A Motor-Generator design using the idea of Euler’s Coil Technology.
2008年6月30日 星期一
我朋友心裏想,其實什麼前世後世、無定時供奉神靈都是籍口,在天安門六四大屠殺時,他表哥本來大有在道德人格上成長的機會,在香港的功利社會中,這是非常 難得,而且他表哥在此事的立場和社會主流一致,不會有被民綷暴力攻擊的危險;同時,示威集會又不是暴動,如何會亂呢?他表哥參加悼念六四大屠殺的集會,會 被什麼人利用?利用來做什麼呢?是不是凡事一有被任何動機的人利用,參與的人立刻就是不道德呢?是不是因為怕被有任何動機的人用任何方式利用,則在大是大 非面前,什麼都不做就是有道德呢?只談不做的道德又是不是道德?
因為在是次事件,他表哥父母教他表哥的是「做人要明哲保身,凡事箸數先行」的道理,因此他表哥視美國親戚的女兒為發展事業的踏腳石,自然亦是理所當然。明 知在六四大屠殺中,中共國有錯而不理,反過來卻說對「自己人」要有道德,他父母可曾學過什麼叫邏緝?他表哥父母以身示範了什麼時侯「為兩餐」可以不理大是 大非,所以他表哥的道德界線日益模糊,凡事只要有着數,有得益便行了,六四大屠殺不會理,稱讚當權者又如何、借婚姻來過橋又如何?
我雖然不同意我朋友的「道德人格發展說」,以為沒有足夠的事實證明三件事有因果關係,不過他的分析是相當合理。一是你不談道德,二你就不可以選擇性地道 德,否則你就成了陳冠希、阿嬌之流的偽君子,阿嬌公然支持否定普選、六四大屠殺的葉劉,陳冠希只對裸照的受害人有歉意,卻對因此無辜入獄的鍾亦天所受的冤 屈無動於衷,還說要洗心革面做基督徒。如此的道德是什麼道德?接受如此信徒的宗教還有什麼資格提道德?
The solution to the inductance issue in Overunity Motor design
The answer of this design problems lies in a phenomena known as ‘Parametric Power Conversion’ which a coreless electromagnetic coil would attract an iron core into itself, lead to an instantaneous increase of electrical energy in the electromagnetic coil. Therefore what we need to do in the design of overunity motor is by placing corelss electromagnetic coil as the stator, and a ring consists with material that is ferromagnetic alternating with material that is non-magnetic as the rotor. Then we need a circuit breaker to demagnetize the electromagnetic coils to prevent them from holding the rotor ring. If we can overcome the technicality of letting the ring to enter and depart from the electromagnetic coils freely, while find a way to transfer that angular momentum to do useful work in outside; then the motor require little or no electrical energy to operate(because the lost in electrical resistance in the electromagnetic coil would be compensated by Parametric Power Conversion). We got kinetic energy from electromagnetic coils for free. We essential continually borrow the kinetic energy from the bonding which held the stator static.
How to overcome the technicalities of letting the ring to enter and depart from the electromagnetic coils freely, while find a way to transfer that angular momentum to do useful work in outside. We essentially need the rotor to float in the middle air, while extract kinetic energy from it. How is it possible?
There are two approaches to this technicality: 1. We can think in the direction of using special physical mechanism to hold the ring in mid-air and use friction to transfer its kinetic energy like bearings; 2. We can separate the mechanism which hold the ring in the mid-air and the mechanism to take the kinetic energy out of the ring. One mechanism for latter that naturally come to mind is attraction and repulsion of magnetic/electrical field. For instance, we can use the magnetized metal in the ring moving between the electromagnetic coils to attract the ferromagnetic metal of the shell which is supported by a central axis. However, caution need to taken to avoid the mechanism to harvest kinetic energy of the rotor from diluting the effect of electromagnetic coil on the ring.
2008年6月28日 星期六
Further Development of Euler's Coil
Euler's Coil Technology is essentially the ways which electromagnetic coil arranged could affect its mutual inductance of the system as all. We can manipulate that to cause an imbalance of inductance in the magnetization of those electromagnetic coils, and the Back EMF caused by inductance in the demagnetization of those electromagnetic coils, so to harvest extra electrical/magnetic energy from the system. What I originally thought of is not using electromagnetic coil but the question: We all know that a magnetic field is weaken by distances, what if we feedback the magnet field from a field-emitting object back to itself? Does that achieve an strengthening effect on original field-emitting object itself?
Only now does I know that it is already been discovered in electromagnetism as the ‘Close-Loop’ Effect’, the magnetic field is stronger when placed near an object that would produce an induction effect. In a sense, the presence of field-responding object has create self-reinforcing circle of reinforcement of these magnetic fields.
Now what if we added the effect of Parallel Path Technology into that? i.e. If we have more than one close-loop that feedback to its original magnetic field-emitting object, wouldn't be able to strengthening the magnetic field further? Moreover, if Euler's Coil is arranged in such a way that some receiving coils are under the influence of more than one electromagnetic coils (i.e. For instance, in this arrangement). It is possible that the source electromagnetic coil would interacting with more than one electromagnetic coil, so it get more than one source of feedback. Suppose we arranged all of them that would mutually reinforce the effect of varying the polarity of one end of electromagnetic coil, would that theoretically further increase the effect of Euler's Coil, thus we could increase the extra electrical energy harvest from this invention?
Euler's invention: MCSSF
(With permission from Euler, I suspect that is not really an invention at all, it is just a principle that we can apply on Magnetic field emitting object. If we arrange them right then we got the strengthening effect, if we arrange them wrong then we got a weakening effect. This is Euler/Tesla's Coil applied on magnetic field.)
有香港特色的「民主」選舉制度,其實亦收異曲同工之效,用意就是歪曲民意,一來使原本有6成支持的泛民主派,永遠不可能在立法會中佔6成議席,因而對香港政 府的施政不會構成實際阻礙;二來,就是欺騙所有投票者及香港社會,無論實際得票如何,因為泛民主派得在立法會議席永遠不會遠大於非泛民主派,所以泛民主派 不是社會主流意見,亦即香港社會永遠沒有主流意見。
香港選民和中共國的網民一樣,都是制度性的欺騙對象,因為投票者本身除了由選舉結果外,是不可能知道其他投票者的意向的,而一般人都會假設選舉結果是真實 反映民意的,所以佔多數的支持泛民主派者會以為自己只是代表一半的民意,佔小數的反對泛民主派者亦會以為自己佔社會一半之多,久而久之,一部份相對天真的 泛民主派支持者會因為「民意」的壓力而改變投票取向,而達成制度設計者的原意。如果當有一天民意真的轉向反對泛民主派時,中共又會「順應民意」,修改「多 議席單票制」為原本的「單議席單票制」,因為此策略奏效需時,所以中共一直對香港普選採取拖延策略。
在1997年中共接收香港時,亦不打算一統治香港就立刻反其道而行,去民主化或把民主制度空洞化只可以慢慢來,不可以一蹴而就。後來因為彭定康的政治改革 就是用實打虛,製做既定事實,形成了強烈的香港公民意識、身份自覺及對港人治港的期望,結果董建華就成了兩方的心理戰策略的第一個犧牲者;香港特區政府亦 註定是先天不足。
2008年6月25日 星期三
From euler: The Principle of Non-Dragging Generator
(With the permission of eulertruthbible, original: http://eulertruthbible.wordpress.com/2008/06/25/the-principle-of-non-dragging-generator/)
Non-Dragging Generator, NDG is the conceptual framework which many overunity generator designs we are working at for a long time. The attachment is the principle of its design and operation.
The claim of patent has already written, our team is the first team on Earth to make such a claim:
From euler: Summary of Euler's Coil Technology
(Looks like Tesla Coil to me, it appears to me that many innovation now are only a renovation of past innovation from genius like Nicola Tesla. How backward is humanity still struggling with technology 50 years ago! This topic is worth exploring. It is also interesting that the implementations and experiments don't correspond closely with the theory. I will write a better one later.)
Theory: http://eulertruthbible.wordpress.com/2008/06/25/the-idea-of-eulers-coil-technology/
Consider n electromagnetic coils arranged in a circle with end to end. One electromagnetic coil is connected with A.C, and all other electromagnetic coils are switched on(i.e. Maximum electrical current). The is the source electromagnetic coil, and other are receiving electromagnetic coils. How is the mutual inductance of the system as a whole varies as n changes?
In the case of n=2, one can imagine that when one end of the source electromagnetic coil is induced to polarize in the direction of N, and the other end of the source electromagnetic coil is induced to polarize in the direction of S. Now it is obviously the one end of other electromagnetic coil would be induced to polarize in the direction of N and the other end would polarize in the direction of S. Thus, in a sense, the receiving electromagnetic coil added to the ‘ease’ of the source electromagnetic coil. We thus expect the mutual inductance of the system as a whole to be lower than individual electromagnetic coil.
