話說回來,如果香港政府行的普通法精神,法例中沒有寫的,市民及政府都可以隨便做;則為什麼政府的網開一面精神不會對古惑天皇、獨立媒體的不雅超連 結、上載陳冠希的不雅照後來無罪釋放的被告都網開一面呢?古惑天皇一案,當時香港未有法例針對P2P網絡,而香港政府根本是明知被告無錢請律師,而用強大 的律政資源來「強迫」司法系統接受香港政府心目中現行法例的新定義;獨立媒體的不雅超連結一案亦是在擴闊不雅物件的定義,增加淫審處管理互聯網的權力及範 圍;上載陳冠希的不雅照一案更開創了香港政府利用傳媒去為淫審署度身訂做評級的先河,淫審署的獨立性在幾個月傳媒的狂轟濫炸下,尚剩下幾多?一言以敝之, 就是香港政府喜歡做的,什麼事都可以是合法,但是香港人喜歡做而香港政府不喜歡的,它自有辦法使你的行為變成非法。


To win a lottery through Mathematics?

There are various approaches to increase the chance of winning in a lottery, in a sense, they attempt to encircle the winning lottery numbers. However, we all know that it is mathematically impossible to accurately predict the winning number by sheer calculation. That is because of Gauss’s theorem which require minimum n different equations to solve for n unknown, but any approaches would give less equation than what is needed for solving the unknown.

My solution is to add one more variable into the equations: Luck. That is assume the luck factor is uniformly distributed across day, and that is knowable using methods of testing. (For instance, if u desire large number then throw dice for three consecutive times and get three six. So you are lucky because it has a chance of 1/216, which translated into you have the luck of 1-1/216=215/216 chance of winning.) Theoretically, since we now know the chance of winning and the number you pick then we can reverse-engineer the lottery numbers (use the number auto-selection lottery tickets since it is neutral in a sense). To increase the certainty of the winning numbers, a more sophisticated method is to ask several of your friends to get their luck factor, and ask them to pick the numbers. Since it is known that the chance of you and your friend for winning the lottery, we could thus estimate the number that has the highest chance of winning the lottery by correlate the numbers they pick and the chance of winning.

Actually, I do have an easier method for practice, but that require a sensitivity of your own luck. My method is to choose a day which you had absolutely worst luck. Do not choose the numbers yourself but use auto-selection from the computer(or in any sense that is selected for you by other.) Get as many of those lottery tickets as possible, then eliminate the repeated numbers. Then you have a set of numbers that you know which is extremely unlikely to win(otherwise you would win just by buying these auto-selected number). So what is left is what has a much higher probability to win. Suppose it require you to pick 9 out of 64, what you need is just to find a way to eliminate 55 numbers. If you buy a number of auto-selection lottery tickets, which you just happen to have 55 non-repeating numbers, then you just need to ask a friend to buy the remaining 9 numbers. Make sure s/he will pay you, and make sure you granted me one wish, it is your obligation to fulfill that wish regardless of its nature in case you win the lottery using this method.

Alternative thoughts on Electrical Generation Process

This is a follow up on my own hypothesis of how electricity is generated through Lenz's Law, i.e. What is actual process in the atom which led to giving away of electrons from metallic atoms?

Now I am going to lay down yet-another-hypothesis on how that is happened. I am doing so because in previous theories I have consider only the mechanism inside an atoms, but have forgotten one important characteristic of metallic atoms is a layer of electrons that is free to move anywhere in the metal. What happen if we take that into consideration?

If we have taken that into consideration, then we can assume all the electricity that is supplied by the generation process must come from the free electrons. As magnetic flux enter the metallic atoms, all electrons including the outlying electrons which is in contact with the free electrons would spin in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic flux. Then as outlying electrons of those atoms accelerate or decelerate their spin, it would interact with the free electrons so they are accelerate or decelerate in the opposite direction. As the free electrons take away the kinetic energy from the outlying electrons(presumably to maintain themselves in the orbit), there is momentarily slowing down that of the outlying electrons, which is how Lenz’s Law operate in the microscopic level. And also the tendency of those free electrons to preserve their angular momentum is the microscopic mechanism of how Lenz's Law operate.

The corollary of theory of Rotational Relativity

Because rotation is essentially how all the object move in the universe. The stars is organize in the universe which it rotating in the smallest system, then the smaller system is rotating in the larger system, and the larger system is rotating in the even larger system, until which the whole universe is rotating around its central axis.
Thus base on that theory, we can predict that each electrons experience multiple layers of Universal Magnetic Field. First it experience the weakest effect from its own motion in the universe, then it experience a stronger effect from the largest system which it do the rotation around the universe, then it experience a yet stronger effect from the larger system which it rotate around the largest system… etc.
Another prediction from this theory is that, all electrons of the universe are organized by this Universal Magnetic Field as a whole. The change of direction of spinning of any electrons which immediately change the status of electrons in the whole universe. Thus, the electrons in the universe are in constant interaction with each other as a whole(The whole is contained in each individual, and individual is contained in the whole).

2008年5月29日 星期四

More thoughts on Electrical Generation Process

According to my last hypothesis here, external magnetic flux passing through an atom would increase or decrease the rotational speed of outlying electrons of the atom. The original idea is not seeing magnetic flux as powerful enough to accelerate and decelerate the rotational speed of electrons in their orbit; it is about increase or decrease the speed of spinning of the electrons. However, then we would face the question of how does the increase and decrease of the speed of spinning of the electrons related to electrons escaped from the control of atomic nucleus; so I adopt an easy way: Taking the analogy of roundabout almost literally. What if we adopt the original thought, how could we explain the phenomena of electrical generation through metallic atoms exposed to variable magnetic field?
That would a bit more explanation than the roundabout analogy. As we observed that almost everything in the universe posses both spin and rotational momentum around another objects. Take the example of Earth, it is rotating about the sun and spinning at the same time. My thought is the spinning of Earth is coherent with the rotation of Earth about the Sun. Could we imagine what happen if we place a sphere in the edge roundabout, and the roundabout start spinning? The sphere would rotate about the central of the roundabout as well as spinning. Now what if we applied a large torque to increase/decrease the spinning of the sphere? Due to the inertia of the sphere, there would be some resistance about the sudden change of state of motion. This resistance maybe the root cause of Lenz’s Law: That the conservation of angular momentum of electrons would act against the increase/decrease of the speed of spinning of electrons. Now what happen if that change is large enough? The sphere would fly off from the roundabout just like projectile.
Taking this analogy back to atoms. As we applied a strong magnetic flux through it, the outlying electrons would increase/decrease the speed of spinning in the same direction which it enter. In the case which the outlying electrons increase the speed of spinning, there may exists an upper limit of how much increase per unit of time could be tolerate in each orbit, therefore those increase in a rate greater than this limit would have more than enough kinetic energy to stay in the orbit. Similarly, which the outlying electrons decrease the speed of spinning, there may exists an upper limit of how much decrease per unit of time could be tolerate in each orbit, therefore those increase in a rate greater than this limit would have less than enough kinetic energy to stay in the orbit. In both cases, the spin of electrons are thus become asynchronous/incoherent. with it rotation around the nucleus. Therefore some outlying electrons may detach from the atoms if the change is large enough in an instant. What we should said is the probability of outlying electrons detaching from the atom is directly correlate to the amount of change of both strength and polarity of external magnetic flux per unit of time. Those electrons which run-away from the control of nucleus is how generator are capable of generating electrical current.
Now if we go back to the original hypothesis, and thinking in the light of Einstein’s discovery of the rules beneath photoelectric effect. We could see how similar are the phenomena Photoelectric effect and electrical generation due to Lenz’s Law, so it would be legitimate to ask the following question: Since there exists an optimal way to emit electrons out of the metal, shouldn’t there also exists an optimal pattern of change of magnetic flux to eject electrons from metallic atom in the process of Electrical Generation Process? Is that why we would we have the relationship between Voltage, Current and Resistance? Taken these two phenomena as literally identical, would we see the change of magnetic field as identical to photons hitting the metallic atoms? How far we can take this analogy? What is the similarity and dissimilarity between the two phenomena?

