2008年7月28日 星期一

To have more fun with China's Great Firewall(2)

Chinese character confer a special advantage which no other languages can give with respect to the Great Firewall of China. Not that Chinese is not native to the computer like English, but there are two subsets of Chinese character and more than one encoding for each of them, plus the UTF encoding. As implied here, if intended encoding of the webpage is differ from what the censorship software ‘expected’ of the webpage, then no censorship could take place since there is no way for the censorship software to know the right encoding. Now, other than that, since each Chinese character is represented by 2 bytes, and if we reverse the order of it then there is no way for censorship to happen. Or, we could switch one byte with the next Chinese character(or switch every first 3 bit from odd character to the last 3 bit of even character). We could also treat the 16 bits as number to operated on. After we ‘encrypted’ the Chinese message like this, what we need to do is just to leave a clue(in the webpage or separate place) on how to reverse-engineering the original message, we could even write simple program to automate the process. Now if all this is implemented and software is available for every Netizen of China, then we can blow a hole in China’s Great Firewall by increase the computation resource it needed at least a thousand times.
Hacker, let’s mark 2008/8/8 as Global Hacker Insurgent against Censorship and Tyrant. Without the protection of Great Firewall, Chinese Communist Party, the greatest and last imperial empire will fall apart. Let Internet be free for all of humanity! Let humanity enter New Age without any bondage!


(轉載: http://euler.truthbible.net/index.php?entry=entry080728-011514)

記得我出世的時侯共產主義和資本主義的冷戰未結束,而除了在軍事、政治上較勁外,四年一度的奧林匹克運動會,亦是明爭暗鬥之時。如何明爭暗鬥呢?就 是國家 所得的金、銀、銅牌的數量來表示自己國家是國力強勁,因此前蘇聯、古巴、中共國的女排/體操,幾乎是屆屆不是第一便是第二,原因很簡單,因為只有在極權國 家,運動員的待遇一般比民主國家差,但是拿不拿到獎牌卻是和一家人生死焂關的政治任務,而不少一級的運動員亦在共產黨內身居高位,訓練他們亦不用講求人道 及他們的完整人格發展,只是一件為國家爭取榮耀的工具,例如中共國的乒乓/排球的馬家軍就被中共國人指責為虐待運動員,只求拿獎不惜一切,用夠了你就把你 拋在一旁,待遇只是比基本生活的程度好一點。前蘇聯更是臭名昭箸的用禁藥走後門專家,而西方國家為了競爭亦用禁藥,不過大家只是在比賽如何用生物科技避過 藥 物測試,前蘇聯的其中一位參賽者更因服用禁藥過多,失救而死。奧林匹克運動會真的有自由發揮人類體能的奧林匹克精神?一場場預早知道結果的比賽有什麼看頭 呢?
中國人的體質不是世界第一,為什麼會常常名列前矛?你相不相信中共國的運動員的表現,代表了整體中國人的表現?中共國的人均收入比香港人小,而香港的體育 亦是一直發展不來,為何中共國運動員的表現如此超前香港?是不是中共國的運動員的平均待遇比相對富裕的香港好?為何自稱是發展中的國家,即不少地方連基礎 設施都未達可接受水平的時侯,運動員的表現卻甚至比發達的老牌民主國家更好?為何中共國國家足球隊打不出亞洲,但其他方面卻表現超群呢?中共國是一個由廁 紙到報紙到食物到處女都可以做假的地方,為什麼我們反而可以相信它帶有強烈政治誘因(要世界人都認同中共的專制政權)的奧運會,卻一定是大公無私?為什麼 中共不可以在境內容忍同樣是要求公平、公正、公開的民主選舉(包括香港普選),卻可以接受一場未知結果的遊戲?為何中共擺明干預要求公平競爭的香港選舉, 卻 反而會在國內推行公平競賽呢?中共國人的自由常常被國家侵犯,何以有體育的自由?在沒有自由國度下進行的體育比賽,不外是一場表演而已,由自由國家來看的 人有沒有一絲 的人道精神?沒有自由,何來奧林匹克精神?在奧林匹克運動會的緣起希臘,雖有奴隸,但是都是由城邦的人參與的,我沒有聽過有一屆奧林匹克運動會是由奴隸和 其他城邦的人比賽的!