In the case of n=3. For the sake of description, we assume that source electromagnetic coil is in the middle. Suppose the left end of the source electromagnetic coil polarize in the direction of S, and the right end of the source electromagnetic coil polarize in the direction of N. From the perspective of the induction from the source electromagnetic coil, the right end of the left electromagnetic coil polarize in the direction of S, and the left end of the right electromagnetic coil polarize in the direction of N. Due to the virtue of construction of electromagnetic coil, the two end of the same electromagnetic coil must be of opposite magnetic polarity. Therefore we suppose the left end of the left electromagnetic coil should polarize in the direction of N, and the right end of the right electromagnetic coil should polarize in the direction of S. However, since these two end are next to each other, from the perspective of mutual induction between the left electromagnetic coil and the right electromagnetic coil MUST be of the same magnetic polarity. Therefore we arrive in a contradiction between two induction tendency, which cancel each other out. Thus, we expect an mutual inductance of the whole system to be infinite, therefore it is impossible to magnetize the source electromagnetic coil. (The whole situation change, however, when we place an ferromagnetic metal bar to connect the left end of the left electromagnetic coil and the right end of the right electromagnetic coil.)
In the case of n=4. For the sake of description, we assume that source electromagnetic coil is in the leftmost. Suppose the left end of the source electromagnetic coil polarize in the direction of S, and the right end of the source electromagnetic coil polarize in the direction of N. From the perspective of the induction from the source electromagnetic coil, the left end of the 1st electromagnetic coil polarize in the direction of N, and the right end of the 1st electromagnetic coil polarize in the direction of S. The left end of the 2nd electromagnetic coil polarize in the direction of S, and the right end of the 1st electromagnetic coil polarize in the direction of N. For the 3rd electromagnetic coil, the left end polarize in the direction of N, and the right end of the 1st electromagnetic coil polarize in the direction of S. Notice that is of the same magnetic polarity as the left end of the source electromagnetic coil. Thus the mutual induction effect from the source electromagnetic coil produce the same direction of change in magnetic polarity as from the interaction from the pairs of receiving electromagnetic coils nearest to each other. The net effect is the mutual inductions of individual pairs of receiving electromagnetic coils added to each other. Thus we expect the mutual inductance of the system as a whole must be lower than we place all electromagnetic coils parallel to each other(as in a transformer.)
We can generalize the result to all cases which n is even. The mutual inductances of the system as a whole drop below the average. However when n is odd, the mutual inductances of the system as a whole goes up throw the roof. The gist of all of them: The configuration and arrangement of electromagnetic coils would alter the mutual inductance of the system as a whole that is not linearly related to the electromagnetic coil's natural inductances.
Could we get extra electrical energy by the virtue of how we arranged the electromagnetic coils? Is there exists particular configurations of electromagnetic coil that would increase and decrease the mutual inductance of the system as a whole? Could we use this method to maximize the chance of two electromagnetic coils resonance with each other? Could we use this method to alter the pattern of variation of the mutual inductance of the system as a whole to produce extra electromagnetic energy?
Yes, Euler think so. This would be a solution to the energy crisis. Science just doesn’t explore these instance of electromagnetic system because that may require a major modification of the laws in classic electromagnetic.
2008年6月24日 星期二
馬英九總統真不愧是民選的政治領衫,他一上任做了兩件果斷、英明的決定,首先是派軍艦在釣魚 台向日本宣示中國主權,做了中共國一直不敢做的,把中共國對日方的懦弱和心虛充份顯示出來;然後是堅持用繁體中文,即不會因為要歡迎中共國的遊客,像香港 政府一樣在觀光點增加簡體字來討他們的歡心。其實兩件事都反映了他有完整一套如何以正統中華文化來反制中共的理念,把台灣回複到中華民國的主體,而中華民 國的主體就是正統中華文化的合法承繼人,暗藏的殺着就是指責中共破壞中國文化,中共不代表正式的中國。換句話說,他是正面挑戰中共國的道德正當性,表明中 國民國無意讓中共借佔領中華民族的複地來「自動」取得法統地位,中共國還是和中華民國在競爭中國的合法統治者地位,而中共必須面對它一直避而不談的歷史錯 誤:意圖在中國清洗中國文化,代之以馬列文化。實際上,論淨軍事實力、經濟實力及外交力量,中華民國都不可能和中共硬碰硬,因此它必須把唯一有的棋子,即 僑居世界各地的中華民族對中國文化的認同,甚至是中國文化對世界的巨大軟力量,充份的發揮出來;同時,它本身的民主制度亦是世界人心所趨的優勢。如果世界 人民在相比較中共的中國和中華民國的中國時,發覺前者只有物質的吸引力,後者才有精神的吸引力,因為世界潮流都取精神而捨物質,如此一來則中華民國已在精 神上打羸了中共。萬一中共他日意圖用武力統一中國時,軟力量可以隨時化成了強大的民間力量,即中共國是要和世界民意對抗,沒有物質力量是可以勝過人的意志 的。馬英九走對了一步棋,中共以武力統一中國難矣!
Observation in pornography
陳冠希事件中,有正有反,有自由派對保守派,警方對網民,市民對壟斷香港的娛樂集團,只有一 種人最恐佈。他們原本是陳冠希或一衆裸照的女星的「粉絲」,平時逢有偶像演的戲必看,偶像拍的劇集必看,偶像唱的歌必聽,甚至自己房間亦貼滿了偶像的海報、貼 紙,手提電話、電腦亦是拿心愛的偶像做桌面;好了,他們心愛、支持的偶像出了問題,成衆矢之的,即該偶像不再潮(受歡迎了)。於是,他們俏俏把手提電話、 電腦的桌面改掉了,自己房間貼滿的偶像的海報、貼紙亦被立時撕掉,當然亦不再看偶像的電影、劇集了。一切彷如未曾發生過一樣,「我揮一揮衣衫,不帶走一片 雲彩」,連一點悲傷/失落/迷茫的情緒的反應都沒有,偶像只是自我中心的人的情感工具,工具失效了便換另一件,反正偶像是有期限的,一生一世即老土,但三分鐘戀愛又何其虛假?我想像不到這樣的人,會有刻骨銘心的友情或愛情,只有最痛心買不到心愛的貨品!
Paranoid and Modern Chinese mentality
Paranoid is the state of mind which one is felt s/he is threaten by everyone other than himself. In his mind, everyone is plotting something against him, so his feeling of being threaten is justified by suspicious actions of other. In Psychology, it is a state of mind which a person is afraid of everything, or it is necessary for him to felt scared of everything. Neurologically speaking, it is the case which the neurological circuit to produce the sense of fear has been overactive and hyper-sensitive to any stimulate. The top-down process dominate over bottom-up process in Cognitive process.
Such a psychological state is perhaps the one most extensively abuse by politician throughout the world, especially in Communist China. Due to recent history of being invaded and raped throughly by Western imperial powers, the politician in Chinese Communist Party love to infer the cause of any domestic disturbance with a foreign cause, it is not just helping them to safely remove the blame from themselves, it also magically increase the level of solidiarty among the comrade. The logic is: They never bore any good will toward Chinese. They have threaten us before, and they are threaten us now, and they will threaten us in the future. Therefore any dissidence in the country must be incited/influenced/remotely-controlled/rewarded by hostile foriegn powers. Chinese must not be raped by other races(so they are available for Chinese to rape!)
This is accurate to a certain extent which Western powers doesn't like the lack of democracy and freedom of Chinese. This is also historically accurate given the context of Cold War. However, the past has gone, and democracy also means that the Western power are often divided in their altitudes and opinions toward Chinese. By adopting this altitude, Chinese Communist Party is ensure that it would always received with hostility but not hospitality. Is that Chinese Communist Party can only rule Chinese by fear/hatred and hostility of other nations?
2008年6月23日 星期一
The experience of Obsessive Compulsion Disorder
Talk about Obsession and Compulsion, none can have a clearer idea than what I have experience. I never see myself as someone out of ordinary. In a capitalistic society, the obsession with wealth and power is what defined us, these who wish to live a simple and peaceful life should never have lived in our society. They shouldn’t exist in the first place. This is our world, this world is all about money, wealth, material possession, power and sex.
I obsesses with different object at different stage of my psychological development, to put in a frenzy term. One of the most persistent urge of me is female young and old, I can’t live a day without thinking about them, looking at their picture(preferably naked or in act of greatest nature beauty). So when I was in High School, I obsess with a girl so I literally with her almost 24 hours a day. She is either physically present, emotionally and intellectually present in my mind. I talk to her, I write to her, I walk with her, I go everywhere with her for whole three months of our short but intense affair. If there is any attractiveness of my part in her, that must be my unexplainable obsession with her. When I date her; I smell her, touch her, taste her anywhere in every chance I got. Would I ever care about anything about the school given such an obsession with her?
When there is a time that we really at separate places, phone is such a magic tool that connect us together(It is fortunate that where I live is such a nice place that telephone company doesn’t charge by minute, otherwise I would have to own a telephone company to afford my own calls!). If not, then I can give myself some training of my English by writing her. Given I had done all three, I still have spare time to analyze her psychologically from all the Psychological theories I know of. Since she like Psychology, so I spent day and night read every books I can get my hands on about psychology. Within 3 months, I had completed all the reading necessary for the first year of University Psychology. She like tender bear, I spent all my money to buy anything what she want without a second of consideration (yet I save my cost by walking back and fro from my home to hers.) I almost empty my bank account by doing that. She is my life, she is my future and she will be my wife, so everything of mine will become hers. And I am no one but hers. My name is pointless unless in reference to her.
It is thus no surprise after I break-up with her, I went through the most severe Depression that any man can have. Because in my mind, I already emptied my own content and filled my heart with my obsession: Her. When she take away our relationship, it is no different from taking myself from me. What am I left of when I can no longer obsesses with what I am rightful to be obsess with? I maintain my obsession with her for whole 4 years of University, and never dated any girl despite their interest in me until last year. That is 13 years after I first meet her. It is not that I am no longer obsessive-compulsive about something, it is just that I switch my obsession to something more tangible: Success and money. Maybe some part of my mind is still thinking: If I am successful and rich, she would just come back to me one day!