An experiment on the Atomic Nucleus

According to my experiment on electrons proposal, we may observe interesting effect on the electrons itself if we applied a variable magnetic flux to the electrons. Since we could understand that the outlying electrons are further from the nucleus which require less escaping kinetic energy supplied by the Magnetic field, what would happen if we applied the same idea into the atomic Nucleus? As we all understand, the atomic nucleus are packed with protons which carry identical charges, thus the electrostatic repulsion force is very powerful within such a short distance are somehow neutralized by nuclear forces and possibly electromagnetic attraction forces withing the nuclear. Therefore it is reasonable to expect that would be easier to extract proton out of the atomic nucleus then extracting electrons out of the atom. As we already seen phenomena of proton ejected out of the atomic nucleus through nuclear decay; therefore theoretically we could use magnetic field to increase and decrease the rate of nuclear decay.


自從四川發生地震以來,對中共國文化有濃厚的批判意味的斑馬在線失踪,換上的是素來在時事上訴諸感情,在西藏騷亂上連基本的持平都不理的「主播天下」,整 個節目除了不斷賣弄災民的慘況外,清一色都是中共國如何努力去救災,卻完全不提天災人禍的成因。是不是代表「主播天下」及亞視以為四川地震以後,中共國只 需要人民損錢,而不用人民思考?


文化大革命距離香港新一代很遙遠,某天和一位朋友談起,我大膽地提出它的成因。我以為它和大躍進的道理一樣,因為中國共產黨急於要中國脫離封建皇朝不夠 38年的思想和生活形態,而人類的發展總是由多神、泛神、迷信循序漸進至科學、理性和無神的時代,中國的封建迷信已經沉積在中華民族的文化基因幾千年,文 化如人的生活習慣一樣,只可以慢慢改,不可以一懈而就。結果,中國共產黨驅遂了中國封建文化的皮相,卻填捕不了中國人民心裏「忽然無神」的空虛,因為中國 人不可以一下子由泛神(道家思想)跳到無神,因此順理成章把當時的強人領袖毛澤東當成是了神。的確,在當時的中共國政治制度下,毛澤東可以決定全國人民的 生死,他雖不可以在自然界呼風喚雨,但是他在人造世界(社會)內卻真的可以呼風喚雨。中國人當他做神,是專制社會/獨裁政治把領袖都當神來祟拜的通性,因 為雖然中共是無神論,卻不是全中國人都已進化到無神論階段,中共依然依賴中國五千年文明的泛神(道)、封建(儒)、迷信來建立其統治的正當性。

2008年5月27日 星期二


我經常看見商場的清潔工人竟然在人潮熙來纕往的時侯努力洗地,真不明白這些負責清潔的承包公司是怎麼想的?為什麼廁所的清潔工人可以關閉廁所來清潔,而商 場的清潔工人卻不可以?很簡單,因為關閉商場會影響商戶的生意,直接打擊商場產權擁有者的盈利;但是,關閉廁所只會令一部份光顧商場的客人不方便,不會直 接影響商戶的生意,更間接打擊商場產權擁有者的盈利。客人間竭性的生理需要,當然不及商場產權擁有者的盈利重要。對於商場產權擁有者來說,你只是其中一件 協助他們賺錢的物件,只要你肯繼續付錢消費,你的整體感覺並不重要。他們同時以為,商場的清潔其實並不重要,不過廁所不清潔,客人會留意到;但是地板應該 比較少人注意,所謂清潔,不外乎是做過樣子,去理實際清潔效果好不好是不切實際的,當然,就更加不會想因此而浪費的食水做成的反效果,因為如此的清潔方法 只會愈弄愈髒。就是為了爭分奪秒,多賺幾分鐘的錢,破壞不破壞環境,商場產權擁有者是不會去想的問題,商場產權擁有者的社會責任只是納稅。社會只要有錢自 然什麼問題可以解決?任何污染亦可以「還原」!
不過,話說回來,清潔工人亦不是沒有想到這一點,不過既然是資本家要求的,天下無不是的顧主,自己只要做過樣子是在「工作」,則薪金可袋袋平安。環境保護 是十分遙遠而抽象的問題,輪不到我去管去理,他/她當然想不到,因為資本家可以用金錢來減低破壞環境對自己的損害,就算是最差的情況亦可以一走了之,受傷 害最終是時薪不到二十元的清潔工人!
其實是不是可以每天只關閉商場半小時而清潔一次,以收事半功倍的效果,而且更讓顧客人感受商場不單單只關心他們的荷包呢?是不是長遠而言可以改善商場的環 境?是不是遠較抽獎和舉辦各種大型活動來得親切、自然?香港的資本家是不會如此想的,因為「現實」的香港人只有現在、現在和現在!

Mathematical Psychology: 10% tips

How much does a 10% tips affected the amount of the bill in a restaurant? I am not referring this question in the sense of the psychological impression of the effect, as people often observed to be confused. I am referring to the Mathematical effect of 10% tips applied to the total cost of food in a restaurant. If we all use a calculator then we would all agreed that the effect of 10% tip depending on the original total of the cost of food. However, it has been observed, at least in the setting of Chinese restaurant in Hong Kong, people has a tendency to overestimate the effect of that in the totality of the cost of food, thus opening the opportunity for waiter/waitress to make few extra bucks. It is interesting to observed that the psychological impression of the effect of that is different from the actual effect, and people most likely confuse one with another. The majority of Chinese in Hong Kong would replace the effect in Mathematical realm by their psychological impression of the effect. I am almost certain that only few of Hong Kong Chinese observe this phenomena. It definitely take an unusual personality to observe this effect.
The impression I had on how people made this mistake is the impression the effect of 10% tip as independent of the original total of the cost of food. That is Mathematically wrong and Psychologically right. (Does the impression of the calculation has replaced the process of calculation?) Mathematically, the 10% tip can’t be consider independent from the total amount; it is only in the cognitive process of the mind which people make this estimation. This again, prove the assertion that human being is not a logical being, and our mind is better not modeled by pure computational process as some A.I. researcher claim. It is also revealing of the cognitive process of how human brain do computation, we often treat the 10% tip as an entity in and of itself. Remember that, even logic itself is not derived through logical process and Mathematics are not logical in-of-itself. It thus an interesting question of how does logic arise out of the illogical human mind, is that a necessity arise out of evolution?

Against Time as another Dimension in Physics

Einstein’s Theory hang on the notion that Time is independent from the 3 other dimensions such as x-coordinate, y-coordinate and z-coordinate. How independent is time from them? Are it independent from the other three in the same way them are independent from each other?

Length, width and Height are independent in the sense that any object make a change in one of them doesn’t necessary imply the change of other two. Thus any object in the universe can change only one out of the three dimension without changing the other two. There is no built-in causality chain in the definition of these 3 dimension themselves to connect the change of one dimension to change of another dimension. If there is any relationship between the change of them, that relationship is formed due to something not inherent in the dimensions themselves: Gravity. It is inherently and theoretically possible a change in one dimension doesn’t imply a change in another dimension. And this theoretical possibility has been verified many times in the universe(for instance, by light traveling in straight line which only 2 out of 3 dimensions varies). They are independent of each other Mathematically in the sense that one dimension doesn’t contain the other two functionally, and description of one doesn’t give us any information of the other two. It is a complete and adequate description by each of them without referring to other. Physically they are independent from each other, in the sense that in the existing model of universe, there are no theoretical necessity that change in one dimension must cause change in any other dimension.
Time, however, is defined by periodic change of position of planets. We recognize a year by the time it take for Earth to return to its angular position from the sun(which could be verified by observing the pattern of season in weather). If there is no observable regularity in the system, then time can never be defined. Thus the definition of time is inherently depends on other three dimension. To be more accurate, time is calculated from the change of other 3 dimensions, time is a function of other three. Thus time is Mathematically and Physically impossible to be separate from the other three. Time make no sense without an implicit reference to the other three, and it is causally related to the other three dimensions. Unless we could discover phenomena that time could be referred without any implicit reference to the other three, I am strongly against the usage of time as an independent dimension in discussion of Physics. Since it is an logical and practical impossibility in existing framework of Physics and Mathematics, therefore any theory implies time is vary independently of the other 3 dimension is invalid.(i.e. Theory of Relativity)
Why does human held the illusion that time as an independent dimension to be an inherent truth? It is because of our experience that biological process is irreversible(probably built-in in the blueprint of DNA), and has regularity that we can measure. That irreversibility come from physical measure of entropy resulted from complexity inherent in any biological entity. In a sense, Life is necessary for Time to exists.

2008年5月26日 星期一

An experiment on electrons

Based on the hypothesis I just raised, I wonder what would happen if instead of metallic atom which is ready to lose its outlying electron, we applied the idea on the atoms of non-metallic element. Why would the metallic atoms lost electrons readily but not the non-metallic atoms when given the same change of magnetic flux? Could we use this idea to ionize atoms rapidly?
Further thought on this: What if we applying a rapidly changing Magnetic flux into individual electrons? Could we split the electrons the same way we split atoms to produce electricity? Is that a better method than existing High Energy Collision?

