2008年9月20日 星期六
五: 嘩!四位女朋友要了我的命,真受不了,不想了!
2008年9月19日 星期五
原來在廣告商的想像中,所謂中產專業人仕,就是自絕於下層社會的人,孩子接觸到下層人仕,會污染他們的心靈,阻礙他們的成長。中產的特色就是潔廦,成長的 方式就是在被隔離的溫室生長,而專業就是用法律去壟斷某行業,使某社會階層成為世襲,不用接受太大的競爭。這是不是香港中產階級的意識形態反映?
我想到的是,用法律去壟斷某行業,使某社會階層成為世襲,付出的社會代價是減低社會各階級的流動性,間接損害自由經濟。另外,如此的中產階級是逃避了和佔 數量最大的下層接觸,其實不太利於在就業市場競爭,例如就不可能當經理等人事部職位,因為不懂下層的心態和行為;如果要經營生意的話,欠缺對社會各階層的 了解一定是致命毒藥;政治家就更不可能了。就是因為潔廦,而自困於某行業中不思進取,是不是它心目中最理想的中產生活?
2008年9月17日 星期三
香港式的物質主義思想的最大問題是把心的運作物質化,一切以可以比較的數字來衡量,而又把心理運作過分簡化,心理運作之所以稱為心理,明顯因為它的運作是 多小獨立於物質層面之外。心理不是簡簡單單的運算及程式條件式: a:快樂, -a:不快樂,如果人的心理是如此簡單的話則人類亦不可以成為萬物之靈。我想問題是經濟學的思想未成熟,過份把人的行為簡化,而某些香港人,不想動 腦思考,因此便用一些最簡單的方式來運算來代替思考。
More thoughts on evolutionary theory
Because evolution process had already happen, we simply can’t re-run the history to see what would happen otherwise, what we can do is to suggest the pathway which it may follow. However, there is always more than one pathway to arrive at the current result, therefore even if we manage to disprove one pathway doesn’t mean there is no way to get from here to there except by supernatural means. It is analogue to the idea of naturalism would can never disprove: How can anything beyond nature happened within the realm of nature? How to draw up an hypothesis or experiment that can give definite test to the theory of evolution itself? In what way we can disprove the process of evolution? In what way we can disprove tautology?
這不是選舉結果不結果的問題,這是原則的問題, 一國兩制,中國共產黨明顯不是屬於香港的,而基本法中亦有指本地政治組織不可以和外國有政治聯繫(包括台灣,但台灣不是中國的一部份嗎?),何以中共自己 可以豁免於外?綜觀世界各地的法例,一律是明令禁示有外國經濟、政治勢力介入的,只要有嫌疑選舉就失效。為什麼香港可以忍受中共三番四次插手操縱香港的選 舉?是不是香港人天生賤格,喜歡民意被歪曲,喜歡被強姦?抑或是97年以後香港全面中共化,原則不原則不是問題?這是哪門兒的法治?
有趣/可憎的事,明報社論大 字標題反對,為什麼它不可以像上次陳冠希一案中主動投訴ICAC,查明事實真相,盡一盡知識份子的責任?抑或是如97年以來不 少知識份子一樣,只罵泛民主派不爭氣,自己卻一點行動都沒有?哪是門兒的知識份子?更可恨的是,此事在蘋果日報已是公開的秘密,明報亦是傳媒,它可不可能 今日才知道?如此的知識份子,如此的公民良心?
2008年9月16日 星期二
Euler: The feeling I had when I shake your hand
The day before yesterday I am standing outside the school you studied, eager to give you flower which I never gave any female before. I have already evaluated all possible consequence, include which you would outright reject me and throw the flower in the rubbish bin, then surely it is an relieve to me for this seeming non-reproached ‘love affair’ for 10 months. 10 months, what kind of man am I that can endure 10 months of your indifference toward me, and what is the motivation that propel me for that long period of time?