The experience of a Narcissistic Person
(This is again reprinted with permission from one of the friend I know, again it contain material not suitable for anyone has a faint heart.)
Since I was born, I often has a vague feeling that I am someone of importance to the world. I am important and different from other ordinary folks, by definition, and it is natural for me to be the center of attention. I am intelligent, smart and knowledgeable. It is the world which is too stupid to understand me. If you look at how Nietzsche, Freud and Karl Marx fare; you know the world has an absolute intolerance for truly intelligent people.
When I was in Primary School I am clever than all my friends, I go to the best High School I can find because I am intelligent. While other children are still playing silly games, I already start reading, and I read more than any of my classmate. Yes, I don't talk to others much.
When I was in Secondary School, it is irritating to me of how rigid is the school system, I master Calculus in first year but I still have to learn how to do tax. I skip homework that I found too easy or simply stupid. I argue with my teacher on a better way to do Mathematics, I argue with my English teacher a better interpretation of the text s/he taught, and better usage of English. Since I like extra-circular activities so I joined 12 of them, despite the school limit is 4, I care not. When I went to the public library, they divide it into Adult section and Children section. What? I don't see myself as a children so I never went to the Children section of public library. Why should I? I certainly doesn't get good grades when I was battling with teachers all the time, it is just that they don't recognize my talent. They are not representative of my intellectual level. Nobody could understand me better than myself. Who is intelligent enough to know me?
Latter my argument and distaste with that ‘good’ school is so bad I switch to another school. There I was adore like genius of genius, which I spent most time doing something else other than studying. I am first in every subject I study. Although I am clever, but that does feel uncanny to me, my classmate are simply below the standard. They are not qualified to adore me or worship me. How can someone of level of Primary School English adoring someone who already write thesis in University level? No, my sense of proud wouldn't allow that to happen.
So I switch to a school with better academic standard, but my status doesn't change much. Those who graduate from my Primary school still see me as a star. Primarily because my English is excellent compare to them (because most Psychology text is in English). I am unhappy with my status in my class not as a center of attention, because other study-very-hard-get-good-grade students are there. How simple-minded is those students adore student with good grades but not when I am not studying while still get good grades? My thinking capability is way ahead of them which doesn't require any proof. Does any of them ever win me in any debate? These dummies’careful preparation would teared down by me like bullet through a paper. My innate capability is something they simply can't cope with.
In a year before the last year in the school, I start interest in school politics so I join the election of Student Government/Union. How is it so difficult to get myself elected? Our opponent may have credentials but they know little of skills of debate. I tear them like lion eating goat. To be the head of Student Government/Union is like the star of school, that is what I deserve. I know, unfortunately it is not about intelligence but popularity. Nevertheless, I can beat you in your own game. It is me who deserve to be a star. My interest turned into girls after being elected, so I doesn't remember much except I had few love affairs. Girls alway love man with strength and might, not loser.
There is not much happened during the University time, except I spend a lot of time reading books. I write thesis that my professor found impressive. It is at the level of graduate school while I am still a Freshman. I care not, it is me. I graduate with honor in Psychology, that is easy. Since all it take is just recognizing the real answers when doing examination, if you read the textbook then you can remember, even if you don't you can guess using the common sense. I am busy reading, again not the textbook I suppose to study. I felt sorry for wasting my last two years in things like politics and chasing girls, so I took all of notes from High School and study them until I understand. I need to verify by myself that I am a deserving person for every entitlement.
When I graduate I worked as Part-Time teachers, and switched between different schools. Well, when you are teachers, students are obligated to listen to you. You have power over them. And it is a duty for them to appreciate you for what you are. Moreover, my superior intelligence and knowledge would be well received by students. Because of the age difference, there is absolutely no possibility for them to beat me intellectually. I indeed get a few students worship me like God. I feel like I can use them for any purpose I like but I never did, Narcissistic as I do, I still need to make a living.
I am thinking to do something like actor, inventor or start my own business so I can be fully on my own. What do you think?
2008年6月22日 星期日
Alternative Hypothesis for Repression Process
In Freudian Psychology, Repression is said to be actively maintain by Superego to prevent thoughts that is in violation of social norms and personal values from entering the conscious. Now that would require an omniscient Superego that monitor every thought in and out of the Conscious, and that consume enormous amount of energy from psyche to check every thought one have. For those creative people, their mind produce over a million thoughts a day, that would certainly put strain on the psychological activity.
I have an alternative hypothesis about what cause thoughts to be rejected from the Conscious: Due to the nature of thought-object themselves. It maybe part of nature of psyche that similar thoughts attract and different thoughts repel. So it is the nature of thought-ecosystem in individual mind which cause the unpleasant thought/emotion from departing the Conscious. Thus it is not necessary for this thought-ecosystem for knowing the context of each of the thoughts in order to filter the unwanted thought. For instance, since the psyche can't tolerate present of emotional energy that is too strong, then an automatic response is to expel that thought-emotion-object from the psyche. In a sense, it expel itself instead of semi-sentential awareness to examine individual thought and decide which thought stay in Conscious and which is not. Thus we no longer need the construct of Superego as an omniscient entity in the mind. With this hypothesis, we can reformulate all phenomenas termed by Freudian psychology.
What are your opinion on this alternative hypothesis on Process of Repression?
Conservation of Volume in Waste
既然如此,曾蔭權不如學小布殊學到底,小布殊以對付恐佈襲擊絕不手軟來羸得連任,不如曾蔭權像小布殊一樣,在下屆特首選舉時,表示因收到疑似「受恐佈襲擊 和香港社會的正常運作過程被擾亂」的情報,宣佈香港進入緊急狀態,暫停所有議會的運作,接管一切傳媒以防止有政治投機份子借機發放假消息擾亂社會安定,全 面監視互聯網以防止有恐佈份子透過互聯網發動超限戰以干擾民主政治過程,最後梁振英以七百票當選?
The experience of Manic-Depressive Disorder
When I was almost in the last year of my Middle School, my heart is broken when the girl friend that I fell in love intensely demand our break-up. What I immediately did the coming day in the school is gather all the sleeping pills from home, since my parents has sleeping problems, then in afternoon I swallow maybe over 30 of them. Then I lost track of what happened in the afternoon until I found myself in hospital. For maybe next 6 months, I forgot how many times I attempted to kill myself. Just later my father almost have to hire a lawyer to fetch me from the hospital. I don’t know the term Clinical Depression at that time, it is only later when I read about Psychology then I know that term. My situation is actually more complex than that.
My first feeling is a psychosomatic feeling of heartbreaking, literally something is sank in my heart. I found it difficult to breath or swallow. Then the next morning what I notice of myself is that my face has no facial expression, and every minute in the School, my only thought is about the girl who betray me. Not even a single word from teachers has enter my mind. Then in the last lesson, I break out in tears. It does appear that however the tears I shed, that is nothing compare to the passion I have on that girl. My hope is completely broken. The next logical step is stop the suffering by self-annihilation, the methods doesn't matter.
However, a weeks later, the despondence mood turn into a feeling of emptiness and boring. I lost interest in absolutely anything include Psychology, Mathematics and Politics. I borrow books from library only to return untouched. I sleep very early but can’t fall asleep. I never had any sleeping trouble before, it appears now the trouble is getting any sleep at all. But strangely, I don't feel tired at all. Tired and not doesn’t make any different on me, nothing ever happen make any difference to me. The world is like a glass from me.
Then 2 weeks later which the usually dramatic person lost all my crowns, suddenly regain my energy. Somehow I manage to forgot that the whole love affair ever happened, and like I am free to love another one as I wish, and I am release from the prison of a damaging relationship. The energy maybe a little too much than my normal mood level since I am more active and busier than before. I found renewed interest in almost any girls I can find, and almost start chasing them immediately. Although my friends already get use to my previous level of activity, but they all consider my behavior is outside my mind. I know there is something wrong but I can't stopped it. Because as soon as this period of elation disappear, the dejection feeling come back to haunt me. I am, in a sense, to hide my pain and meaningless feeling in my heart. It is better to overdo than doing nothing.
That circle of artificial elation alternating with despondence repeated for four to five times, with the intensity of mood deviation decrease while the duration increase. That ended in my first year of University which I consciously decided to give her up forever, and openly talk to my friend about it, then attempt to pursue other relationships. What I believe is that the manic phase has completely receded, while the depressive mood still attack me occasionally until now.
I thought I finally come to terms with myself. I could suppress the suicidal thought with the notion that I can't succeed in any plan of suicide unless I am in a sound mood (which leave other a mess to clear up), but when I am in sound mood then why would I think of silly thing like killing myself? If I ever kill myself, I would certainly do it in a way that nobody can save; otherwise I simply wouldn't do it.
The experience of Paranoid Schizophrenia
(This is again reprinted with permission from one of the friend I know, again it contain material not suitable for anyone has a faint heart.)
My experience started when I just start my University, I go to there to study because I break-up with my girlfriend from my hometown. Although it is a few years ago but nevertheless I had an uneasy feeling because my girlfriend’s old boyfriend is member of the cult ‘Our God's Church(?)’, I see in the eye of him and fail to locate his soul. I instantaneously certain of his revenge, whatever how long and how much it cost. It is something we do agree on, except if I am in his place, I would kill my rivalry then run away with my girlfriend. This is the intensity of emotion that I had for the girl I plan to live with for my whole life.