2008年7月27日 星期日


無錯,奧運馬術比賽的過程好像十分環保,但是把馬匹由世界各地運產生的大量二氧化碳算不算環保呢?最環保的方法莫過於把所有奧運比賽集中在一處,減低運動 員及觀衆來來回回產生的廢氣,絕不是為了政治需要而把馬術比賽生硬拆出來在香港舉辦?另外,奧運馬術場地為了令馬匹保持在最佳狀態,要把冷氣常開,消秏大 量能量,就算不會產生大量廢氣,亦會產生大量廢熱,加劇溫室效應。另外,為辦奧運馬術比賽大事宣傳,宣傳的方法及過程是否合乎環保原則,沒有浪費?另外, 既然是辦比賽,當然希望有最多的觀衆到場,而不是他們都分別在家中透過互聯網觀看,但是哪一種方法會產生更少的溫室氣體和空氣污染?相反,如果奧馬宣傳收 效不大,是不是浪費了大量的能量?此外,因為奧運馬術比賽,而把不少附近的公共設施關閉,市民不能使用用公帑支持的公共設施,算不算浪費天然資源?而汽車 /巴士因此被逼改道,又會不會產生更多廢氣?最後,如果奧運馬術比賽最終的目的是支持中共繼續用最低效率的政治體制生存,以對自然更大的壓搾來換取社會 「穩定」,而不是嘗試反省其制度上的問題,則綠色奧運,不外乎是廢話一句!

Enmeshment and Real Estate industry in Hong Kong

When something abnormal is so prevalent in the society it maybe taken for granted without examine throughly by sociologist or social psychologist. It is a classical example of what psychoanalyst Eric Fromm called social pathology. One common manifestation of enmeshment are often manifest in excessive concern of the livelihood of the tenant, who usually rationalize it by seeing it as part of the process of tenant selection. It is often said that the renter is more picky in choosing the tenant than choosing the wife of his/her son/daughter’s wife/husband. But why is it necessary to know every detail of how the tenant live his/her life in order to decide whether the tenant is capable of paying the rent monthly, and the process has to be continue indefinitely? And it appears to me that renter is acting in a way which a closer relationship than is expected than that require of the rental agreement. It maybe that since Chinese is used to use land to define relationship, therefore those who live in his/her apartment is consider part of his/her family, which is why many oversea Chinese identify with Communist China.

Green Olympic?

Beijing win the bid for 2008 Olympic by label it as Green Olympic, and I think label is the best description of the level of understanding of the concept of Environmentalism by Communist China, much akin to its level of understanding of Chinese culture, if any other than the custom and ritual, otherwise why the necessity of Cultural Revolution?
Environmentalism has its roots in beginning which man is separated from Nature as a whole when s/he gain consciousness, then religion is born to compensate this lost. By the advent of industrialization, the relationship between humanity and nature is further deteriorate to the role of exploiter. Capitalism, which is the embodiment of industrialization, has extend the idea of making profit through exploitation instead of cooperation to its fullest extend. Environmentalism grow as a movement to reshape the connection between humanity and nature from that of exploitation to harmony, from competition to cooperation. Therefore the idea Green Capitalism is something close to oxymoron, so do the idea of Green Olympic.
The most Environmental friendly way of doing Olympic is NOT doing it at all. Consider how many carbon dioxide and Green house gas is emitted by sportspersons and tourists when they are traveling to Beijing by airplane or other means of transportation? How would it add to the Green House effect? Is that a requirement of Beijing Olympic committee for all the travel to be carbon neutral? To be less demanding, since Internet is not advance to a level that the sportsperson could compete through the Internet, but at least we can reduce the amount of expenditure of energy by all watching the events from the Internet. Would the holder of Green Olympic welcome this idea if it is sincerely believe in the goods of environment?
Definitely not, since what beneath the surface of Green Olympic is a dog-eat-dog ultra-capitalistic society. The goal of this ‘Green Olympic’ is to maximize the amount of tourist and the amount of consumption to fill the expanding appetite of citizen who substitute the political freedom to that of freedom of buy-and-sell-anything-they-wanted from dog to endangered species to personal airplane to sex salve. How would hundreds and thousands of tourist and sportsperson do to the already fragile and overloaded ecosystem in China? Is that also a requirement from Beijing Olympic Committee for all tourists and sportspersons to behave in ecologically sensitive way throughout the Olympic Game? Does Beijing Olympic Committee constructed the Beijing in such a way that whatever the tourist and sportsperson do, it would always be carbon neutral and not causing any pollution and damage to environment? It certainly contradict the real goal of Beijing Olympic. Do we expect Beijing Olympic Committee to ensure capitalist who just made huge profit during the Olympic Game to be environmental considerate when spending their money? Does Beijing Olympic Committee ever concern of the effect on the environment after this artificial booming of economy?
Moreover, how would it do to the environments other than the city of Beijing when most of resource and attention is devoted to Beijing for the sake of window dressing? Since ecosystem is inherently a connected whole, by overfocusing on one place to be detriment of other would not do much good to environment of China as a whole, let alone the Earth as a whole. How sincere is its goal of benefit the environment of China as a whole when Communist China shut down the website of Green activist, and place them under house arrest, knowing that would increase the level of corruption in other cities?
If Beijing Olympic could be consider as a Green Olympic by solely focus on the process of Olympic Games but not the context under which it is happening, then why don’t we nominate Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Polpot for Nobel Peace Prize because they reduce the load on environment by massacring million of their own citizens?