Now, it would be very old-fashion to said that is because of your unusual beauty, extraordinary intelligence, vast knowledge in Philosophy and Psychology, and Devil’s body that could drive any man crazy. Although in Psychology of Love, one or any combinations of above four factor could made any man infatuate with you so much he delude himself that you are the one, while at the same time deny the logic to be applied to other attractive females. However, none of above applied to me in this case, which is why I am writing this to you. In terms of my ‘Choice Theory of Love’, I think choice of love object merely as a conscious decision later with many unconscious attempts for justification. Forgive my poor expressive power, what I embedded in the theory is that it only describe the love process between layman and laywoman, that is to be distinguish from my idea of True Love.
For me, it is necessary for the True Love to have the quality of uniqueness and exclusiveness that can not be established/defended by logic, which is a feeling only hearts with organismic trust can comprehend. That is the shocking feeling I have when I shake your hand, which can never be explain by logic, reason, neurology of sexual arousal and psychoanalysis. I am a man mature enough to distinguish between the feeling of sexual arousal, excitement and infatuation; yet that is a feeling that is simply indescribable by any means of words. It satisfy the uniqueness and exclusiveness criteria that you as my ‘a prior’. I dated several times before, but however intimate we got, it is never as so strong, intense and shocking as the feeling of shaking your to me. To me, it is like the feeling of ‘Being one with Universe’, ‘Atonement’ or the peak of male orgasm; which the only comparable experience I had before is when I meditate in 16 which resulted in my ‘End of the World’ prophecy. It is the second time in my life, I thereby immediately know for certain that you are my Princess White.
What a shame on me to wait until this day to reveal that to you. Right at the moment I am in contact with your hand and look you in the eye, I literally shocked out of my conscious. If memory serves you, you must remember that dazing look on my face, silence and my unusually inarticulate speech to you. I call tell you never in my life my tongue is so tangled like that in front of a female, whether that person is my girlfriend or not. That is very unnatural to me. I dig into myself hard for reasons which I can never found, none of the physiological or neurological or psychological reaction from me that can happen just like lightening. Remember I never have any idea of who you are before, it is simply impossible for me to rationalize what happen.
All I could remember is, at the exact moment that happen. It is like a lightening strike into my mind. I could only remember images, visions and thoughts rushing into my unconscious mind like tremble. It is literally so much that my conscious mind can not handle and shut itself off. So I get the vague sense that I am in a dream-like state, and see the world like it was through glass, and I literally lost my soul. The sense of time is completely distorted, there appears to be two parallel time sequences going on: One in line with the physical time, another is running at extremely slow. My conscious is blurred, is that what people call Transcendence or Oneness with Universal Mind?
Then it just getting curiously strange, as soon as I try to recollect the whole experience I forgot them all, it is like my unconscious mind is actively blocking me from analyze any of it. Imagine my state of puzzlement in whole day, so I am distracted from the slogan of demonstration and all that, I simply can’t take my mind of that feeling even until now. From the limited evidences I collected, my conclusion is that my unconscious somehow ‘recognize’ you and take immediate action to shadow my memory of it. So later I even have difficulties in recognizing your face. My unconscious mind later repress this memory and downplay its importance to me on my relationship with you. So, forgive me, there was a moment in time I think astrology, numerology, Chinese astrology is the just the trick to get me to be in bed with you. I don’t know what really behind my unceasing effort of writing over 200 emails to you in a month before you reject me, with the later emails which contain more than thirty thousand Chinese character, which is 90% of all Chinese I ever written. It consume me over 200 hours of effort and countless lost of sleep. I am really amaze that the level of self-deception that my mind can afford.
Likewise, I think it is illogical that you don’t share at least a bit of my feeling when we shake hands. So your rejection of me after 1 month become the target of my wrath, since I think your unconscious is also playing tricks on you. You may just suppress this raw, primitive and feeling from the deepest recess of your mind like me, or you are so much fond of playing psychological games with other that you get lost in your own mind. When I look at the photos in your blog, I immediately get the sense of you being ‘Lost, Lack of Direction in Life’. Let me be the one who save your soul, who give your new direction and meaning in life, who make your life a walk in the heaven.