The first thing that is uncanny to me happened when I am doing the registration of my classes in the semester, the registrar said I have to wait because someone is accessing my personal data from another computer. How could it be anyone except him who solely determined to ruin my life? It is because of me that his girlfriend now has someone in her mind, it would be experience so intense that no girl will ever forgot. Then I got my evidence when my University has overcharge me for the costs. It is fair to say the accounting of the University is a mess, so it is difficult to be ascertain if anything like that has happened.
After that incident, I got more and more curious incidents that I suspect the University is overcharging me. In my mind, it is all the fault of my ex-girlfriend’s boyfriend. I then buy a computer to keep a record of every activity of me as a proof if necessary. Every penny is accounted for, and I write complain letter to President of University to contest for every cents that I felt is overcharged. I suppose that give him no opportunity to do anything funny with my student account, then he will have no way to get back at me. I switched my name to a little known one so he can’t trace me through the computer network.
When come back to the hometown, I learned my lesson so I never use my real name to register for water, electricity, phone, mobile and Internet access. When I surf the Internet, I use Proxy and other software to cover my track. Moreover, I almost certainly never registered any account anywhere using any real information, never joined any forum except as anonymous. I read content from Internet and seldom respond at all. I never order any newspaper/magazine because it require a real address, I only read them in the public library in the State once a week. I am afraid that since I switch my name in the middle of my University years, he may already know my new name. Everything I do must be predictable to him since my ex-girlfriend is a turncoat. She is either my friend or enemy. And he is still after me.
My suspicion can never turn out to be wrong as I know of many friends who share the same fear as me do. One of my friend’s friend’s apartment has burnt down, because I hear that he is doing some energy research that would damage US government’s oil interest. Conspiracy is real and alive, just you never willing to believe anything other than that our world is rational, democratic and free. When you look at Hong Kong which one dictatorship run the place after another, you know what sense of freedom they have. Then when you look at whole scandals about the electronic voting, you know how easy and willing that our politicians would bend the rules for their favor. USA has the greatest percentage of lower income family in the so-called developed world, how can the US government keep this company profitable without using any conspiratorial technologies? I am not afflicted with Paranoid Schizophrenia, it is just all of you are too damn silly and stupid!
2008年6月21日 星期六
不過,救人當然是美德,問題是捨己救人的人民英雄,本着的是儒家思想中的人文關懷,或是人類主義中的「全人類皆為我兄弟」之精神,沒有人在背後強迫,亦不 是為了什麼偉大的「國家抱負」,和為中共每屆奧運為了出風頭,不理運動員的死活,欽定要產生一定數量的「國家英雄」而達到政治宣傳目標,根本是完全不同性 質的兩回事。救人的美德在於發揚人性不在獎賞,取得獎牌的目標是為了獎牌,就是為了其他人/國家對自己本身/國家的看法;而由常識得知,就算在民主的國 家,國家不一定代表能國民,為什麼在中共國,宣傳人員可以把國家的目標理所當然的當成是每一個國人的目標,而為了獎賞的行為和不為獎賞的行為可以混為一 談?是不是在中共國心目中,國家就是人民,而人民做什麼事目標都是為宣傳。是不是反映了在中共的潛意識中, 中共國的一切行為都是為宣傳,中共國是由外觀決定內在本質的地方?
由常理分析,奧運精神不是為中共口中的和諧社會,不是爭強好勇,而是在公平競爭下,把人類活動的美態自然地流露出來。北京奧運和汶川地震的救人英雄相同的 地方,在於他們都自然地流露出人類本性的「真、善、美」,參與運動比賽的目標在於運動行為本身,救人的目標在於救人的行為本身。如果依「為中(共)國打 氣,為英雄喝采?」的精神,中共國運動員參與運動比賽的目標是做英雄,其意義就完全不同於為運動而運動,和為救人而救人的人並列,亦是侮辱了他們的人格。 中共如此的玩弄語意,偷換慨念,可見中共國為了宣傳而對中國語文的姿意扭曲,已再無可複加,但國民的無條件接受,足見其民智之低落,最可悲的自然是香港 人,或所謂的知識份子。
記得以前有一次逗着女孩子玩的時侯,她隨便問了我幾條女性特有的生理問題,一向自詡知識豐富 的我竟然不懂如何回答,真是令人困窘。我卻因此有意外的得着,因為她令我想到一個心理學的基礎問題,為什麼這是她的身體,她自己卻不知道呢?為什麼自己的 身體自己不會理所當然的知道身體的一切?為什麼每人都要從身體以外的間接途徑去學習自己的身體?如果每個人天生心中都遺傳一套自己身體的藍圖不是很理想 嗎?換句話說,人的心靈是獨立於身體以外發展的,不是青春期的男性,就自然就會進入青春期的心態,中間要一個可以出錯的認知過程,明白什麼叫青春期;因為 人的身體藍圖和其他事物如社會、世界都是用認知過程去慢慢建立的。換句話說,人出生後的感覺是彷如一個人忽然處身於不停地收到一大堆由身體發出的訊號的地 方,他/她先要理解它們代表的是什麼事,再一步步建立它們的因果關係,最後再形成自我是一個整體的慨念,自己是從認識世界的同一方法來理解自己。
以前做事和搞事的用法有明顯的分野,做事是指嚴簫正正式式的做社會道德所接受的事,而搞事一詞一般是帶有貶意的,例如我出來社會做事泛指受薪工作的人.搞 事是指在社會上破壞公衆道德(如「搞野」即做愛),製做不穩定的人。當然,「受人錢財,替人消禍」是走了做事定義的灰色地帶。現在兩者的分野不清,正正代 表在香港人的集體潛意識中行為再沒有任何公共道德標準,因為自97年中共國接管香港以後,新來的統治者因六四天安門大屠殺以來一直道德認受性低落,而在泛 道德主義的文化中,只有道德高尚的人/政府才可以判斷另一個人的道德操守,故此中共亦一直逃避做任何道德判斷者,只是強調經濟,所以香港人覺得做任何事其 實和搞事的分別不大。亦即代表在香港心目中,97後的香港是一個是非不分的地方,一切只視乎事情的結果和當時的政治需要,例如北京要打壓泛民主派,所他們 做任何事都是搞事;相反,和北京關係較好的民建聯,就算是公然搞事亦是在做事,例如同樣是佔領輕鐵軌抗議輕鐵加價,前者是搞事而後者是做事,輕鐵公司亦只 追究搞事者的責任。同一件事,公然有兩套不同的標準,因此香港97年以後,美其名日多元價值,實則是沒有價值可言,因為統治者只講政治不講道德,香港人亦 因此欣然接受中共的道德標準,做搞不分。
更深一層的意思是,為什麼97年前是先假定人在做事,後來有證據才說別人在搞事,而97年後是先假定人在搞事,後來有證據才說別人在做事呢?因為97年前 的英國法制是無罪推定,除了法律規定以外的事都是合法;而在97年後香港回歸泛道德主義,中國文化是有罪推定,除了應做的事以外的事都是不道德的事。因此 任人都是做錯,除了當該件事的後果被證明是好的以外。
2008年6月20日 星期五
1. 避雷針的作用可以令大厦避雷,按邏緝推論,要在雷雨中保護自己免受雷擊,還是在頭上放一技避雷針安全!
2. 三級讀物只適宜成人閱讀,三級電影只適宜成人觀看,三級火發生,兒童不宜在場!
在「公主不哭」 中,我們可以看到一個成形的假說,即人的感覺和情緒是人的情況的某種保留物,令公主哭的是,是因為她不可以活在她一向熟悉的環境,因為國家戰敗的緣故,不 得不去「屈辱地」適應一個新環境。她的感覺其實是一種對改變的反抗,是一種把自己保留在過去的環境的努力,但是莊子以為人最終還是要去適應新環境。反抗改 變是心的本性,適應新環境亦是心的本性,有時前者比後者佔優,是為不忘本,但有時卻會被人視為食古不化;有時後者佔優會被人罵忘本反覆,但有時被人視為從 善如流。心是同一個心,由不同心去出發,就看出了不同。
再看看另一個孝子拜錯墳的故事,他拜錯墳,哭過一次,感情得到宣洩,抵達自己本來要拜的墳前就不再哭了。他之前哭,亦是對環境的一種適應,因為人的覺知環 境可能和物理環境不同,因此在公主的覺知世界中,自己最熟悉的環境一定是最好的;不論它在物質上是否如別國的宮廷的豐富,正如孝子把別人的墳誤當成自己要 拜的墳。於是孝子是觸景傷情,他哭因為已逝去的親人已是不可改變的事實,情感是一種把過去的記憶保留的一種方法,彷如親人在自己的感情/心理世界中再活過 來;同理,公主哭是為離開已是不可改變的事實,情感是一種把過去的記憶保留的一種方法,彷如過去的環境在自己的感情/心理世界中再活過來。不過,哭的目的 其實亦是為了適應改變,孝子哭完以後可以再如常生活,即接受親人已逝去的事實;同理,公主哭的目的其實亦有適應環境改變的作用,她大哭一場,因為改變是痛 苦,把痛苦的感覺都發洩出來,則她會較為欣然去接受新環境。人的感情/心理世界,其實是由一連令人發生情緒的短暫過去而組成,長久的情感由個人對各種短暫 情緒的理解和反應而造成。例如:我天天和某位朋友吵架,則久而久之,我把不快的經歷組織起來去理解,得出的結論是我對此人反感;相反,我天天和某位朋友談 得投契,則久而久之,我把快樂的經歷組織起來去理解,得出的結論是我和她不單是朋友,簡直是在熱戀了。
如何有機的去組織這些情感片段?拿哪些情感經歷去組織?怎去分析理解各經歷的異同而得出結論?這個過程雖然在每一步上都合乎邏緝,但始終都有一定的隨意 性,人雖然是用邏緝去判斷一件事,但是最理性的人的行為不一定比其他人理性,因為邏緝在本質上沒有規定人要怎樣去利用邏緝。人類的理性卻不一定導致理性的 結果,正如數學不是由嚴謹的邏緝過程導出來的。
Complex and Complexity
By Complex, I refer to the complex that could be verified by experiment, of the type first suggested by Freud, then Carl Jung and others. This thought I just come up today: Complex is formed in relationship with event that elicit strong emotional reaction to the subject, could complex be formed by the nature of complexity of the emotional reactions, or the nature of the incident itself? What I mean by complexity is that when the complexity is below certain threshold, just like the inorganic structure which can’t sustain itself for long, and dissipate as a simple energy structure; while the complexity is above certain threshold, just like the organic structure which is built for self-sustainability, could maintain itself in the psyche much like life in the Physical world.
