2009年7月11日 星期六

The problem in the theoretical framework of Five-Elements hypothsis in Chinese culture

(Translated from here.)

1. How do we define an object as belonging to Metal, Water,Soil, Fire or Wood? What attributes do we take from an object as a defining attribute? For instance, computer is made of metal but require electricity to operate(Fire), yet the software and programs it run is base on Mathematics(wood) while it also posses structure(soil) and in state of constant change(water). Do we use an object's function, structure, mode of operation, what it made of or what it require to operate to differentiate the category it belong to in Five-Elements hypothesis? Also, does human body belong to Metal, Water,Soil, Fire or Wood? How about dynasty, do we simply define by its name?

2. The quantitative issue. What is heavy and what is weak and how do we differentiate it? Heavy Fire could vaporize a small pond of water, Great amount of soil could put out a small fire, small amount of soil can't protect from great flood, small amount of soil can actually aid Great Fire because it prevent it from exhaust itself too readily, small metal knife can't chopped down a large tree... etc.

3. Too big a room for interpretation. Metal, Water,Soil, Fire or Wood all are related to each other one way or another, there never exists two elements that bear no relationship. For instance, Metal bear
Water while melted by Fire, Metal come from Soil as mineral, Metal could chop Wood. What happen then when Metal encounter Wood? How do we know which is the most accurate interpretation?

4. Some attributes of Five elements appear to be self-contradictory. For instance, Water is known to be conservative, flow downward as stabilizer in cement, while Water is also associated with fluid and flexibility, so which is which? Fire is known to be expanding, growing upward, creative; yet it is also associated with stubbornness and arrogance. again which is which?

Unless all those questions are sorted out, otherwise we can't expect Five-Elements hypothesis to offer much value to humanity or Chinese culture.