Hypothesis on the Electrical Generation Process

It remain a puzzle to me that why a steady electrical current could produce a stable magnetic field in an electromagnetic coil while it require a variable magnetic field to produce a steady electrical current. Here is my hypothesis on how that happen.
When a steady magnetic flux is passing through a metallic object, the outlying electrons of atoms would thus ally its axis of rotation in the same direction as the magnetic flux. Since electrons are only rotating within the bond of atoms, therefore no electrical current is produced. Now when the magnetic flux has changed its direction, that means the electrons would either increase/decrease its speed of rotation. Similar to how objects placed on a spinning wheel would fly off to the side when the wheel speed up or slow down ’suddenly’, thus the change of magnetic flux would induce the change of speed of the electrons spinning around the atom, so some electrons may gain enough kinetic energy to move freely as electrical current. As the outlying electrons fly off the atoms, those atom would carry net-positive charge. Therefore although individual electrons in that atom still ally their direction of spin to the magnetic flux, the atom as a whole would produced a magnetic field opposing the incoming magnetic flux. That is how Lenz’s Law produce its effect microscopically. Thus more rapid the change of the external magnetic flux, more electrical current produced as more outlying electrons from atoms fly off.
But how is ’suddenly’ defined here? I hypothesize that there is a quantized speed for accelerate and decelerate the rotational speed of outlying electrons, which is a property of the electromagnetic field within the atoms. There is an upper limit for the capacity of atomic electrons to accelerate and decelerate the rotational speed of outlying electrons. If that limit is exceeded through the change of external magnetic flux, the outlying electrons are fly off as electrical current. Or maybe if the rate of accelerate and decelerate the rotational speed of outlying electrons is not a multiple of quantized rotational speed of outlying electron, then we would see electrical current produced; otherwise the atom would just adjusting its rotational speed of outlying electron without any electrons fly off. Therefore it strike me as there may exist an optimal way to produce electrical current for individual metals.

The two kind of freedoms

When liberal talks about freedom, they often confuse two kinds of freedom. One kind of freedom is what usually guarantee by law: The freedom from fear, The freedom from deprivation, The freedom from torture, the freedom from religion. However, there is one kind of freedom which many of us ignore because of its nature: It is the freedom to become a better human, the freedom to self-actualize, the freedom to realize one’s potentialities. That is the freedom which Eric Fromm talked about in his books, and is a central tenet of Humanism.
One of disadvantage of Liberalism as compare to Humanism is that it lacks a goal of how to apply the freedom. Liberal only said what the state shouldn’t do, but it seldom said what the state should do to promote the physical and psychological health of its citizen, or at least how should the citizen use the freedom from state for a goal not just better themselves but also benefit the society as a whole. Those liberals have a strong case when conservative is imposing their ideal life into everyone else, but conservative has an upper hand in the sense which it give clear direction to its follower. Humanist could compete with conservative in the merit of the goal of freedom, which liberal can’t.
It appears to me that the major difference between political left and right is on the issue of freedom. For the political right, the left is imposing their positive freedoms onto the society, thus deprive the citizen a choice of not using the freedom positively. For the political left, the right is forcing their negative freedoms onto the society, thus deprive the citizen a choice of using the freedom positively.

2008年5月25日 星期日

The theory of Rotational Relativity

The theory of Rotational Relativity deal with a more common phenomena than Einstein's theory of Relativity, since every object in the universe spin: From electrons to atom to planets to Milky way to galaxy. Therefore it is necessary to understand what effect would the spinning of other objects relative to the reference object.
In according to Einstein's paper on relativity applied in Electromagnetism, any object would experience a magnetic field generated by relative motion in accordance to Faraday's rule. Thus, since any objects in the universe is surrounded by other objects rotating relatively to it, therefore it would be as if the electrons bonded to atoms in these (non-conducting) rotating objects are rotating relative to the object. As a consequence, the object would experience magnetic flux of various strengths: Some are pointing upward as North, some are pointing downward as South… etc. Thus, if we are not in the center of universe, we should expect a net magnetic flux acting on each electron that depending on the position of: An Universal Magnetic field.



Age Differential Hypothesis

Each society has its unique sociological environment which its younger generations and older generations live through. Ideally, that would be the best for all of them. However, it is only a more permissive environment and under certain conditions which allow each generations to live in accordance to its biological/psychological needs; otherwise some generations will have to live with its dominant generation. A case in point is to due to its physical and economic constraints, most Hong Kong citizen are live in a homogeneous environment as compared to higher variability of in USA. Thus the culture that is shaped for the dominant generation thus has the strongest influence to all generations in Hong Kong. It maybe claimed that in the unique sociological constraints in Hong Kong, the emotional/intellectual attributes across the generations are more similar as compare to other places, just different biological expression of similar behavioral patterns in according to their age. For instance, Internet access is availability cheaply and widely for most part of Hong Kong; thus younger generation may use it to email and chat with their friends, writing blogs; while older generation also use it to email and chat with their friends, writing blogs. The only difference is the content of their action, but not the overall intend, purpose and effect of their behavior. However, Internet technologies are essential dominant by younger generation, and the older generation who use it for similar purpose may have to adjust to the change that brought by the younger generation in the sense that many I.T. firm cater their business toward the younger generation. Thus, like it or not, the younger generation thus exert a stronger influence on the older generation in this aspect of their life. It is only unusual that the top post in Hong Kong government are often dominated by 40's instead of 20's-30's in most countries(?), thus in the aspect of political, that cohort has exert the strongest influence to all generation in Hong Kong.

2008年5月23日 星期五

A Question on electromagnetic inductance

When we magnetize an electromagnetic coil, it is often that we magnetize more than the electromagnetic coil itself. If we magnetize an electromagnetic coil nearby some iron sheets, theoretically we also require extra electrical energy to magnetize those iron sheets. In a sense, all ferromagnetic material in the universe would have to be magnetize, therefore it should be impossible to magnetize any electromagnetic coil. How could we magnetize any electromagnetic coil? Another question is, does the presence of iron not attached to the coil increase or decrease the inductance of the electromagnetic coil? If it increase the inductance then it would take longer for the electromagnetic coil to magnetize; if it decrease the inductance then it would take shorter time for the electromagnetic coil to be magnetize. So does it take longer or shorter with the presence of ferromagnetic materials? How does the presence of ferromagnetic material in surrounding environment increase/decrease the inductance of the electromagnetic coil?

Principle of extracting energy from chemical reaction

Suppose there is an endothermic chemical reaction like: A+B+ Heat energy K1→C+D

Now with Catalyst X, A+B+ (Catalyst X)+ Heat energy K2→C+D

Consider the reverse reaction, C+D(Catalyst Y)→A+B+Heat Energy K1

If we found Catalyst X and Y then we have can earn energy of amount of K2-K1; we thus have a means for producing free energy.











An explanation of how Catalyst work?

This is just an elaborated recap from my Chemistry class: To simplify the discussion, we assume only two reactants is to be react to produce a new product and water. And both reactants is in the form of a long rods(which has only two heads). Now these two reactants would react if mixed together. Increased the thermal energies of both would increase the chance of collision of the rods of reactant, therefore increase the chance of the reacting sides of the reactant to encounter the reacting side of the other reactant so reaction could take place. Therefore the key to increase the chance of the reacting sides of the reactant to encounter each other. How does Catalyst work?
It work by increase the chance of the reacting sides of the reactant to encounter each other since the Catalyst has affinity for both rods at the end which is not involved in the reaction. Thus directly exposing the reacting end of one rod of reactant to another reacting end of one rod of reactant. As compare to the case without Catalyst, there are only one fourth of a chance for the reacting end of one rod of reactant meet with reacting end of the rod of another reactant. Therefore the chance of reaction take place is dramatically increased. Where does the Catalyst to borrow the energy necessary to speed up the reaction?

Simple, it is the electromagnetic attraction of one site of Catalyst to the non-reacting end of the rod of one reactant in the left, and the electromagnetic attraction of one site of Catalyst to the non-reacting end of the rod of another reactant in the right. Consider the simplest case which Catalyst is in the middle of two reactants, two reactants would be attracted toward the Catalyst gradually until the two reacting ends of the rods of both reactant reach the middle, then the chemical reaction take place. Thus, in a sense, the reaction has borrowed energy from the electromagnetic fields of two reactants and the Catalyst in the form of kinetic energies of both reactants. Since the rate of reaction has increased as compared to the effect which the temperatures of both reactants are increased, therefore energies from electromagnetic fields of the both reactants and the Catalyst are extracted to speed up the reaction.
Catalyst is just one instance which energies of electromagnetic fields is playing the role of increasing/decreasing the rate of reaction of two reactant. We could similarly extend this idea to describe the process of how other non-rod like reactants is accelerated/decelerated by presence of Catalyst.