i.e. Complex is formed because of the nature of complexity of the emotional reactions, which we can apply the theory of complexity from Physics to Psychology.
2008年6月19日 星期四
Sex and Psychic power
From differential to hypothesis on Gravity and Electromagnetism
Now if we apply the same line of thinking in gravity and electromagnetism, we notice that they are both decreased with the square of distance. And the reciprocal of them follow the same patterns as the 2-th power of consecutive length. Thus, in a sense, the external irregularity of their reciprocal of strength of them are themselves a manifestation of hidden regularity. Moreover, if we use the term differential space for the differential of any functions, then we notice that the differential space of the reciprocal of strength of them is linear and directly proportional to distance. Therefore, in the differential space of the reciprocal gravity and electromagnetism, they are directly related to the distance from the sources. This relationship is only distorted because the gravity and electromagnetism only lives in space of space, it has only effect on motion of motion but not motion itself. In a sense it is like force that it has only Secondary Effect on motion. I could hypothesis it is only because Space has differentiated to Secondary Space so gravity and electromagnetism has an effect.
Notice we have been talking about is the reciprocal of strength of Gravity and Electromagnetism, i.e. The lack of Gravity and Electromagnetism strength is somehow a linear phenomena directly proportional to distance. That must related to the nature of space-time itself. It is like space-time provide a mechanism to prevent the spread of Gravity and Electromagnetism field that is linear in its nature.
Assumed that Gravity and Electromagnetism strength is indeed a consequence of Differential Space, then what happen if we reverse the process of differentiation to reveal its Primary? By integrating the Gravity and Electromagnetism strength twice, we arrived at the natural logarithm. Thus we could said the irregularity of variation of strength of Gravity and Electromagnetism is a resulted from the differential Space of originally regular. So why is Gravity and Electromagnetism field strength is originally logarithmic?
Sense of Humor-06.19.2008
Humor that applies only in Hong Kong:
Category III Fire, only suitable for adult to watch the fire.
Elementary Logic:
Lightning rod would prevent building from being hit by thunder.
Therefore, to prevent thunder from hitting yourself in thunderstorm, always carry one for your safety!
Rolling stone never moist,
Running government never corrupt.
(You bet!)
1. 情信
2. 遺書
3. 投訴(教師)信
4. 悔過書(可適用於任何場合這種)
2008年6月18日 星期三
Method to solve a maze
Is there a sure-fire way to solve a maze? Is it really just luck but no skills and intelligences involved?
I approach this question when I was in sixth year of my Highschool. What give me a hint is the Map theory. In map theory you can always represent the points and edges by accessibility matrix, then by analyzing those matrix, you can deduce the various properties of the map. If two maps has identical accessibility matrix, then they are equivalents.
So I analyze the maze problem from this standpoint. I notice that any maze could be partitioned as layers stacked together from inner to outer, which outermost has the biggest length and the innermost has shortest length. Then in each layer, we see there are walls further partition each layers as independent areas. The goal of solving a mazing could reformulate as how to get from a partition within a layer to another partition in another layer. Then it begin to look like a problem within the domain of knowledge of map theory, since it is again about accessibility from one area to another area. How do we know about accessibility in a maze?
Simple, after we partition the layers of the maze, we can represent each area in each layer as a point in the map. So all the points in the same layer share the same level in the map. What make a maze a maze is the differential accessibility of each partitions to the partitions in the next layer. Thus we can again represent the one step inner layer of maze as another set of points in a map. If a partition A in outer layer could access the partition B in the inner layer, then we draw a line connecting them two. Repeat the process and we will have a map that represent the partitions of layers as point, and the path connecting them as lines. Continue the process until we have all partitions and pathways between them represented.
Now we have a map. Then we can write out the Accessibility matrix just like in Map Theory. Now we can apply the knowledge of the map theory to solve a maze. Usually, the objective of solving a maze is started at one partition in the outermost layer to another partition on the other side of the map in the outermost layer through various pathways. We remember from the map theory that the n-th power of the Accessibility martix denote how many ways we could arrive from a point to another point in n-step without turning back. If there exists a pathway from starting point to exit within n-th step, the value of the entry in column and row of respective partitions would be greater than 1. So what did is just to repeat the multiplication of the Accessibility matrix until we see the value of entry in the desired partitions of layers is greater than zero.
We could reconstruct other mazes from the original by switching the orders of layers without changing the pathways if it is possible(i.e. The relationship between the partitions remain the same), since the innermost layer has smallest number of partitions. However we alter the maze, we just need to alter the columns and rows of the changed layer in the Accessibility matrix. If we have done the multiplication, we only need to alter the columns and rows of the changed layer in the Accessibility matrix.(In other form, to do a linear transformation of the matrix.)
A boarder set of Maze questions is not just about whether there exists a pathway from one particular partition in one layer to another particular partition in another layer. It is given a random partition in a random layer in the maze, can we get to another random partition in another random layer within n-th step?
By using this tool, we can generate maze and test the various parameters of its accessibility, and we can also evolve new maze with the parameter we demanded using evolutionary computing(without the necessity of designing the maze ourselves.) Thus we can play a Pac-Man Game without any repetition of the maze. How boring it is to play with the same maze for over 300 rounds as in old days of Apple?
我們是不是緣份未盡呢?因為有一天在和我朋友談發明永動機大計時,我是看到了你和其他同校的 學校,你的樣子十四年來,風華不減,仍是當年我最愛的模樣,我一直以來真的以為自己對你的心已死,今天才發覺不是,只不過是投射在另一位異性身上,我也不 知道以善變聞名天下的我,居然的可以愛得如此深。我以為自己有很多段無結果的愛情,其實原來一直以來只有你一個,我把你遺忘再遺忘自己曾經遺忘,但是始終 成不了新造的人。你是十四年前的你,我仍是十四年前的這個我,這個心屢遭磨難,仍是食古不化的堅持。可能是專一是件太簡單的事,一但腦神經學習了專一愛情 的模式,再學習去花心已經很難。你哪自小對你專心一意、沒有靈魂的男友呢?是不是當沒有人追求你時又放慢板?只是有其他人追求你時才份外緊張?
十四年前錯過了和你水乳交融的一夜,放棄把我的心靈交給你,我當時想,你把身心交給我,而我真的會在讀完心理學碩士後再娶你,我當時的心比現在簡 單、純真許多了。我們第一次約會這晚,我的確不應該在送完你回家就走的,我看遍心理學的書,卻不明白你害怕的是什麼,你最害怕卻是我是最想發生的。或者這 樣你才真正的敞開心屝,讓我進入你的心,真正和你身心交流,我的感覺是你的心本來是打開的,卻始終有所保留,我可以把最心底的秘密告訴你,你為什麼還是有 所隱暪呢?不知你家裏這幅「精誠所至,金石為開」的掛畫你掉了沒有?我覺得實在很諷刺,我們可以同生其死,卻沒有勇氣去真正的了解對方?我真不明白,它的 邏緝在哪裏,你看的哲學書比我多十部,但是你的理性在哪兒?你為何和我一樣都欠缺了這份勇氣,這種決心!有時我真的希望當時做錯事,當時的錯是今日的對, 我亦不用被這個夢魘折磨得不成人形,時常都在想:什麼時侯的一天,我可以真正的休息,因為這個錯誤不可以彌補,唯一可以做的是希望有一天和你另一邊的世界 相見。什麼事業、政治、社會、世界、能源研究都是假,只有你和我才是最真實的。你拋棄我,否定我存在的唯一理據,使我的生存對理性有所虧欠,我為了愛你, 放棄了本來我的世界,把一切都建築在你之上.在一剎那間,我的存在被否定成為空虛,我變成虛無。
十四年前的我,想的只是你;十四年後的我,想的是世界,籍口是為了解決世界的能源危機,因此不可以不忘記妳,不可以讓你再能以前一樣分掉我的心。因為支撐 我心的,由愛情改成更大的理想主義,沒有如此「偉大」的目標,我一天都不可以生存。如果有一天我真的擁有全世界,只是沒有你,則一向理想主義的我豈不是很 諷刺?十四年前的預言,我努力的目標,看來快成為事實了!現在的我和過去的我都是同樣的無奈!