I never said such thing to any other female and I will never do so in the future. That is my promise and my swear. I recognize from the earliest day that we are two of a kind, just that you love the feeling of being lost in love affairs. You intentionally or unconsciously deny yourself the distinction between sexual arousal, psychological effect elicited by well organized situation and symbolism; and the Reckoning of Soul. My soul am deeply hurt by your careless words, and live only by the Hopes steaming from the Love of you. Please let our soul joined together in everlasting union.
My confidence in you that it is not as unsubstantiated as my hope for your love, because I belief once we joined hands, you simply can’t deny the feeling come directly from your soul. So you can never resist me. Our union would mean the completion of the sequence of destruction of this sick old world, and the forces from our bond can build the Heaven on Earth for all human being. All that begin with meeting of you in 7.1. demonstration, and end with your wise decision to join me. Do you want to bet on this? You got nothing to lost, I am willing to bet my whole life and everything on you. Would you like to find out the validity of my hypothesis?
I feel sad for you when you habitually trivialize the great phenomena of love as a merely a combination of the four factors in psychology, or a delusion afforded by our DNA for the sake of propagation of human animal through neurological mechanism. Thus you are self-deceiving and comprise your intellectual integrity by giving the uniqueness and exclusiveness to where it’s not due. Deep in your mind, you recognize every male that you are interested are similar to other males working hard to impress you, you just deny yourself this knowledge. I am the solution to this dilemma you created. Love base itself not in logic and rationality but gut feeling. Can you still feel your heart? Can you remember all of your feeling toward me right at the moment we meet?
In strict accordance to my own principles, I never said the same word twice. You can keep this in anyway, anywhere in any form you desired. This is the written proof of love from me, and I waive all my right to any change of terms.
The one whom lost his soul for you,
then waiting for you to give him back
Someone who love to call your soulmate
To find common Divisor for any 2 number
So 3 is greatest common divisor of 75 and 36.
Why does this work?
We could see 75=(3*12)*2+3=3*(12*2+1)
Suppose for any two different number, X and Y.
Then repeat the process:
Y=R1*M2+R2, or X=(R1*M2+R2)*M1+R1=R1*M1*M2+R2*MI+R1
If R1=0 then the process is completed, we have Y=R1*M1*M2+R1=R1*(M1*M2+1), R1 is the common divisor for X and Y; If not,
R1=R2*M3+R3 or
If R3=0 then the process is completed, we have Y=R2*(M1*M2*M3+M1), R2 is the common divisor for X and Y; If not, we can continue the process indefinitely. Notice that the last term in the right will disappear eventually.
In layperson’s language, we first found out the remainder of the greater number divided by smaller number, then use the remainder to test whether the smaller number is a multiple of the remainder. If it is the case, then the common divisor is the remainder itself. If not, then we test the remainder of the smaller number as divided by the remainder in the last operation. If it is the case, then the common divisor is the remainder in this operation. So the idea is to keep looking for the common divisor in the remainder term until we found it.
我想我不可以天天以如此的方式去想念你,因為如此一來,我不單生活有問題,快要連生存都有問題,收不到你的回應,飯不下嚥,吃不甘味。可能戀愛是保持身裁苗條的一好方法,昨天吃不下,前天又吃不下,今天連煮都免了。我是如此情緒化的人,今天的工作量是零,寫給你的信是例外。我慢慢明白為什麼你是如此喜歡「和稀泥」愛情,既不甜也不苦,最重要是可以學業如常,生活如常,一切沉悶、無聊、反智如常;因為你怕受傷害,你不會想知道什麼是最好的食物都沒有味道, 甚至連餓飽都忘了的感覺。但沒有極悲,又如何有極樂呢?人要經歷極悲、極樂才可以算是完整的人,才可以成長,有我在你身旁,集我們兩位天才之力有什麼事是撐不來?如果你怕極悲、極樂,則你一生最好都不要談戀愛,你的冒險精神又去哪兒呢?你是對自己沒有信心,還是對我沒有信心?