A Corollary from ‘Catalyst as source of energy’ hypothesis

Since there exist Catalyst to increase the speed of certain chemical reactions, therefore it follows that it should exists Reverse-Catalyst to slow down the reaction of certain chemical reactions. How does that work?

Since Catalyst increase the speed of certain chemical reactions by attracting reactants to itself so the reacting ends of the reactants are exposed to each other in a shorter distance compare to the case without the presence of Catalyst. So to reverse the effect of Catalyst of speeding up chemical reactions, we just need to engineer a Catalyst which would attracting reactants to itself so the non-reacting ends of the reactants are exposed to each other in a shorter distance compare to the case without the presence of Reverse-Catalyst, thus those reactants which are attached/attracted to the Reverse-Catalyst would reduced the chance which chemical reaction take place between the reactants. Now to maintain the rate of reaction as compared to case without the Reverse-Catalyst, thermal energies of the reactants would have to increased
. Thus, in a sense, thermal energy is necessary to overcome the effect of the Reverse-Catalyst. Therefore if we accept the hypothesis that Catalyst has input extra kinetic energy into increase the rate of reaction, then logically we must also accept the hypothesis that Reverse-Catalyst has absorbed extra kinetic energy into decrease the rate of reaction. That Catalyst and Reverse-Catalyst could be a way to provide electrical energy, and an answer to the energy crisis.

Catalyst in the Chain of Causality?

Taking the analogy from the discussion of Catalyst and Reverse-Catalyst in chemical reactions to Psychology, we could suppose there exists a kind of personality which help catalysis certain effect in the chain of causality and other personality which help to reduce certain effect in the chain of causality. Applying the analogy, tension is generated and absorbed by these personalities to increase/decrease the rate of certain type of interactions between other personalities. That actually is a Buddhist idea.



Shaking an electromagnetic coil between magnets

I remember I have seen someone written an essay on the effect of Shaking an electromagnetic coil between magnets, now what I want to do is to fill it with Mathematics, and raise some questions. The issue I had with that article is that it has ignore that the way we move the electromagnetic coil relative to the Magnet would affect how it respond to the change of the magnetic field it experienced. Thus effectively should be how does my way of moving an electromagnetic coil between magnets affect the voltages and currents formed in the coil. To be more precise, the way we shake the electromagnetic coil would affect how the voltage generated in each element of the electromagnetic coil.

Consider the simplest case, the electromagnetic coil is just moving back and fro linearly from a Permanent magnet. Now, as the electromagnetic coil is approaching the magnet, the rate of change of magnetic flux is greatest for those electromagnetic coil element that is closer to the magnet than the those who are further away from the magnet. Thus, within the same electromagnetic coil, there are difference in the voltages between different elements. Those who are closest has greater voltage compare to those who are further from the magnet. Since the electromagnetic coil can only have one voltage an current throughout itself, therefore I suspect an average of all voltage is what we measured for the whole electromagnetic coil. Moreover, for the electrical current, assuming that the electrical resistance is about the same throughout the electromagnetic coil, then we have the current is given by the average voltage/average electrical resistance.

Could anyone in the world verify my hypothesis?


在大學一直有過想問又不敢膽問的問題:大學第一堂課一定是教科學方法學,通常用瞎子摸象的比擬,真相如象,而科學是盲人,因此不同的學派都永遠只能接觸真 相的一部份。因此,科學可以接近真 理、排除謬理,卻不一定可以得到真理。科學不能看到真理是不是因為該科學方法學的假設,還是真相本質上是永遠在科學方法之外?


信風水命理的人一定知什麼是時辰八字,是出生的年、月、日、時的五行屬性,不過細心想一下,其實時辰八字相當粗糙,世界在二小時出的人為數不少,難道他們 的命運都是一樣?比時辰八字好一點的是鐵板神數,由兩小時一單位改為一刻(15分鐘)為一單位,其實仍然是粗糙。即使在古中國的時代,十五分鐘的事已經可 以天翻地覆了。為什麼中國的命理不可以由時推展到分,再由分推展到秒?其實背後的原理一樣,秒不是最精準嗎?為什麼五行的影響只去到時,去不到分秒?是什 麼神秒性質把分秒和時年月日區分開來?
我有以下一個想法,其實中國的命理,可以不單是時辰八字,而是時辰十字,時辰十二字,時鐘有幾精準,命理就可以有幾精準。因此中國文化是故事選擇8,一來 是時間量度工具的問題,另一來是如果由時辰八字改成時辰十字,由於是五行而不是四行、三行、六行、七行,十可以被五整除而沒有餘數,故此理論上可以出現五 行完全平均分配的人。而依五行理論,如此的人有最完美的運程,沒有任何由五行不平衡而引起的內在衝突,結論並不合理。人沒有內在、外在的衝突,不會有成 長、變化和發展,世上無完人,人天生就是要學習如何去平衡自己的五行,用Freud的話,人如果沒有本我、自我及超我不停的衝突及互補,人的心理就不會有 成長,人一生是一個永遠不可能平衡的過程,不平衡才有生命/心理/社會!

My Parallel Path Idea


When I was drawing this, I have forgotten that Lenz's Law would act in both direction, not just against the falling magnet from the top, so we need electronic component to restrict the flow of electrical current ONLY in the direction which produce a repulsive forces against the magnet. To be realistic, we also need a tube to ensure that the upper component fall and rise in a straight line above the component below. We are essentially converting gravitational energy into electricity here, and the magnetic flux is amplified by Parallel Path Effect in other side. Then the electromagnetic coil in the upper component would resist the magnetic field enhanced by Parallel Path Effect, push itself up.

Will this bounce?

2008年5月22日 星期四


中共國,除了有世界首創的「有中國特色的社會主義制度」,及「有中國特色的人民民主專政制度」之外,亦有一偉大發明:中共式英語,例如我剛剛到中共國國務院瀏覽,看到了「中華人民共和國中央政府」的英譯竟然是「The Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China」, 理論上,中共國政府只得一個,因此中央一詞是多餘的,中文只要說「中華人民共和國政府」可也,而英文亦只要「The Government of the People’s Republic of China」,冠People’s在前面,好像有點做作成份,但中共國的國情不同,因此勉強可以接受,最多令人對人民的一詞麻木。但是用The Central People’s冠在前面意思就相當怪了,People是人民,中國雖然是五族共和,但人民只有一種;同理,美國有五十個州,但美國人民亦只有一種;為什 麼竟然會有一個新品種中國人叫「The Central People」呢?依英文通用文法,「中華人民共和國中央政府」是不是由一種叫「The Central People」即中央人來管治呢?因為英文明明叫「The Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China」!是一時手文之誤,還是在中共的潛意識中,中華人民共和國中央政府其實是由一種上上之人名叫「中央人」所把持呢?

free Electrical energy from the Electrical Field?

There are an often ignored way of electrical generation apart from the method of my last article The General theory of Electrical Generation: Directly extracting electrical energy from the electrical field. Applying the spring analogy I have from that article, to extract energy from electrical field in the form of electricity, we need to apply electromagnetic stress on an unbreakable Magnetic spring(Permanent Magnet); and similarly we can extract electrical energy directly from electrical field by apply electrical stress on permanent source of electrical field. How so? By taking electrical energy from electrical wire between two poles like this: energy_from_electrical_field.

Theoretically, the two insulator insulate with the charged object acting as the poles, to prevent the losing of electrical charge to the air. The pair of them as the spring to pump electrical charges in the metallic wire in between them from one pole to another. Since it is impossible to depreciate the electrical energy keep in the insulators, therefore we could theoretically get as much electrical energy from the electrical wire acting as the medium. And that is within the scope of classical electromagnetism.

2008年5月21日 星期三

A hypothesis regarding human behavior

This idea is first raised when I was writing the article questioning the construct of Curiosity Reflex. My main thrust in that article is although Reflex are built-it neurological mechanism, it is inadequate to use that to explain all human behavior, which one of the particular case is the phenomena of curiosity.