2008年7月26日 星期六


中 文比起其他語文有一個好處,因為中文不是電腦本身的語言,電腦及軟件必須借助一些對應表才可以「看」到中文,要看得到中文,金盾作用才可以發揮,否則再厲 害的內容審查軟件都是白痴。然而,中文可以用好幾種不同的字碼來表達,而內容審查軟件當然是不懂網頁原意是想用什麼中文字碼的,如果看錯了就審查不了。我 今天有一個有趣的主意,假設有30個中文字都是用同一編碼的,如果有軟件把所有單數順序的中文字編碼的尾三位和雙數順序的中文字編碼的尾三位交換,內容審 查軟件看來依然是一篇文章,但是它看到中文字就和原意相差很遠了,如此它找關鍵字的功能便失效了。但只要網頁留下一些提示或軟件,想看網頁真正內容立刻可 以在短時間內看到原本的內容了,內容審查軟件卻不可能在有限時間內把所有的可能組合都試完。當然,這只是最簡單的例子,更複雜的可以不止是相鄰的尾三位編 碼交換,可以把中文編碼當數字來加加減減某一個固定或隨機數值,甚至把數種方法結合來用,結果都是中共秏資千萬的金盾工程,利用最簡單的方法即不堪一擊, 形同虛設。


(轉載自: http://euler.truthbible.net/index.php?m=07&y=08&entry=entry080725-222336)



(轉載: http://euler.truthbible.net/index.php?entry=entry080725-222912)

中共國可以把北京奧運的每一項開成盤口,用賺來款項來為四川賑災,既做善事,又有機會賺錢,更可令香港人全心投入支持北京奧運,何樂而不為? 反正北京奧運目的都是為了賺錢,與只讓民間靠倒賣暗中賺錢,不如明明白白讓人人有錢,中國香港閰家富貴,皆大歡喜!

2008年7月25日 星期五

More direction for developing Euler's Coil Technology

One more implementation of Euler's Coil Technology is instead of using one SOURCE electromagnetic coil in one setup, we could use more than one SOURCE electromagnetic coil. Euler’s Coil Technology could be phased as ‘What happen if we have four electromagnetic coils, and each electromagnetic coil is given a variation of electrical current as if we are using one SOURCE electromagnetic coil in original Euler’s Coil setup?’
We could infer given that the result of mutual induction of this alignment of electromagnetic coils would be identical to the variation of electromagnetic field of individual when only one SOURCE electromagnetic coil is given a variation. Certainly, any variations of electromagnetic field of one electromagnetic coil must be coherent other variations of electromagnetic field of any other electromagnetic coil, otherwise the mutual inductance would rise to infinite and no electrical current could flow in any one electromagnetic coil. Therefore, if we intentionally create variations of electromagnetic field of individual electromagnetic coils that is identical to what we expect when one SOURCE electromagnetic coil, we should expect individual electromagnetic coil would ‘encourage’ this variation of electromagnetic field by adding more electrical energy into each individual electromagnetic coil.




廿三條之母葉劉參與2008年立法會選舉,目的是要發展優質民主,換句話說,香港目前的「民主」制度並不優質,而因為基本法要求香港不能照搬西方的三權分 立的一套來發展,因此西方的三權分立一定不是優質民主,什麼是優質民主?你看立法會天天吵吵鬧鬧,一天通過不了一條法例/法案,當然不可以算是優質民主, 最優質民主是中共的多黨合作制,中國的改革開放如果遇着香港的立法會議員,恐怕到由1949年辯論到現在還未批淮國家削減社會福利開支呢!


香港上下一代最大的分別是在看電視時,上一代比較接受任何的電視節目,無論電視節目質素如何都不習慣轉台,甚至有一些上一代是不懂各電視台的編號的,遑論 依電視時間表來選擇節目了。因為在上一代心目中的,電視只要有節目就是娛樂,不會有所要求,而新一代往往主動選擇自己喜歡看的節目來看,不喜歡看的節目可 以不看。反映出新一代是事事較為主動,傾向於創造環境,而舊一代事事較為被動,傾向於適應環境。上下一代的行為分別可能和香港社會的政治制度發展有關,上 一代時是行政主導,不少下一代都生長於政制相對開放的80/90年代。

Real Estate industry and Narcissism in Hong Kong

The increasing number of citizen develop Narcissistic personality is correlated to the booming of Real Estate industry in Hong Kong. As Real Estate produce more, it need to increase the demand. The consequence of this marketing strategy: ‘Everyone must have one apartment’, thus encouraging the tendency of Narcissistic personality, thereby resulted in increase number of Narcissistic personality found in general population in Hong Kong.