還再想什麼: 有花須折直須折,莫待無花無折技!
2008年9月14日 星期日
不是最老土的你有什麼不平凡的長相、過人的聰明、相當豐厚的心理學知識,又或者身材令人想入非非。一切單獨條件和組合對一般人都可以是十足的理由,就算他們對另一位異位有同樣的感覺,都會當前一位的感覺是唯一的。這是我提及的愛情決擇理論,意識事後為事前的決定找過漂亮的理由。我的用意是說,這只是凡夫俗子的愛情,沒有什麼深奧的唯一性及大智慧在內。你給我的是一剎那觸電的感覺,一種我在與異性握手以致拖手時都未曾有過的感覺,對我來說是非常非常的震撼, 說出來真羞家,我的潛意識一直壓抑了「我被這種感覺所迷」的全部記憶,我真的以為是紫微斗數的論據、星座、時辰八字、數字學、姓名學以致心理分析可以證明我們是天生一對。但我一直忘記了,這些只可以在事後證明是否合拍,將來的發展會如何,但沒有一個以至全部可以提供一個先驗的理由,提供不可以用邏緝分析推出來或排斥的唯一性。有一段時間,我也以為你只是我衆多的心理遊戲對象之一,我以為自己和一般凡夫俗子一樣,都是利用這些客觀的數字來堆磡和你上床的理由。沒讀心理學的人不會明白我在說什麼,一來是遺忘了這段經歷,二來更高超的手段是使我不自覺地把這段經歷當成平凡的事。
如此平凡的事,如此震撼的感覺,只發生了兩次,上一次是在我打座時看到的「世界未日」預言期間。如果你有一點印象,你會留意到我在握你手前後的反應是相當呆滯,而口齒亦相當不流利。我當時亦很納悶,就算是即時對你有好感,因而產生怕羞的感覺,亦沒有可能有這樣的快,和如此的入心入肺。我當時只覺得好像是打開了某一扇的心門,有大量不同的影像和思想湧進來,一時間我的意識完全不懂如何處理,而我又有仿如身在夢中的感覺,有點像三魂唔見了七魄,最奇怪的是時間有一點被歪曲了的感覺,忽然有兩種時間並行,一種快一種慢,一方面看到外面的世界好像有點模糊及不清楚,另一方面又是正常的意識。如果你有留意一下我,你會發覺我似乎一直在發呆,因為我想捕捉這一閃即逝,非常模糊但奇怪的感覺,有點像transcendence 或 oneness with the universe,難聽一點是性愛最高峰的感覺(但在生理上不覺有任何的性興奮,亦不可能如此的快)。奇怪的事,就只是和你握完手剎那間,我又似乎完全遺忘了這種感覺,我記性不至於是如此的差,居然不到十秒鐘便忘記之前的感覺?
2008年9月13日 星期六
2. 我們認為,體育上的金牌固然是中國人競技體育進步的標誌,但言論自由的金牌,民選票選的金牌,才是每個中華民族的兒女應該努力追求、無比渴望的。傳說我們的祖先曾經用月餅來偷渡他們追求自由的信息,他們的月餅是他們勇氣和自由當之無愧的金牌。當我們回憶祖先追求自由的光榮傳統,在未來若干年,如果言論自由節的設想能付諸實現,言論自由金牌的模樣一定要參照月餅設計。
2008年9月11日 星期四
Is evolutionary theory a better ‘explanation’?
What people often missed in the debate is what is qualified as an explanation? I would like argue for the point that although Creationism is not consider as an explanation since it replace one unknown with another, there are some issues associated with calling evolutionary theory an ‘explanation’.