Now there is analogous term of human behavior known as habit, it is perhaps what closest resemble the idea of reflex. Reflex is a set of pre-programmed and inflexible set of behavior which doesn’t change according to the input of stimulus. i.e. Just like Reflex with encountering the fire, the body part in contact with the fire will retard without regarding to other stimulate existed in the environment. Even if withdrawing the hand from the fire would cause the injury to the hand, there is no halting of the reflex. Habit do share similar characteristic of reflex in terms of its inflexibility.

So my hypothesis here is that neurologically, when the brain first encounter a set of stimulates, it would build a cognitive map to understand the relationship between the stimulates with regard to the interest of itself. After some deliberation, the brain would arrive at the conclusion though careful analysis of the situation, then a suitable reaction behavior set would formed. Presumably for the sake of saving neurological resource, this set of behavior would gradually be written into the neurological network in the brain. So as time goes by, that behavior pattern become less inflexible since it begin to resemble reflex neurologically. I suppose there is a threshold which it would pass to almost completely lost its receptivity to change. However, that would never be what an innate reflex is like since it is not written in DNA. So we should see a range of behavior in-between Reflex-like-habit and new set of behavior pattern.


既然中共口口聲聲奧林匹克運動會和政治無關,純綷是為了宣揚和平、友愛,我以為不如從此以後,為了令奧林匹克運動會徹底和國際間的政治角力脫釣,不如索性 以後奧林匹克運動會只是由民間機構來主辨,避免有國家借此來宣示主權、國威,不用國旗而用各民族服裝,以示是人類各族之間的和平競賽。民間奧林匹克運動 會,在中共國國人心目中,咋聽以後可能覺得不可能,因為中共國根本沒有完全不帶官方色彩的體育組織,反而在不少西方國家,都有全國性的體育組織來官理體育 界的事情,當然亦不會有黨委書記,但中共國不少運動員都是官方組織如政委的成員。民間奧林匹克運動會,由各國的民間體育組織協辨、籌款,不接受任何政黨及 政治組織(包括社會運動組織)的資助,要各國民間社會充份發揮其自我管理的精神,各國政府可以協助但不得參與。如果可以,最好不用任何商業贊助,免體育會 淪為商業機構賣廣告的工具,同時,同一屆亦可以在各國間輪流舉行不同的競賽,除迫使世界各國的人擴闊眼界,亦表達「四海一家,世界大同」的訊息。在沒有政 治符號下,希望各國人民真的可以忘記自己的國藉,為體育表現出來的人類主義精神而喝采!

My general Theory on Electrical Generation

There is ONLY one method of electrical Generation taught in textbook: By variation of Magnetic field, we either vary the strength or density of the Magnetic flux. There are two ways to create the variation of Magnetic field, one is through varying the distance of a fixed source of Magnetic field emanating object, another is through varying the voltage and current of electrical current enter and exit an electromagnetic coil. Thus, in this sense, all electrical Generation is in its heart a disguised process of mutual induction. Thus understand the details of mutual induction is the key to understand the process of electrical generation. I am going give you my ’spring’ analogy of electrical generation here.
We could thought of Permanent Magnet as a spring. As generating coil approach it in the Generator, the spring is kicking the electrons in the generating coil to action. However, it doesn’t just kick once, it is the changing of the electromagnetic stress on the generating coil created electromotive force(emf). Due to the design of generating coil, those emf is able to formed electrical current to flow in the generating coil in such a way that formed magnetic poles in the generating coil. Using the spring analogy, the spring is hitting the space inside the generating coil, and to maintain its neutrality/balance of each point mass in the generating coil, the coil kicks back. However, the different between generating coils and magnets is that generating coil is soft in a sense that it doesn’t have a preference for the magnetic poles it formed; (Which maybe why it require variable electromagnetic stress of kicking of the electromagnetic spring is necessary to generate a steady supply of electricity.) while Magnet is a hard spring since its magnetic polarity can’t be change easily and require great amount of energy. If we apply Hook’s law on spring here, we can easily see the spring of magnet is continually stressed by the generating coil(due to identical polarity with the magnet it facing), and as result the magnet also react back to the generating coil. This stressing back and fro formed the main mechanism of electrical generation, and would experience by the rotator as retarding force. Electrical generation is possible due to the continue competition of two electromagnetic stresses (and the kinetic energy from outside that keep the rotator rotating.)
However, as every spring has its elastic limit, so do magnet has its upper limit of tolerance of identical magnetic polarity, we could expect there is an upper limit of the electrical energy produced by each generating coil before it broke the spring of the magnet(demagnetize it). Thus, in a sense, we are extracting the spring energy from each magnet in the electrical generation process. The amount and the nature of electrical energy is depending on the nature of the magnetic field from each magnet. It is essentially a mutual induction process of an object that has unchangeable voltage and current interacting with another object that has changeable voltage an current. Magnetic energy from the magnet is transform into electrical energy from this inexhaustible supply of magnetic energy. It is not a conversion process as stated in classic electromagnetism!
It is thus impossible to use only two electromagnetic coils to produce electricity since there is no way to for one coil to extract spring energy from the another coil, how to expect a ’soft’ spring react to another ’soft’ spring?

2008年5月19日 星期一


大 飢荒乃是中共累積以上種種失誤,以政治去代替經濟的惡果,亦是自然的結果,天在中國文化中,既是道德,亦是物理及心理,是不可以冒犯的。冒犯天等不單向道 德宣戰,亦是同時向物理及心理自然定律宣戰,有可能鬥得贏麼?你可以令蘋果逗留在空中而不用燃料麼?不畏天其實是向自然主義宣戰,人即是向自己宣戰,人本 來亦是自然的一部份,有勝算嗎?

Tao and Democracy

I admit my understanding and interpretation of Taoist may not be standard, that is the best I could get. I try to be as faithful to the original meaning of the text in this blog as possible.

One of the Taoist classic has the name ‘The name of Change’, so Tao is about change occur in nature. Tao is about how change take place and how to adapt to the change and how to led the change. Therefore I concluded that Chinese Communist Party is acting against Tao when it is turning Republican system into dictatorship which is not structurally different than other Chinese dynasties. Thus it is destinate to have result as other dynasties as dictated by its internal logic.

The reason that I consider Chinese Communist Party is against Tao is due to its general altitude toward Democracy in China and in Hong Kong. As every Hong Kong citizen understand, it is not that we are not ready to have universal suffrage, since similar proposal was already in place as early as 1985; it is that Beijing is not ready to see fully democracy happened in its country. While it can’t turn the clock back, it is doing its best to slow down the process as much as possible.

Why Democracy is more compatible with Tao than Dictatorship? Because Democracy is an unchangeable system that allow change to happen in an orderly and efficient manner which minimize the social cost associated with it. The purpose of Democracy is keep the governorship updated according to the will of people and the current situation, thus ensure that the country as a whole could adapt to the change take place internally and externally. Democracy is a way to give change an unchangeable structure. Thus change and unchanged in harmony, the change(of government) is possible due to the unchanged(political system/culture/spirit/economic), and unchanged is maintained by the change. Instead of fighting the change in names of harmony and stability like Chinese Communist Party, Democracy absorb the change to better itself. It is unchangeable in the sense that it promote change, it live with change; it is anything other than fighting against change.

However, Chinese Communist Party can’t tolerate any change that outside its scope of its control. The idea that it can control everything, and everything must be under its control for the best of itself (forcible intentionality) is the exact opposite of the naturalism spirit contained in Taoism. As Democracy allow change, permit change or promote change; it understand change in the sense that it tolerate a sense of uncertainty (in which law is being adopted, the result of each election, demonstration/social movement, decision of court on interpretation of law). That scope of uncertainty is how the society as a whole could grow and develop. As Taoism asserts, Plants and animals are best developed without unnecessary hindrance from human being imposing their intention on them. Thus country as a whole is best developed when nobody/group on the top imposing his/her idea on the people, guiding every aspect of their lives; that corresponding to the idea of freedom. Thus Taoist text implicate the importance of Freedom and Democracy over five thousand years.

Yet Another Method to secure your password without encrpytion

Some has devised a pretty sophisticated method to defeat the Brute Force method in breaking in computer accounts, that method could also defeat the infamous key-logging method. Because both methods relies on systematic nature of the password-entering process, if it is not systematic and well-organized, that certainly increase the computational cost of accessing the account without knowing the password. What then we see is to how that method is implemented, and what computational constraint we have in that method.

My method here is never intended as a competition because is too simple and straight-forward. To break the security risk associated with key-logging program and brute force method, we only need to increase the level of ‘disorder’ of the information collected by them. That method is taking advantage of the cracker that has no idea of what consist of the targeted password. Now the method I provide here also use that idea but in a slightly different way.

