2008年9月5日 星期五

The silly original of Antisemitism

I can’t really believe my ears when my Psychology Professor talk about the root cause of Antisemitism in USA. One hint is those who are antisemitic are often deeply devout to Protestantism or Catholicism. Judaism, by definition, denies the validity of the foundation of Christianity, which Jesus is merely seen as a prophet but not messiah or God incarnated. Moreover, Jesus Christ is tortured and killed by Jews which see him as man pretending to be God. Then added to the trouble is Israel is the most restricted country for Christian missionary, maybe more so than Muslim countries. Plus the monopoly of several industry sector in USA by Jews.

We can perhaps see how naive and silly is American mindset. They appears to apply the following logic:
Kill/Torture Jesus Christ=Bad,
Jews do the Kill/Torture,
Jews is bad people.

They seems to forgot that without the hideous treatment and suffering of this Jew. How could Christianity be formed otherwise? How would Christian from all of the world to identify him as the saint without suffer the greatest hardship?