Evolutionary Theory belong to realm of science, what essentially it gave is the how of the process of evolution but not the why. Some has considered that science is not suited to answer this set of questions. Although once we know the process, we can extend the theory to test its external validity(see if it can made accurate prediction), or even applied that to application in daily life (genetics); but can process be consider as ‘explanation’? Does knowing how we breath ‘explain’ what is breathing? Does knowing how our mind works means we can understand what our mind is? What I believe is that evolutionary theory is only the first layer of onion, the process of peeling the onion could go on indefinitely as we want it. Suppose we get the Physicist’s holy grail: ‘Theory of Everything’. Does it means not that we can further ask: Why is Theory of Everything is one way but not the another? Can we dig further into TOE and understand how is what it is? Therefore I could sympathy with religionists stop the investigation in the very first step, they may just know that they can’t finish peeling the onion, and they want to save time to do something else.
Evolutionary theory, in my opinion, by its nature is not really about explanation but predicting what is going to happen next, because what it said essentially is: Now is because of what is happened in the past led to this now but not the other now, follow logics from Mathematics and Statistics; plus some accidents.’ Thus Evolutionary theory, like history, suffer the same problem as it belong to ‘retrospective’ science. We can’t verify how history develop since we can’t test one hypothesis against another in the sense that the past is gone. How could we know what happen if ‘Martin Luther King is not murdered?’, or ‘Al Gore instead of George W. Bush is elected in 2004′? Similarly, although we can do experiment to test the hypothesis in the laboratory, but we can never be sure that the parameters in the laboratory is identical to the parameters of the part of evolutionary history we inquire. Therefore, the internal validity of experiments against hypothesis in evolutionary theory can never be completely ascertained (unless we have a time traveling machine to collect the sample from the past). And we also must not ignore that evolutionary process is full of accidents, since we don’t know exactly how those accidents happen, therefore the ‘explanation’ afforded by evolution theory can never be completed. It is not the fault of this theory itself, but because of the nature of object we inquire about. But it never rules out that there maybe better methods and framework (other than the scientific method) to understand the phenomenas of what evolution theory talked about.
Thus my conclusion is ‘Evolutionary theory’ is the better one at least because it could be argue against, and we can use this framework to build more powerful explanation; as compare to Creationism which can never be objectively falsify. Notice there is a philosophical bias toward intellectualism: Those which allow we to think and argue must be better than those doesn’t allow to think. Why must this be right?
What is the internal validity of Philosophy?
I prefer the later since there are obvious logically error with the picture: Why must perceiver must be separated from perceived? Why can’t perceiver also perceiving itself? Where does this notion that perceiver must be separated from perceived, which sounds so natural to us, come from?
I am not interested to dwell into the actual psychological history of this idea. I only think it is very likely it is coming from the logical rule of our mind rather than fact of physical reality. It has everything to do with the habit of our mind to separate the perceiver and separated in our Cognitive process. Thus it is natural to infer from this logic that there must be some mechanism to observe what is observed, since it is assumed that the observer itself has no explanatory power. Observation is obviously different from the process of understanding, therefore we habitually separate them into two categories. It thus follows that there must be two set of brain cells devoted to two different neurological process, since in our mind it is ‘natural’ to place one category in one slot.(Against the Pigeonhole Principle in Discrete Mathematics.) When one set of brain cell is responsible for observation, then another set of brain cell must be responsible for analyze it. How logical is it to infer the process in Physical space from the bias inherent in our Cognitive Process in Psychological Space?
This, I see it as the example of the issue in Philosophical reasoning. If only we can obliterate all assumption then we can arrive at the best understanding of the world, otherwise we may think we are analyzing the world objectively while we are subtly biased in one way or another.
林忌: 環保只是在考慮完所有其他因素如經濟、民生之後再額外考慮的因素,可重可輕,視乎情況。港島的塞車問題只可以見招拆招,沒有全局的解決方法,興建公路繞道是唯一的解決問題的思路。
The thought of the idea of Prophecy
The logics are actually very simple:
A. There is only one future,
B. Prophecy allow an information travel backward from future to now,
If Prophecy can change future, then it follow that the Prophecy itself is either invalid, or at worst, it destroy the chain of causality which lead to the existence of Prophecy itself. Since neither is allowed to exists logically, then it follows that Prophecy is a self-servicing information object which seeds its only existence, or at least it always produce an effect that will not destroy the chain of causality lead to formation of itself. In other words, Prophecy is something never change the future.