My ideas are:
A. Instead of asking for the password in its original sequence, the program would ask for the password in an arbitrary order formed at the moment (which is displayed as a picture). Now if the password contain 5 digits, there are altogether 120 combinations even if the crack know all the digits; and if the password has 10 digits, there are altogether 10! of combination to guess. If we program the machine so that any three invalid guess require a break of 15 minutes between next input. Former cases require 10 hours to crack, and the later case require 30 years to crack.

B. To further increase the difficult of the cases, the program would add random character to the password for entrance. The user is required to enter also the generated-on-site character, that is to confuse the key-logging program. Moreover, that added into the time required for brute-force method to work, excluding symbols, adding one digit would increase their average succeed time by about 40 times. Bear in mind that both key-logging software and brute-force program is unable to know those generated-on-site characters.

C. In the same vein of B and A, sometimes the program would NOT ask for the whole password. Instead it may just ask for the digits in the random sequence it just created, for instance, in the order of 3456, 253, 421. As a whole, every digits of the password is asked. However, that added to the confusion of brute-force and key-logging software since they don’t have any information of the order of the sequence (Nobody including the programmer of the program would know). They have information but it is not very useful to them.

*D. Now to make this method unbreakable, the password would be updated according to a formula that is either given before the operation or a formula that is generated on-site in random interval. It maybe that in next time, the fifth digit is increased by 1, or the fourth character is ‘decreased’ by 3… etc. The information is again useless to the cracker since s/he doesn’t know the original password.

Presumably, cracker could break this method by taking snapshot of the screen which the password is entered. However, in some case it is impossible to do so; and in other cases it would require Artificial Intelligence program to identify the digits in the picture, then analysis the data inputed. That would increase the difficulties of cracker by at least thousand-fold compare to existing method.

Who would like to write such a program?

2008年5月18日 星期日

My version of Mastermind Game

Mastermind Game is one of the most familiar game, the goal is to logically deduce the position and color of the pin placed by the other player. However, when we serious thinking about it, there lack an element of interactivity between players. Since one is guessing, another just checking his/her guess; it could get pretty boring for the checking guy.
My thought is what if we changed the rule of the game so both players have to guess and check other’s guess. i.e. Player A has to guess Player B’s position and location of the pins; while Player B also have to guess Player B’s position and location of the pins. The goal is to accurately guess the other player’s position and location of the pins before s/he does.
Another thought is if we allow the player to change just one pin for the other player guess at the price of revealing the color and position of the pin, or has to updated just 2 lines of the feedback/result of other player’s guess(He has the choice of which lines of feedback to be updated, which is a hard choice.) Obviously, the player has to evaluate the risk of revealing the location through updating the feedback/result of the guess against the increase of difficulty of other player reach the correct answer.
So now, Mastermind is more exciting than ever!

An invention from Euler

(With permission from Euler to reprinted. See my comment below.)

The problem of this invention is that fan itself doesn’t consumption too much energy. The amount of energy saved would be unnoticeable to these country where oil and electricity is cheap. Moreover, unless we close the spiral axis, otherwise the direction of rotation of the leaves would changed periodically so angular momentum is not preserved. This invention’s extra energy is coming from gravity using the principle from here.


因為父母的關係,我自小便認識不少生意人,不久我便想通了:原來生意人表面看來像是八面威風,但根本是金錢/市場的奴隸,再想深一層,其實在資本主義社會 中,沒有人是自己真正的主人,只有錢或市場定律才是社會上每個公民的主人。因為生意人只是在用錢消費時比其他人神氣,然而你卻不是他唯一一個客人,你不光 顧自有下位客人光顧,所以他們可以真正神氣的時侯其實很短。另外,生意人的金錢一定是來自其他人,為什麼其他人要讓生意人賺他們的錢呢?是不是他們的錢非 要給這一個生意人賺不可呢?而當生意人要賺他們的錢時,難免要悲躬屈膝,神氣不來,除非市場是被壟斷。因此在資本主義社會中,由由資本的多寡建構出最常見 的主從關係,但是再大的資本家都不可能時時刻刻做自己真正的主人,他需要顧客更需要員工去工作,結果是整個社會沒有一個真正的主人,每個人最多可以做自己 五分鐘的主人。這就是資本主義社會!

2008年5月17日 星期六


(轉載自: http://euler.truthbible.net/index.php?entry=entry080517-032656





Of the curosity in Classical Behaviorism

Classical Behaviorism started by Ivan Pavlov which love to explain any behavior of human being via the construct of Reflex. Thus, his dog will saliva when hunger, and it is paired with a fixed other stimulate such as a ring, the brain would associate the ring with saliva. Thus behavior is all about connecting stimulate and reaction together neurologically. Reflex are, in a sense, similar to classical conditioning since they are both association of stimulate and reaction. The only difference is Reflex are pre-programmed by genes which Behaviorist doesn’t need to explain it at all. It appears in my mind that Behaviorist think they can easily explain any human behavior by fitting into the Stimulus-Reaction framework. However, this framework of explaining human behavior hits a ceiling when it encounter the phenomena of curiosity. Since curiosity is about a novel stimulus, and novel stimulus is what the organism never encounter before. How could natural endowed us with a ‘Curiosity Reflex’ that only react to stimulus which never exists in the behavioral repository? How to program a Reflex when the instruction is ‘For anything you never have encountered before’ since it require potentially unlimited number of unexposed stimulus? Or in his mind, the brain are born equipped with idea of negation, thus we can NOT only condition a behavior with existing stimulus and we can also condition an organism the NEGATION of existing stimulus. How is it possible if the organism is NOT able to do some rudimentary level of abstraction and computation in his/her mental space? Thus the idea of Curiosity Reflex demand the existence of mental space.

My Pipe Dream idea

I remember that water is attracted by electrostatic charge, and since there are many ways to maintain the electrostatic charge without cost much electrical energy, therefore it is theoretically possible to make an overunity water pump. Much like an electromagnet could hinged on wall for years without falling, magnetic attraction itself doesn’t take electrical energy from electrical energy, electrical resistance of the electromagnet does; the electrical energy to maintain electrostatic charges in the object has nothing to do with the electrostatic attraction force between water molecules.
To pump the water upward, we require that object carry the electrostatic charge always on a higher position than water level. (Which we have the options of a fixed position for the charge or that position is dynamically created. The former require greater amount of charges to supplies a higher amount of gravitational potential energy, therefore may have technical issues related to that. Later require lesser amount of charges but a mechanism to separate the water and charge, plus a mechanism to ‘keep the charge at the higher position’ than the water.) And after the water is drawn into desired position, there must a mechanism to discharged the charged object so water could be released to be use. As for the dynamically created charged object, action and reaction pair must be considered so that net rising of water level is physically possible. (i.e. we can NOT have a light metal plate supported by plastic material floating on top of water. Since the upward moving force of the water molecules would be balanced by downward reaction of the charged metal plate.) However, we could have a mechanism that float on top of water which dynamically changing an electrical circuit, which working with electricity flowing outside the pipe created the pull from the outside of the pipe. (i.e. It is the material in the pipe pull the water upward.)
Anyone has any idea how to construct this ‘Dream Pipe’?
Also notice that if we allow the water pumped to a high position, then release the water to operate a turbine, there are more electrical energy produced by the turbine than the electrical energy needed indirectly to pull the water upward. Thus we can use this innovation to potentially solve the energy crisis.