讓我再告訴你一些心底的話,你可能不會相信,其實這一晚我不停後悔是走錯了路,我既然可以為你死,則和你一生一世又何妨?這在我心中成了一個象徵意義的分 水嶺,因為我不肯付出真心,不肯走到愛情最後的一步,結果我過不了自己這關,我們的感情因而轉淡,你說相處得悶,其實我在心裏咀咒自己。後來一晚,我發了 一個夢,看見你被我拖進大海,只有我一人回來,當時我立刻明白,因為我的決定錯誤,我們便註定沒有將來,當時我一定不可以告訴你,天蠍座的你是不可以容忍 我的「背叛」。我不是想背叛你,我亦不是真正的對你朋友有興趣,只是我心靈有強大的直覺,對我形成莫大的壓力,我們便註定是沒有將來的,命運的巨輪不是你 我有能力可以抗拒的。信不信由你,在認識你之前,每當我看到電視中某位武俠劇的女主角時,總不其然感到她名字背後的澎拜感情,而你的名字是她名字後面再加 有一個字,因此第一眼就決定了要愛上你;亦因為在直覺上看不到我們的將來,所以悄悄放棄你,但我根本不想放棄你,我真的不想的。為了懲罰我自己的「不 忠」,醫院的記錄太多,多到自己也不記得;我對你的狂熱是不可以止息的!你可會明白當時的我?你可會明白現在的我?
後來,我不可以留在香港這片傷心地,你知不知一個人在美國留學,內心是很孤寂、痛苦的,整個校園裏,沒有一個香港人,沒有一個中國人,伴我的只有書、電腦 和一片兔毛。兔毛代表了我對你的思念,我堅持了四年多,只有讀書、在校園工作、看書、寫論文,每一分每一秒我都想要珍惜,甚至洗澡時亦沒有除錶,讀好心理 學是我唯一記念你的方法,心理學是你我的共同理想,就算換了用英文/法文/德文教授,我亦一樣要讀好它。因為我是唯一的中國人,又喜歡說笑,充滿幽默感, 我演的戲是一流,所以有不少追求者,但我都一一拒諸門外,我想證明在我心中,永遠只有你一個,沒有人比你更有資格愛上我。幸好尚有以心和我相待的朋友,只 有友情和對共同理想的堅持,我才可以煞過這四年。現在我們共同理想已經實現,唯獨是欠缺了最重要的你,因此我更需要不惜一切去實現更大的理想,而去證明, 沒有你我的生存仍是合理的,我可以欺騙自己說:「我本來不是為了你而生存,你只是整個過程的點綴,我追求你時是愛慾不分,本來的計劃只是想和你上床,誰知 戲假情真,自己亦分不了是真愛還假愛,慾望還是愛情!因為沒有把和你激情化成我所最渴望的人間仙境,所以我的心底一直有個遺憾! 你打不打算用一晚無盡的纏綿,來填補我十四年無盡的心靈空虛?」
Why we can't have ‘I think therefore I desire’?
So if we think otherwise. Human is the unique animal with his/her Higher Needs more important than its lower Needs. Thus, the first thing s/he realize after his/her birth is his/her existence; therefore s/he has the greatest need to understand the nature of his/her existence, the inborn cognitive apparatus has forced s/he to make sense of it before anything else. As Eric Fromm asserts, every man need to reason out his/her existence otherwise s/he will go insane. Sanity is survival of what is essential as human, and the essence of human must before anything else. So, a man first figure out he is hungry therefore he need food, it is the hungry as a primitive drive in itself that direct his/her behavior. Therefore it lay open the possibility that inborn-damage of brain/mind could led to cases which a person is too dumb to understand the need of food and take effective solution to relieve his/her hungry, but nothing wrong with his/her sense of hungry. Believe it or not, psychological researches do document cases like that. Thus, the hypothesis of ‘I think therefore I desire’ does led itself some credentials.
How would such a framework of psychology be formed? We just need to reverse the Hierarchy of Human needs. As for the cases which this framework may not fit, I would like to advance a hypothesis that maybe for some human this perspective is best to understand their behavior, while for other the normal Hierarchy of Human needs is more applicable.
2008年6月17日 星期二
How does this Overunity device works?
We are using this Overunity Device already approved by Japanese Patenting Authority as an example to illustrate a few simple points:
The purpose of each component are as such:
A. The pair of Permanent Magnet, controlled by an independent rotor, rotating on its own accord to produce a change of magnetic field experienced by the generating coil in the middle.
B. The rotor of Permanent magnets, is to produce change of magnetic field experienced by the generating coil in the middle in combination with 1.
C. The generating coils are responsible for translating the change of magnetic field experienced by itself to electrical voltage and current via Lenz’s Law. It is also responsible for producing magnetic current that has magnetic polarity which is opposite to the other generating coil(s) in the other sides, for the sake of nullifying the effect of the other magnetic current from other generating coil.
D. The ferromagnetic material responsible for creating a tunnel which magnetic current from other generating coils to merge and nullify each other’s effect.
(I ignore the description of other less important components here.)
1. Rotor of Permanent Magnet rotate, together with the presence of Permanent Magnet to produce an effect of change of Magnetic field experienced by the generating coils. The rotation of components A is such that a pair of them are always in opposite polarity.
2. The generating coils in the middle experienced the change of magnetic field created by Process 1, and it response to it according to Lenz’s Law, thus electrical current and magnetic current is produced. However,
since there are pairs of generating coil, and each of them always generate a magnetic current that is of opposite polarity of each other.
3. The magnetic currents produced by generating coils are merge together in component D. Since they are of opposite magnetic polarity and of the same strength, therefore the effect is a complete cancellation of the effect of magnetic currents as a whole in the invention. There are no net magnetization of the component D.
4. Since there are no net magnetic currents flowing in the component D, thus Inductance of each generating coil is only equal to the inductance of the coils itself without the iron core. We could effectively ignore the presence of component D in this process. Therefore each component C would produce a much weaker magnetic field resisting the approach of component A of the electrical current it produce.
5. Nevertheless, component A would experience a small resisting force due to Lenz’s effect of component C, causing it to slow down. However, the effect of that is minimal consider the amount of electrical current component C produce.
1. The permeability of component D must be carefully chosen to match the desired amount of electrical current produced. If it is lower than what expected of the electrical current produced by component C, the efficiency of the invention as a whole would be lowered.
2. The distance between the pair of component C should be minimize to reduce the lost of magnetic currents(thus reduce the effect of cancellation intended by this invention.) We could use Magnetic field detector to check the magnetic field leakage around the invention to achieve this object. Nevertheless, we expect the cancellation effect of magnetic current is always less than 100%.
(I ignore other trivialities of electrical generator design here.)
From the perspective of energy:
1. Kinetic energy of Component A cause Electrical energy to be formed at component C.
2. The Magnetic energy of component C are canceled in component D and C.
3. Thus the effect of Lenz’s Law of component C is largely minimized, the Kinetic energy of component B is reduced by an amount much lesser than what is expected of the amount of electrical current in traditional
electrical generation process.
i.e. Kinetic energy dissipated in A« Electrical energy generated in C.
Excessive energy is resulted in running the component A with lesser amount of electrical energy. To further improve its effect, we could let the component A run for a while with component C switch off. The load of component C is carefully monitor so it is not producing a retarding force large enough to disturb the rotation of component A.
Compare to traditional electrical generation process:
1. Kinetic energy of Component A caused Electrical energy of component C.
2. The Electrical energy of component C come along with magnetic energy of component D.
3. Magnetic energy of component D has the effect of retarding the motion of component B, i.e. the Kinetic energy of component B is largely dissipated.
i.e. Kinetic energy dissipated in A≥ Electrical energy generated in C.
2008年6月16日 星期一
Between Hacking and Overunity Invention
Ordinary invention is about discovering new usage for old things, in a sense, the new usage is already inherent in the old thing, just that combination of different functional component would tend to easily mask the function of the old thing via the Cognitive Psychology process of attention. For instance, remote control is intended for control electrical appliance remotely but not built for breaking the windows in emergence. When people are using remote control, they only concern themselves with the intended function of it but seldom think of the remote control as a physical object. Thus, in a sense, context direct one’s attention to the function of things. Inventor is someone who is able to break free of this nominal web of association between objects and its function, s/he realize that association is not absolute as we all think. Car is for moving one from a place to another, but in other cases it could function as a motel.
That said about invention of ‘ordinary thing’, the invention of Overunity technology take a slightly different route. There are always two routes to invention: From Physical realm to Realm of Thought, and From Realm of thought to Realm of Physical. Translated into layperson’s language: Some inventors started their invention from a purely a theory until a prototype is made; some inventors love to try experiments and hand-on designs, then look for an explanation of how his/her invention works. Whatever their orientation, a higher level of understanding is unavoidable in Overunity invention, since they don’t just have to convince other their invention works, they also need to convince other that they understand how it works, and they are building the invention because of the novel theories they had about nature.
