(Finally have time in rainy season, it has been raining in my heart for a while...)
(From: http://euler.truthbible.net/index.php?entry=entry090611-202828)
Dear Bureau of (always fine-tuning but never working) Education and Man-Power,
(This item is specially dedicated to Mr. Lam and Bureau for Mainland affair and political 'development')
1. The present political system of HKSAR is working excellently to keep the power (of people) in check, there is no need to change it (unless Communist China say so), just like the new Secondary syllabus that has never been adopted, which is working excellently. We are Christian God's slave so we have foresight that Intelligent Design/Creationism which will be simulating, unbiased toward Christianity and Darwinist Biology. In the same venue of Atheism/Secularism in China, Universal Suffrage is working excellently when it never fully implemented!
2. There is no universal accepted definition of religion in religion education, so people are free to worship Jesus Christ, money, Donald Tseung, DAB, Beijing Olympic, (ultra environmentally friendly) Progressive Development view, Flying Spaghetti, Japanese AV models or dictatorship of Chinese Communist Party, Edison Chan or Mao(Anything but Democracy and Freedom). Since also many religionists from USA consider that Atheism and science are both form of religion, so to be fair we suggested HKSAR to mandate other religions to have fair time in the Religion/Bible class of existing religious Secondary/Primary/Kindergarten.
Actually, there is no universal accepted definition of (best) Education among education scholars, so I also suggest HKSAR to sponsor home-schooling, street-schooling , hotel-schooling, hostel-schooling, church-schooling, hospital school, bathroom-schooling, nursing home schooling, gang-schooling, Christian non-sexual schooling and STL schooling of Human Right.
There is a legitimate (political) science controversy over whether fully Democratization of HKSAR will be working or not, so both sides need to be taught at school;
There is a legitimate controversy over whether Human Right (for GLBT) is good or bad for the society, so both sides need to be taught at school(Done by Society of Truth and Light already); There is a legitimate controversy over whether Nanking massacre is History or fabrication by Chinese scholar, so both sides need to be taught at school;
There is a legitimate controversy over whether 911 is organized by Taliban or US-government, so both sides need to be taught at school;
There is a legitimate controversy over whether Theory of Relativity is true or false, so both sides need to be taught at school;
There is a legitimate controversy over whether Quantum Mechanic is true of false, so both sides need to be taught at school;
There is a legitimate controversy over whether Noah's Ark is an April Fool's prank started by a German newspaper or real historical event, so both sides need to be taught at school;
There is a legitimate controversy over whether the Earth is only 6000 years old as demonstrate by Creationist Park in HKSAR or over billion year by geological research, so both sides need to be taught at school;
There is a legitimate controversy over whether Intelligent Design/Creationism belong to science or religion, so both sides need to be taught at school;
There is a legitimate controversy over whether dominating Christian right belong to religion or politics, so both sides need to be taught at school;
There is a legitimate controversy over whether Christian Right's (Depraved) Theology is valid or not, so both sides need to be taught at school;
There is a legitimate controversy over whether Bible belong to History or Religion, so both sides need to be taught at school.
4. The original of Christian God remain a mystery to all of us, the Christian Bible doesn't give us much conclusive evidence as how a Jew suddenly worshiped by billion of human being, therefore Christian school shouldn't stop at the level that Jesus Christ has become Christian God, but also looking at how He has become Almighty. And to be fair, how other 12 messiah alternatives fair to form their own religion, and how would 'Christianity' become when other Jews took Jesus Christ's place. What would Christianity and the world become when Jesus Christ is not a Jew but Arab/Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Indian/France/German/Britain/Spanish/African?
The original and historicity of ALL stories in Christian Bible remain a mystery to all of us, the Christian Bible doesn't give us much conclusive evidence as how it being an accurate and unbiased description of Jewish History, therefore Christian school shouldn't stop at the level of moral value conferred by each Biblical parable, but also looking at both the argument for and against this interpretation of the selected Biblical verses, as well as the evidence for and against such a story in geology, archeology, history, biology, Physics, Chemistry... etc .
The original of Christian Right's Depraved Theology remain a mystery to all of us, the Christian Bible doesn't give us much conclusive evidence as how this band of Christian fundamentalist derive from Christian Bible. That must be fully investigated by conservative and liberal Christian scholar with the participation of all student in Secondary/Primary/Kindergarten school.
The original of Christian Right's rise to power in secularist Chinese society like HKSAR remain a mystery to all of us, the Christian Bible doesn't give us much conclusive evidence as how this extremist religion can suddenly dominate the mass media(MingPao and ATV), Education sector and Public Park. That must be fully investigated by conservative and liberal Christian scholar with the participation of all student in Secondary/Primary/Kindergarten school.
The original of Christian Right's political aligning with Communist China remain a mystery to all of us, the Christian Bible doesn't give us much conclusive evidence as how an Atheist political party gradually give in and corrupted by religion by allowing religionists like Tibet Buddhist and Muslim into Party then sponsor a Christian Church (Chinese Christian Union Church) in Communist China and worldwide Chinese community. That must be fully investigated by conservative and liberal Christian scholar with the participation of all student in Secondary/Primary/Kindergarten school.
2009年6月13日 星期六
How I shall defend... Secular education in HKSAR?
Christian right,
hong kong,
Intelligent Design
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