2008年5月16日 星期五


這幾天,有很多坊間的評論都當北京奧運受到天譴,我不懂什麼天譴不天譴,只知道可以從心理史觀的角度去分析北京奧運前後發生的一系列事件。首先,因為北京 視奧運為中共國天下第一大任務,因此中途它發生任何事,都當成天大的事,而中國民間亦因此而產生了巨大的效應,例如一些常常發生的意外,如撞火車,就視作 上天的徵兆。不過,不可排除是因為中共太專心辨奧運,而對較為次要的社會管理有所忽略,而民間的情緒又被中共豉動,任何人和政府在情緒興奮時及緊張時,犯 的錯誤當然較多,況且中共的文化一向較粗疏,因此中共國發生的意外自然更多,而一次意外又使人民更向天意的角度去想。本來中共國是無神論的,無神論自然是 不相信神鬼,但是一來中共改變根深蒂固的多神論文化,二來中國的天災人禍不少,科技相對落後,神鬼之說從來都是無法用證據及邏緝去反駁的,而且凡事訴諸天 是一般中國人的思想特式,而在現行的政治專政,除了天/自然之外百姓亦沒有能力去有效制衝中共。
euler在此提出的理由,基本上可以解釋為什麼會有西藏的暴動,以及其後藏人在附近地區的暴亂;這些行為看在漢人眼中,只會加劇他們本來的民族主義亢奮,而中共一貫「什麼事都是外力策動」的解釋導向,當然無助舒緩漢藏的種族/文化矛盾(世俗主義vs.宗教神權), 後來發生的彊獨份子意圖恐佈襲擊北京奧運,除了北京奧運可吸引世界視線,亦因為漢族在中共操縱下把奧運視作民族圖騰,加強對方攻擊的誘因。另外,中共愈壓 制中共國境內的藏人,愈益發激起境外的藏人及其支持者,以及世界各地不滿中共人仕的「抗衡」,奧運火炬被干擾自屬必然,但此事又反過來加強了中共國民的仇 外心態,因為中共的傳媒一定又是用「外力策動論」。
因此,北京在此種有升無降的緊張氣氛下,政策上犯過錯幾乎是免不了,但小小的過錯卻被心情亢奮但和國家機器懷有多小敵意的國人放大,視為天意;當然,天意 亦是中共國人民唯一的思想空間,天意才可以「安全地」表達自己的異見而不被秋後算賬。而天氣往往被視為天意的顯示,所以中共國氣象局當然「看不到」南方雪 災的徵兆,而地震更在漢族文化中代表了上天的震怒,所以中共亦「理所當然地」看不到任何地震的徵兆。
奧運火炬名叫祥雲,其實就是投射了中共「以為天下太平、四海的華人歸心,因此上天一定會賜予良好的天氣以示「鼓勵」及讚許中共」的願望;在此氣氛下,在中 共及不少頭腦發熱的民族主義者中,中國怎可能會有壞的天氣及地殼變動?我不知人的思想是否可以達到控制天氣的地步,但中共的心態及無疑是一系列事件的始作 俑者!
我以為如果中共可以像其他民主國家一樣,只把它視為國家中其中一項大型的動育活動,而不把它上升到近乎國家民族興亡的層次,則撞火車、奧運火炬被搶、西藏 騷動、四川地震、南方雪災雖然未必可以避免,但對中國人民的精神創傷還不至於會太重。我想,這是不是我一廂情願呢?因為在專制政治下,竭力去政治化的中共 國對人民行為/感情/思想全面管理,因此政治無孔不入,政治無所不管,中共國的體育從來都是政治!

Commentary and my version of ‘How salt dissolve in water’

I am writing this as my own version of Euler’s ‘How salt dissolve in water’. Presumably, when its author is writing that article, he is describing it in the level of electrons since only the outlying electrons of atoms would repel each other. In my opinion, we can describe it in a more appropriate level: Atomic level. Moreover, that article consider only the thermal energy of the water molecules and salt, ignoring the electronic forces between the salt and water molecules. Therefore I attempted to offer a more comprehensive picture of the process by combing all forces.
Consider Salt itself is consisted of chloride ions and sodium ions packed together. As it is dropped into water, it is more likely that salt remove water molecules by displacement than electronic repulsion. As for the consideration of electronic forces, the repulsion and attraction of the same molecules of water by the ions is likely to resulted in molecules turning toward the salt, so the reaction on the ions is thus likely in the outward direction for the ions. Otherwise when the totality of electronic force acting on the molecules are repulsive rather than attractive, it also aid the dissolving process as water molecules would bounce back from the boundary (In case of a cup, it would bounce back from the glass; In case of ocean, it would bounce back from the shore.); thereby this time that water molecule is approaching the ions in the salt with increased kinetic energy. Thus, it speed up the next iteration of interactions between the ions and water molecules.
What are the effect of these interactions on the ions in the salt?
Undoubtedly, there are cases which the interaction resulted in the net repulsion between the water molecules and the ions. However, assume the water molecules are evenly distributed around the salt cube, the chance of ions repelled from the left side of the cube is identical with the chance of the ions repelled from the side of the cube. (If the forces are otherwise unbalanced, the net momentum gained by the cube would likely to erase this unbalance.) Since electrostatic force held the cube tightly, an effect on the left side is immediately felt on the right side of the opposite direction. Therefore the totality of the effect on the ions in the salt by the net repulsive interactions is very likely to neutralized. On the other hand, now, we consider the results of the net attractive interactions. Since there are more spaces outside the salt cube than inside, the pulling-outward effect on the left side of the salt cube is lesser likely to be ‘balanced’ by the pulling-outward effect of the right side of the salt cube. Thus the total effect of the net repulsive interactions between the water molecules and the ions, it is more likely to forcibly ‘expand’ the salt cubes. (which the thermal energy of the ions itself is most likely to aid the process as described by euler.) Combing the two net effect of interactions, the ions are thus stretched. As the distances between the ions increased, the electrostatic forces held them together become weaker. As the electrostatic force between the ions are weaker, the ions in the outermost layer of the salt cube thus has a higher chance of interacting with the water molecules, which resulted in more tearing effect on the salt cube(since the ions in the inner layer of the salt cube is insulated from the electrostatic interactions because the electrostatic force are decreased with distance squared, which it is furtherest from the water molecules.) Therefore, the outermost layer of the ions in the salt cube are gradually being tear away by the water molecules, exposing the next outermost layer of the ions in the salt cube to the electrostatic interaction between water molecules and ions. thereby the whole process happened again and again until the salt is completely dissolved in water.

2008年5月15日 星期四


( euler兄把專制制度的劣根性和中共治理中國下的天災連繫起來,有意思!
轉載自: http://euler.truthbible.net/index.php?entry=entry080515-064020)


天災殺人最多在什麼國家?不會在美、英、法等自由民主國家,而是通常在不民主不自由如中國、北韓,何也?人命不值錢,人民死了無人知、唔准提、甚至 唔准想、官方的任何決定不容任何質疑、人民不可以追究官方失誤決定的責任、亦不可以因此而用民主選舉更換政府官員及執政黨! 人們都只一面倒的看到中共忙於救災,卻忘記了追究為什麼天災會時常在中國發生,而每次天災都造成大量人命傷亡呢?

Expectation Effect

This happen when I was studying in an University oversea, once someone was driving me to visit a mental hospital out of curiosity (which I heard was the biggest in the States). We was permitted in the visit area where they allowed some mental patients of least severe affliction. This time, however, we are out of luck since we don’t have any patient there. All is gone expect one.
We are all excited to see a real mental patient. However, that strike me as an odd as that patient looks absolutely normal in every aspect of his behavior(And he is pretty good looking also). Try as I might, I really can’t tell what is wrong with him. So the conclusion I drawn is that he must be a patient almost completely recovered from his disorder, since they are very selective in whom is allowed in the visitation area. You know, it is really hard to distinguish a mental patient just by sight.(I was told that many of them are addicted smokers.)
Imagine the shock I had when we meet him on the road: He is driving there for the same purpose as us! He was also curious in finding out what mental patient is like. Then it appears in my mind that would he also be shocked when he discover that we are also NOT mental patients? It is because we are inside a mental hospital therefore we expect everyone beside the worker there to be mental patient. The situation that we are inside a mental hospital has primed the connections between mental hospital and mental patient in the schema, therefore we see what we expect. We expect a mental patient in a mental hospital, thus we see everyone as mentally disordered. This is the very idea of Expectation Effect in Cognitive Psychology.



中共的世界華人統戰工程(方便他日對付自由中國:台灣): 奧運則先是因西藏的示威變成暴動而受世界圍堵,

2008年5月13日 星期二

The last day for Burma’s regime

In Psychohistory, almost all dictator paved their own destruction unconsciously. An act that intended for increase the staying power of the dictatorship somehow spell the end of its rule. There is nothing mysterious or mythical about that. That is just simple Psychology: Because the dictator and the ruled think differently. They think differently because they are different position.
We now have an example of how the Psychological warfare of Burma’s dictatorship taking against its own. At the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis, instead of supplying the emergency aid for the flooded area, it is working hard to build its image of benevolence. Now, however persuasive is the propaganda in Television and radio, all of the victim are facing the hard fact that the emergency aid is NOT there. The worst propaganda is the one that the audience IMMEDIATELY detect its falsehood. German has done once to discredit the British Psychological warfare, now Burmese government are falling into their own trap. How much credit does Burmese has on their government now? Once a communication channel is deem incredible, the psychological effect maybe just the oppose what it intended.
Another stupid move is to stick the name of Burmese’ Senior General Than Shwe, in the international aid. How? Because the small printed next to it written ‘By the courtesy of Thailand’! Even if the Burmese government manage to blind people’s eye to the small-print(read, much like the US citizen, the Burmese citizen has NO TIME to read small print!) It would raise the suspicion whether Burma government could supply this amount of food and aid. Victims obviously know what is producing in Burma and what is not in according to their common sense. Moreover, the one thing they are certain is most of the rice-producing area is flooded and how poor is the country, where does the rice and other supplies came from? Does it come from the military reserve? Or the General manage to create something out of nothing?
Honesty may not always be the best policy, but if you are going to lie, don’t make lie so obviously false! Don’t lies when it is easily uncovered! If the Burma regime realize this, they probably could manage their sorry state of existence for a few years, now it is one step into the grave it just dig!