For a inventor working from Theoretical level to Physical level, his/her work is akin to hacking. What they both to do is to read between the lines from existing rules. In later it is about the rules which computer and Internet operated by while in former it is about the rules of Physics/Chemistry/Biology. A hacker is able to gain access to a computer/network because s/he did something that the system engineer who built the computer/network never expected. And overunity inventor is only able to harness ‘free’ energy because s/he could read between the line of the framework which our science is based. For instance, many overunity inventor believe it is possible to create Perpetual Motion Machine because there maybe some logical errors when applying the thermal-mechanical analogy to field-emitting and field-receiving object. What they did is to try to find gaps of science which either never fully explored, or may had subtle errors between the rules when they are not applied as what it is intended by the scientist. If they are able to arrive at logical contradictions or results that is at odd with the common sense through thought experiment, they gain access to an area which existing scientific framework may not understand correctly. Essentially, they play around the rules of nature that are supposed to be a scientific fact, that arrive at something scientist never thought of before. Thus the Overunity invention process is hacking the nature to fulfill our wish.
The Theoritical Base for Overunity Research
Overunity energy Research: Energy is created and destroyed in the process of generation and usage. Thus there are potentially unlimited source of energy, energy crisis is unnecessary.
Current Energy Research: Energy is not created or destroyed, just converted from one form to another. Therefore it is unavoidable to have energy crisis.(Since we inevitably spent more energy than what we can produce from nonrenewable source, even if it is fission energy.) There are no solution to this problem.
Updated 2008.07.01: Capitalist economy dictate that we MUST have the first one for unlimited economic growth.
2008年6月15日 星期日
兔仔,不知怎樣的,我覺得你最近總是對我很冷淡,不復你以前對我的熱情, 竟我們之間發生了什麼事?你好像關上了你的心門,不讓我去了解你?你為什麼不告訴我呢?
2008年6月14日 星期六
Improve you wishmaking power
In my last article I discuss about how to improve the chance of wish become true, that is simply and straightforward. Another method I recommend here is similar in vein with the last suggestion. To improve the wishing power, we need to devise method with the effect of clearing the mind. Regulated breathing is one way, another way is by minimize the information load of the brain/mind.
So my recommendation is to take a period which you can be completely ‘off the hook’. Since the brain is built for processing information, it would impractical if I suggest you to not doing anything related to information. What we can do is to minimize the duration and frequency of your exposure to anything informational. Translated to real life is do NOT watch TV, browse the Internet or reading newspaper/magazine, avoid anything has to do with verbal processing. Then depending on the level of information pollution in your city/country, your mind would begin to clear off the junk(spam) information. The receptivity of unconscious message and sending of unconscious message would gradually increase(wish-making power), you may also had vivid dream.
Notice we are taking neurological route for the explanation of parapsychological phenomena here: We suppose there is a limit of working capacity of each brain cell, we can also quantify the amount of information we have in the environment, and the Unconscious is which provide a channel/interface between Physical and Psychological world. It thus follows that if we reduce the amount of workload devoted to (pointless) processing of (junk) information, the brain cell would have more time and resource to process the unconscious function and less interfere from the processing of information(which confuse the unconscious), therefore improve the efficiency of one of the most important function of unconscious.
What is Heaven's Will?
Heaven's Will seems to be an elusive concept in both Eastern and Western culture, many layperson's understanding of that is just ‘Anything happen to me must be the will of heaven, otherwise it wouldn't happen.’ My thought on this is Heaven's Will does manifest through the History of mankind, and the vehicle which it express itself is through the individual psychology of human being. I name this concept Psycho-religion.
How does one knows about Heaven's Will? One just need to introspect intensively. Once one understand and appreciate the uniqueness of oneself, one already know how Heaven's Will manifest on oneself. It is akin to know the purpose of your existence though it is less intellectual. Once you know what you are good at and what you are bad at, then you know the purpose of existence in Heaven's Will must be related to your ability to perform certain action under certain situation. Although it is difficult to tell exactly what the Heaven-given-goal, it is however to logically infer Heaven wouldn't prefer a cook to do a sailor’s work if it ‘want’ that to be done nicely. Heaven's Will is more like a general direction of how humanity develop but not how individual of us develop, and it is reflected in the individual psychological level.
中共最怕什麼?就是它自己的影子,莊子的寓言曾說有人因害怕自己的影子而死,看來所言非虛。因為行天道不會分自己和影子,因此不害怕是自己的一部份,正如 同是美國的共和黨並不恐懼合法來奪權的民主黨,可能你中有我,我中有你,有什麼好怕的?但是中共國天道不行,行它自己一套似是而非的道理,因此自己的影子 便和自己分得清清楚楚,而且非常害怕。在它的思維裏,看不到影子是自己的一部份,因此大力打以打擊,但是影子卻是因它本身的性質而生,不可能被消滅,結果 是中共先把法輪功當成影子分出來,然後自己不停追打自己的影子。有壓迫便有反抗,壓迫亦使法輪功戴上道德光環,成了「反抗中共不道德統治」的犧牲者,廣受 同情;相反如果中共國是宗教自由,各種思想自由競爭,法輪功便不會成為它的心腹之患了。
2008年6月13日 星期五
三個字最簡單的答案是它行無神論卻不引進民主、科學,結果中共自己比中國人更迷信,因為內心 虛怯所以發動文革,破壞中國古文化卻發展不了一套全新和有活力的文化,自從八九年六月四日大屠殺以 後,共產主義陣營崩潰,它嚇得魂不附體,再無自信心內部改革。為了收買人心,不改革政治,卻更開放經濟,社會問題更趨嚴重,它只是做一日和尚敲一日鐘,它 已經 沒有信念(ideology),沒有信心,只是活一日過一日。頭痛醫頭,腳痛醫腳,如今中史政令不出中南海,貪污叢生,每年的施政目標只可以完成一半。外 表工程 做得愈多,表明它的內心愈虛怯。
如今一個有趣的現象,是它比其他傳統中國人更迷信,連奧運會亦要揀2008年8月8日8時8分,可以用佛洛伊德的「被壓抑物之回歸」(Return of the repressed)來形容,因為精神空虛,本身無理念支撐自己的行為,亦不是用科學方法,因此當有天災人禍發生,被壓抑的封建迷信便席卷全國,如野火潦原。
心理學有一個所謂「自我實現的預言」,就是當有人自己以為是絕症,則不用絕症他/她也會以為是因絕症是死。所以中共步向滅亡只有一個理由,就是中國共產黨 它在心理戰上被打敗,當它以為自己是已經失敗了,讓它自己一步步放棄,一步步倒退。法輪功對中共打的心理戰已經有多少成果,如今的中國天災人 禍,而任何有志推翻共產政權之士都覺得是千載良機,可一不可再,中共已近它的未路了,所有獨裁專制政權都以為自己是千秋萬世,結果沒有一個可以!
Evolution and Psychohistory
Evolution is, in a sense, about the future of the group by observing the changed happen in the past. Again, much like Social Psychology, it doesn’t claim to able to make sweeping generalization from its theory on the level of individual. We could only to infer result of Evolution on the group as a whole. However since Evolution is ‘intended’ to work on the level of the species as a while, however, the main vehicle which that evolution it happen is through genes of individual, therefore only manifest itself through certain behavioral tendencies on the individual level. That is also the level which Psychology
come into play, therefore it is difficult to discern the effect of Evolution at work in individual level. That is also the level which Psychohistory manifest itself, though it is too minimal to observe.
Two corollaries of ‘Divisibility of 11'
We notice that in decimal (10-base system), we can evaluate the divisibility of 9 by adding up all its digits and test the divisibility of the sum of the digits. While also in decimal system, we can evaluate the divisibility of 11 by adding up its odd digits and even digits and test the divisibility of the differences of the sum of the digits.
Following the logic in the article that discussing the divisibility of 9, we can made the following corollary: Similar to the idea that we can test test the divisibility of the differences of the sum of the digits, we could also test the divisibility of 12 by the differences of the sum of the odd and even digits in a base 11 system, the divisibility of 13 by the differences of the sum of the odd and even digits in a base 12 system…. etc.
Moreover, I made the hypothesis that in decimal system, divisibility by 12 could be tested by the divisibility of the weighted differences of the sum of the digits, i.e. even digits sum*2- odd digits sum. Moreover, divisibility by 13 could be tested by the divisibility of the weighted differences of the sum of the digits, i.e. even digits sum*3- odd digits sum, divisibility by 14 could be tested by the divisibility of the weighted differences of the sum of the digits, i.e. even digits sum*4- odd digits sum…. etc.
And in general, divisibility by n+x in a n-base system could be tested by the divisibility of the weighted differences of the sum of the digits, i.e. even digits sum*n- odd digits sum(in the same system.)
Divisibility by 11
We all hear of how test the divisibility of any number by 11 by adding its odd digits and even digits up, then if the difference between the sum of odd digits and the sum of even digits is a multiple of 11. We could therefore deduced that the original number is divisible by 11. Here we attempt to prove it as the consequence of decimal system as well as to notice a few other facts.
To prove this property, there are two ways to do this: We can either create a multiply of 11 then notice the numerical property of its digits, or we can prove backward from the numerical property of its digits to the number made up by such digits to be a multiply of 11. It doesn’t matter which way we does since one always implied another.
Consider the easier way, let’s make a multiple of 11, say 11*360
We have 11*360=3600+360=3960,
We notice because we are decimal system, and 11 indicate 10+1 or 1 exceed the base of 10, therefore the multiplication is simply moving the multiple number(360) one digit forward to become 3600, then added this number to it original number.
That is essentially what we all do in the multiplication by 11.
We notice that the sum of its odd digits=0+9=9
And the sum of its even digits=3+6=9
The difference=9-9=0 which is divisible by 11.
Assume a random number to be multiple by 11, say ABCDE in decimal system.