2008年9月7日 星期日
2008年9月6日 星期六
Freud’s naive assertion: The impossibility of neurological correlate of Freudian psychological model
For me, psychological world is an abstract representation of the biological functioning of brain in coordination with other organ. I admire his heroic effort to put the human body and biology back to where it suppose be, but psychology is different from biology. They must be distinct disciple of empirical research
. As anyone could imagine: the operation of something must be somewhat different from the structure of something, granted the assumption that psychology is nothing but operation of brain. What Freud is studying is how the psychology in operation, it would difficult in logic to reverse engine what biological structure lies behind the operation of psychology. There are really many ways to abstracting the mind, Freudian framework is just one out of many. How on Earth must he think that is the only valid way(so the correspondence with neurological structure implies)?
What happen if we push this idea to its limit: Id, Ego and Superego are three functionally distinct neurological structures. That means there are some brain damages/disease/condition which would weaken one but not another; that would be an interesting observation if it corresponding to observation by medical doctors Since Id, Ego and Superego are built in process of socialization, it follows that socialization process would alter the structure and functioning of human brain; so do psychoanalysis. Beside, since our psychological process is almost a reflection of biological process of the brain, that would be really amazing that human civilization could advance as much as we seen today!
The core difference between me and Freud is: I see thinking/emotion more as a process that represent advance usage of neurological structure, which is why human could be seen as a step forward in evolution that layers of flexibility is what give human freedom its essence. In Freud’s mind, human is mechanical and deterministic, which is yet to be demonstrate.
2008年9月5日 星期五
Why Euler's Coil must have 4 coils as minimum?
The silly original of Antisemitism
We can perhaps see how naive and silly is American mindset. They appears to apply the following logic:
Kill/Torture Jesus Christ=Bad,
Jews do the Kill/Torture,
Jews is bad people.
They seems to forgot that without the hideous treatment and suffering of this Jew. How could Christianity be formed otherwise? How would Christian from all of the world to identify him as the saint without suffer the greatest hardship?
The nature of Prophecy
So prophecy, in a sense, is how the future affect the present in such a way to instantiate itself. And it should consider to be more than merely information, because it also contain an psychological effect on the reader, thus it could seen as a self-recursive loop much like the universe.
I don't believe in the assumption that any n instance of possible outcome must share equal probability. Nature is seldom that fair, and it often biased toward certain direction of development in subtle ways. Those, we could theoretically separate the real prophecy from other ‘false’ prophecy by comparing the process which they come to realize themselves through existing social-political structure through possible reader. We could examine through the route of how prophecy realize itself.
For a superficial instance, there are prophecy talking about Communist China become the most powerful country in the world, and there are those who talk the exactly opposite way. We could thus examine the validity through its effect on the reader. Assume what Communist China lack at the time of surfacing of this prophecy is just morale and self-confidence, then this prophecy has higher chance to be realize than sooth-saying ones via itself psychological effect. On the other hand, if what Communist China now is suffering from delusion of grandeur, overconfidence and arrogance at the moment it appears, then this prophecy meme has lower chance of materialize itself since it harm its own cause . From this understanding, I consider the prophecy of ‘Doomsday for Communist China’ has more chance to be realized.