Is stupidity being the common for all dictatorship? From North Korea(we have NO starvation in the country) to Burma(We can take care of all the flood victims!) to China(Olympic has nothing to do with politics!)?

An Suggestion for Processing of Air pollution in Hong Kong

I am following the similar line of thinking as in the last post. It has been my dream that government build giant air cleaner to remove the pollutant from the air. However, how to maintain it financially? We could see if we could extract useful material (like heavy metal of Aluminum, Lead?) from the collected pollutant, that sell it to local/oversea industry as a supply of metallic material. This is killing two birds in one stone, we can improve the quality of the air(thereby reduce the expense in Department of Health) while making a profitable business. Thus it gives incentive for the government to clean up the air without costing taxpayer a dime. The pain would be how to implement this idea, that belong to the field of chemistries and engineers!

An suggestion for the Processing of Sewage in Hong Kong

This is such a simple and stupid idea I wonder if no government already practicing it. My thought is since it take million of taxpayer’s money to process sewage from all the toilet in the cities, why can’t the Department responsible for processing of sewage SELL the processed material as organic fertilizer? Why must it waste all the money by neutralized all the germ(i.e. fertilizer and nutrients for the plants) then release it into sea? Even if the intend for the process is to minimize the organic pollution to the ocean, we nevertheless pollute the ocean, why should we think ONLY from the perspective of human being but not for plants and animals? Doesn’t we waste all the energy to neutralize all the useful material for the plants in the processing of sewage while commercial entity take energy in the making of them? It is touchy political issue to talk about Polluter’s fee, why can’t we let the polluter’s waste product to pay for its own pollution?


在天才眼中,再垃圾的文章也有價值,再蠢的人亦是不可多得的人才,他看到是優點而不是缺點,而他的心胸容得下另一個天才;在庸才眼中,再有價值的文章也是 垃圾(我都曾經這樣想過,有什麼出奇!),再聰明的人也是庸才,他看到的永遠是別人的缺點,心裏永遠容不下任何一個人比他更優越。
愚見以為eulertruthbible的網誌中 的Lawrence是天才,因為顯然他從一大堆別人)的夢囈中,看出了無價的珍寶(地心吸力能量發明?);他可以別人自己都重視的東西中看到自己所需要的 答案,因為他本身已有答案。其他人只是提供一些靈感及方向給適當的人,正如耶穌說話只有他的門徒才聽到,聽得明我真正的意思的人才是我的知音。意思只要公 開發表,目的已達,想出這個主意的人已經可以退休了!


這次被我嘲笑的廣告不是來自電視,來自報紙;同樣亦是邏緝的問題。男子脫髮會不會影響自我形 象及人際關係呢?依某廣告的調查研究,男子脫髮會被其他人認為脫髮會惡性影響脫髮者的人際關係,其他人會認為脫髮的男子的人緣差。好了,記得中六讀的英文 應用科強調意見和事實的分離,其他人以為你怎樣怎樣是他們的意見,不代表什麼事實。因此其他人認為脫髮的男子的人緣差,不代表脫髮的男子本身的人緣差。是 不是在後現代世界,意見就是現實?客觀性不存在,所以所有的事實都是代表了一種意見而已?

想深一層, 就算在後現代世界,意見可以當成一種事實,但其他人認為脫髮的男子的人緣差,只可以勉強代表「在其他人心目中脫髮的男子的人緣比較差」這一個事實,如何從 「在其他人心目中脫髮的男子的人緣比較差」的論述跳到「脫髮的男子覺得自己人緣比較差」或「脫髮的男子的人緣真的比較差」的結論?內裏是不是隱含了「其他 人的意見就代表我的現實」或「其他人的意見就代表我的意見」的奇怪邏緝?
前者,是賣廣告的人頭腦不清醒,還是在乘機開闊讀者的眼界,讓他們了解心理學中的「我不是我,亦不是自己以為的我,而是我以為其他人以為的我」?但是心理學卻沒有說:其他人心目中的我就是我。 後者,「其他人的意見就代表我的意見」,亦是香港常見的「主流主義」思想模式,香港人是凡事沒有自己意見的,只有「他/她認為是主流的意見」就代表了是自 己的意見;甚至進一步,自己的意見就是自己。因此,「主流主義」以為廣告交代的是顯而易見的常理:脫髮的男仕人緣一定不會好的哪裏去,因此猜想大部份香港 人都是這樣想,因而形成了自己的意見:脫髮的男仕人緣一定不會好,所以要快快依廣告的指示去解決脫髮的問題。


而後來一系列任達華演出的變態、暴力、強姦及性虐待的戲,似乎是代表着香港人對於此政治現真的解決辨法,就是接受被強姦及宰割的命運,並嘗試享 受其中的過程;而另外它們亦含有「忘記道德,盡情享受」的未世感覺,亦有Freud「文明的崩潰」中提及文明崩潰前的盡情釋放出一直被壓抑的慾望的感覺。


如果李柱銘、楊森及單仲諧不想再當議員,大可以排在在比例代表制的第二位,在上一次選舉時我提到,為什麼新界西的何俊仁不可以排在張賢登後面?如此一來, 則到今天民主黨已有一批新人在立法會,不用次次選舉內爭上位。民主黨思路一向太泛道德主義,太直是也!政治有原則亦要變通,在不變中求變,主動改寫公式化 的行為模式。泛民的泛道德主義包服太重,竟然支持全面禁煙,而想不出如何兩全其美的方法?何也,因為泛道德主義中原則上反對吸煙,因此民主黨便死跟,明知 一定會得失部份選民,又不會增加不吸煙的選民的支持度。如此想法,下一步豈不是要禁酒、禁色、禁粗言穢語?我不吸煙但反對禁煙的,一刀切是僵化的非黑即白 思維,原則有時很動聽,但卻對改善現實問題無幫助。政治除了原則亦是要解決生活中的大小問題,一個好的政客知道什麼時侯原則、什麼時侯可以有彎轉,死守不 死守原則視乎可不可以達到政治目標而定。甘地相當有原則,但是和英國人談判還是相當有彈性的,而且有一些出人意表的創意,團結工會亦是以它的策略打贏了波 共。政客要向選民負責,不可以原則大過天,什麼事都寸步不讓,其實如果民主黨不是以泛道德主義為帥,反而是功利和有彈性一點,未必一定輸給民建聯。公平的 遊戲有公平的玩法,不公平的遊戲有不公平的玩法,唯一是要玩出成績來。

Obama will win the US election

For the coming presidential election in USA, I am making this prediction maybe in the fashion of ‘hindsight’ that Obama would likely win the coming election. The reason is likely that Republican not fully united behind his back due to ideological difference, that is given the Democrat would united behind Obama in the first place. (My feeling, however, it is easier for Hilliary to join Obama than other Republican presidential Primary candidate to join Mc. Cain). For Republican, the question is whether to vote just because of his party; For Democrat, the question is who is the best candidate to run. Another factor is either Clinton Hilary or Obama would felt new compare to Mc. Cain, which has ran for president for several times. One is female another is African American while Mc. Cain is ‘just another Republican candidate’. He can win unless he is giving the electorate a feeling that he is ‘RADICALLY’ different from Bush, but how can he still be a Republican while remain ideological coherent? So Mc. Cain face a tougher battle than either Hillary Clinton and Obama.
An interest coincidence is that in the first of series 24, an Black America is running and elected president!

(2008/11/5: My prediction is accurate, Obama win by a landslide in electorate college, 8% in popular votes. )

2008年5月10日 星期六

Today is 666 day

From http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/popclockworld.html
Hong Kong population passed 6.66 million for a long time
Gmail passed 6666M a few days ago
Total number of cities in communist China is 661(include HK?), if including Taiwan, should be close to 666?