The process is 11*ABCDE=ABCDE0+ABCDE,
Take a look at the new digits of the result in descending order: A,A+B,B+C,C+D,D+E,E
We notice something curious, because it appears that the first digit of the number ABCDE appear twice in first and second place, the second digit of the number ABCDE appear twice in second and third place, then the third digit of the number ABCDE appear twice in third and fourth place; fourth digit of the number ABCDE appear twice in fourth and fifth place, and lastly fifth digit of the number ABCDE appear twice in fifth and sixth place. That is all of the consequence of multiplication of 11 in decimal system.
Seeing this pattern, to obtain a sum of all digits without repeating the digits from ABCDE is to adding the alternative digits, thus:
The sum of even digits=(A+B)+(B+C)+(D+E);
The sum of odd digits=A+(B+C)+(D+E)
The difference of them=(A+B+C+D+E)-(A+B+C+D+E)=0, which translated to the digits of the result is compose of digits repeating themselves. So multiplication of 11 would logically arrive in the difference of the sum of digits being 0, which is divisible by 11.
Notice that we assume so far that the sum of digits doesn’t exceed ten, therefore we can nicely summarize the digits of the resulting number as A,A+B,B+C,C+D,D+E,E. That is unlikely since some parts of the sum may exceed 10, therefore the digits of the resulting number could be A,A+B,B+C,C+D+1,D+E-10,E.
Actually, we don’t need to repeat the process of summing the odd and even digits of the resulting number to realize that the odd sum and even sum is differ by 1-(-10) or 11. And 11 is definitely a multiply of 11.
Assume we have more case like that, therefore the resulting digits is: A+1,A+B-10+1,B+C-10+1,C+D-10+1,D+E-10,E.
The sum of the odd digits=E+(C+D-10+1)+(A+B-10+1)=A+B+C+D+E-18;
The sum of the even digits=A+1+(B+C-10+1)+(D+E-10)=A+B+C+D+E-18
Therefore their difference is zero.
Clever reader may started to try the case of different digits of sum exceed ten, this seem like an dead end to me since when extend this result to a n-digits number, we had to try close to 2^n times. So what appear as an easy way turn out to be not so easy.
Suppose we started from the result of multiplication by 11. That give us a number with the difference of the sum of even and odd digits is the multiply of 11.
i.e. Given n(1)n(2)n(3)n(4)….n(2k),
(n(1)+n(3)+n(5)+….n(2k-1))-(n(2)+n(4)+n(6)+….n(2k))=11s (where s is a natural number)
we could write: (n(1)+n(3)+n(5)+….n(2k-1))=11s+(n(2)+n(4)+n(6)+….n(2k))
Suppose we let s(1),s(2),s(3) such that s(1)+s(2)+s(3)….+s(k)=11s,
so n(1)=n(2)+s(1), n(3)=n(4)+s(2), n(5)=n(6)+s(3)…., n(2k)=n(2k)+s(k)
The value of the original number equal to: n(1)*10^(2k-1)+n(2)*10^(2k-2)+n(3)*10^(2k-3)+….+n(2k)
Substitute back the n(odd) in terms of n(even), we have:
n(1)*10^(2k-1)+n(2)*10^(2k-2)+n(3)*10^(2k-3)+….+n(2k)= (n(2)+s(1))*10^(2k-1)+n(2)*10^(2k-2)+(n(4)+s(2))*10^(2k-3)+….+(n(2k)+s(k))*10+n(2k)
To test the divisibility of this number by 11, we can first remove all the multiple of 11 from value. Since when a number divisible by 11, and when take away the multiple of 11 from that number, the result would still be divisible by 11.
Therefore the value we can test is: (10*s(1))*10^(2k-2)+(10*s(2))*10^(2k-4)+(10*s(3))*10^(2k-6)+….+(s(k)*10)
By the assumption the sum of s(1)+s(2)s(3)+…+s(k)=11s, and
We also notice that 10^(2m)-1 has even digits of 9, therefore it is divisible by 11.
Therefore [(s(1)*(10^(2k-2)-1)+(s(2)*(10^(2k-4)-1))+(s(3)*(10^(2k-6)-1)+....+99*s(k)] is the sum of multiplies of 11, it must itself divisible by 11.
Since the sum of multiplies of 11 and multiples of 11 must also be a multiplies of 11, therefore the value
n(1)*10^(2k-1)+n(2)*10^(2k-2)+n(3)*10^(2k-3)+….+n(2k) must be a multiply of 11. i.e. The number with digits n(1),n(2),n(3)….,n(2k) is divisible by 11.
Notice the above result only applied to number of even digits, to extend the applicability of the above proof. We only need to let n(1)=0, since the sum of odd digits and even digits would not changed by adding a zero term. Therefore the above result applied for both odd and even digits of number in decimal system.
A more complex method is to actually do the long division by 11 of the number with assumed properties of the digits. I would guess I left that for another day.
我以為你不可能想不到,只有在你面前我才可以表現得如此口不擇言;我以為你不可能想不到,只有在你面前我才不怕對你說這樣放縱的話;我以為你不可能 想不 到,只有在你面前,我才夠膽把我最私密的文章都交給你看;我以為你不可能想不到,只有在你面前我才可以把最秘密的說話告訴你;我以為你不可能想不到,只有 在想到我的性格 居然會有人愛才有勇氣提出心裏一直最深的願望。有和你相愛的盼望,的確豉舞了我,的確使我有快樂的感覺;如今我如貓一樣反肚給你示好,如果你 不理、不感興趣,覺得我配不起你,你是如此的自大,我無話可說,如果因為要愛情而勉強歪曲自己,則不如不要屈就;如今任性的你竟然一腳踏了下來,我的憤怒 比山還高,你叫我如何拿這些恨意去過一世呢?
我如今的難題是,你是最我想要的一個人,可以似乎你如果不改變你的性格、行為,則我真的很難去全心全意地去 愛你.但是你一改變,則這個不再是你。你叫我愛什麼,憑什麼去愛呢?
2008年6月12日 星期四
Conscious, Unconscious and Tao
In the first sense, Unconscious is being something that is just different from Conscious because it is operated by a different principle: For instance, Freud asserted that Unconscious doesn't differentiate between opposite(like Yang and Ying), much the same way as opposite elements are both operate by Tao according to Taoism. Therefore there is a categorically differentiation between the operation of Conscious and Unconscious. So in this sense, they are like oil and water, they simply don’t mix. However, Conscious and Unconscious can still communicate because they share some similarity(Tao is inclusive of the opposite.)
In the later sense, Unconscious is included as part of Psychological Space, just being rejected/censored by Conscious(to be emotionally correct.) Therefore the thoughts and feelings originally formed in Conscious in according to the rules and parameters of the operation of Conscious. Therefore there is no different in nature of the thought/feel objects in Conscious and in Unconscious. Just the same thing placed in different places. So the operation of the psyche, the Tao, is running throughout the psyche; there is no need to have separate rules and parameters for each part of psyche. The mind operated as a mind according to Tao.
Could that also be, in the later case, Conscious thought/feeling objects had transformed into Unconscious thought/feeling objects? Thus Conscious and Unconscious are operated differently in one sense(of the nature of thought/feeling object), but they are united in another sense
(of the nature of psychological space). Things are different but the same, which is the idea of Tao. Is mind the best example of the operation of Tao?
它打壓中國境內外的異議人仕絕不手軟,而香港作為中國文化的最後一個避風港,在中共經濟實力日益強大下,亦日漸勢危。泛民主派 在區議會大敗是先兆,最近親中共的民建聯愈 來愈囂張,在香港政府、親共媒體、中共的幫助下,再加上四川天災,以後每一次的選舉都日益勢危。而且由於畸形的政治/選舉制度,泛民主派永不能在立法會通 過自己的議案,在副部長一事中,可以看到三權監察及互相制衡只是神話一個,香港政府為討好中共,日益以淫審法例當廿三條收窄言論自由。
但一夫一妻有好處,在男女大約人口一半的地方,不會有人找不到配偶;但如果男女人口為2比1或其他比例的地方,強行一夫一妻制只會導一部份的男性找不到配 偶;而有社會學的研究顯示,找不到配偶是為社會動盪之源,剩下的人口為野心家/恐佈份子提供源源不絕的新血。中東地區的動盪除了爭石油外,亦 因為回教行一夫多妻制之故,皇室成員及富商隨時後宮佳麗三千,而窮人一生都不會有配偶。(而中東地區的貧富殊是極其嚴重,一無民主,二有源源不絕的石油可 以不停收買和平)男人有多餘的精力不是打架就是做愛,社會制度設計者當然寧願後者,如果婚姻制度不能適應當地的人口比例,該社會只會被其他對手消滅。我們 現在看到只是社會制度競爭的後果。
在世俗主義者眼中,任何的社會制度及道德沒有什麼神聖的力量,一切都是權宜之計,視乎情況而定。如果因某種原因而世界男人小了一半,則一夫兩妻制一定會重 臨。基督右派之禍在於把不合當地情況的制度以宗教名義強加在他們身上,例如基督右派的布殊在食物不足、愛滋病犯濫的非洲竟然在損款中不許受助國家派發避孕 套!如此的基督信仰,是助人抑或害人?
哲學,永不能完滿證明任何一套道德是完全合理的,因此世俗主義者永遠有一種虛無感; 信仰任何一種宗教就放棄了質疑道德的機會,換取是確定性。信教的人在哲學上是不能自己為自己站出來,他永遠躲在超先然神祉的背後。