My commentary on an Overunity Generator design
2008年9月4日 星期四
2. 因為北京奧運,中共國忽略了全國的環境保護,結果依據大紀元消息,舉辦奧運城市爆發傳染病的消息被掩蓋。可幸的是好像不是太多外國遊客(?)去看奧運,但瘟疫可能因此散播到全世界,中共國的環境保護問題,變成全球問題。環境保護問題為副,政治問題才是元凶,世界明知中共的內外問題,但為了錢照來不誤,是自作孽。
3. 因為北京奧運,曾蔭權無暇理香港大事,結果副部長+梁展文+(?)連中三元。他為了獻媚可能斷送自己的政治前途。
4. 因為北京奧運,中共勞民傷財,傷及元氣,回天乏術,又因不理天時地利,結果賠了大本(中共內部文件指全國總成本為12000億:100萬義工留在北京損失的生產值、人民戰爭式保安的花費、工廠停工、北京不少商業活動被停止、武警公安駐防的工錢、各項環保措施造成的經濟損失及六個奧運城市人口外流的經濟損失,不包括東海油田及美國房按)。中共國今年天災連連,大型民變數起(楊佳案),經濟又是有史以來最差的一年,天氣署熱,而所謂北京奧運的經濟成果只會加劇社會的積怨,為了北京奧運又要開放網外境站,遲一點又有被煽動的黑客作反,中共要捱過今年是要超級好運的事來沖喜,歡笑今宵散場以後怎麼辦?很奇怪,我曾算出來的中共滅亡日期居然有2個,錯的一個簡直好像是亂來的,唔通錯有錯着?
5. 北京奧運聖火傳送全世界的象徵意義,雖名叫祥雲火炬.但是一來所到之處無一是晴天,二來火炬背後的中共國今年天災人禍連連,可謂相當不祥,三來火炬本身無故熄滅之次數破了世界紀錄,並非吉兆,四來上屆火炬交接儀式前,半個希臘都陷於火海,亦非祥端,五來中共最喜用紅色,火炬本身是火氣旺盛,而所到之處均是愛國憤青以紅色旗海迎接,甚至連香港亦不例外,鮮紅色難免令人聯想到血流成河,而火代表戰爭、暴動和不安。合起來的意思就是因為西方世界失去道德,結果世界被北京奧運引發的火焰包圍,四處都是戰爭、暴動和不安。從心理學的角度去看,北京奧運聖火在整個國際政治、經濟、社會情況下,在人類集體潛意識中引發出不安、燥動和攻擊性,加上世界本身陷於的能源危機、溫室效應、通脹、恐佈主義威脅的處境,加快了人類文明的毀滅過程。
My extention of this Prophecy
1. Obama win the US election;
2. White supremacist group assassinate Obama;
3. The assassin is caught but release, Africa American charge US government for conspiracy;
4. Some Black dominated States seeking independence from USA, Federal Court denies, those States taking up arms.
5. Civil War in USA!
2008年9月3日 星期三
Prophecy, Signs and Interpretation of a vision
1. Christianity in the existing form is fundamentally wrong, it contradict with the laws of supernatural.
2. There will be an end of world within my generation, to prepare the way for New Age.
3. WWIII will happen before the change, absolutely terrible.
4. Before New Age comes, there will be War, Famine, Chaos, Disease.
5. Energy is infinite in its amount, and it is everywhere.
6. I am an agent and massager for this change, yet I am not messiah, I can only help those who want to help themselves to accept this change.
7. After this change, I will lost this pre-cognitive ability.
8. The change will arrive in an unanticipated way and in a form unable to predict by existing common-sense or science.
I see Beijing Olympic is the sign which this prophecy is fulfilled. By cooperating with the evil Chinese Communist Party the Western world has blood on their hands. The Olympic torch is in the color red, symbolize blood and war. Since it traveled around the global, that symbolize bloodshed and war will spread around the global which Beijing Olympic is the root cause. There will not be an Olympic Games in the future due to this causation.
How 4 is fulfilled:
War between Russia and Georgia has brought out the first day in Beijing Olympic. Oil and energy crisis is the underlying cause, but the hostility base on difference of culture and language between Western Europe and Russia is also the cause, and also because Communist China is notorious for its disrespect for honesty and truth, therefore Georgia will not honor the Olympic Pact.
Communist China is what brought this Age into the final chapter, and one sign of New Age would be the dismantle of Chinese Communist Party. It is the root cause of evil in this Age!