An strange idea for saving electrical energy

It follow from my very strange idea that if a stream of electricity is never allow to reach from positive terminal to negative terminal, then the electrical energy contained in the electrical current is never consumed. Then we can apply this idea in any city to save electrical energy immediately.

The general idea is very simple, this device would have three components:
A. Electrical circuit to detect the voltage of capacitor and switch between two sources of electrical energy: External/Internal, in according to the result.
B. A capacitor that is capable of storing all electrical energy needed for one instance of operation of all electrical energy consumption.
C. Electrical current stabilizer to regulate the electrical energy discharged from B.
*D. Electrical appliance that require the consumption of electrical energy.

The iteration:
1. When the component B is detected to be empty, then component A switch the electrical energy source from capacitor to external supply.
2. The electrical energy from external supply enter the component B via D until B is fully charged.
3. Component A switch the supply from external to internal.
4. Component B is then discharging through component C to component D. Thus component B is emptied.

Theoretically, since we use electrical energy from external source half of the time, therefore we save about 50% of electrical energy without affecting the operation of electrical appliances at all. However, since we require electrical energy to operate this invention, therefore we presume it is less efficient, thus we expect we could save 40% of electrical energy. The technical challenge is we need an capacitor that is capable of storing Million Joule of electrical energy, I believe it is easier to do that in a city as a whole than implemented by individual household.

More direction for developing Euler's Coil Technology

One more implementation of Euler’s Coil Technology is instead of using one SOURCE electromagnetic coil in one setup, we could use more than one SOURCE electromagnetic coil. Euler’s Coil Technology could be phased as ‘What happen if we have four electromagnetic coils, and each electromagnetic coil is given a variation of electrical current as if we are using one SOURCE electromagnetic coil in original Euler’s Coil setup?’
We could infer given that the result of mutual induction of this alignment of electromagnetic coils would be identical to the variation of electromagnetic field of individual when only one SOURCE electromagnetic coil is given a variation. Certainly, any variations of electromagnetic field of one electromagnetic coil must be coherent other variations of electromagnetic field of any other electromagnetic coil, otherwise the mutual inductance would rise to infinite and no electrical current could flow in any one electromagnetic coil. Therefore, if we intentionally create variations of electromagnetic field of individual electromagnetic coils that is identical to what we expect when one SOURCE electromagnetic coil, we should expect individual electromagnetic coil would ‘encourage’ this variation of electromagnetic field by adding more electrical energy into each individual electromagnetic coil.

2008年7月24日 星期四


1. 通識的意義在於動態生產和檢查知識,其過程比結果更重要;因此在該通識比賽中主持人死抱一個正確答案,像香港考試局批是非題一樣,把任何和標準答案不同便 當是錯,明顯是未違到用通識去即時分析的水平,未掌握通識的技巧,主持人能否即時指出為什麼「鴕鳥政策」是正確答案而「八萬五政策」不可以帶有猶疑不決的 含意?如果「八萬五政策」不代表猶疑不決,又代不代表前後矛盾、自打嘴巴?如果「八萬五政策」不代表前後矛盾,又代不代表「原意是好,但無法實現的構 想」?如果「八萬五政策」不代表「原意是好,但無法實現的構想」,又代不代表「原意是好,但因領袖無能為力而無法實行的方案」?為什麼「刻舟求劍」一定要 代表的意思?為什麼一句成語一定只有一個通義?為什麼「刻舟求劍」不可以解「用錯了方法去做事」?為什麼「刻舟求劍」不可以解「為人呆板,不懂變通」?為 什麼「刻舟求劍」不可以解「未明白事情的底蘊就匆匆去做」?它應該做到的是並無標準答案,純綷依所有已知的知識,用邏緝來判斷哪一個答案最乎合該條,並立 刻把新的答案作為知識加入自己的知識網絡中,在通識的慨念框架中,知識是要不停按新的了解更新的,沒有永遠正確的知識;

2. 我不以為官方可以推動到通識,因為官方往往對社會的一事一物,都有一套既定的思維,如車只是一件交通工具,不可以是居所,不可以是藝術,不可以和宗教有 關。官方/政府的工作模式.是完全依照法例的要求及內部的工作流程去辦事,不可以自作主張、自作聰明。因此通識的推展有賴公衆積極參與中立的公共知識平台 如wikipedia或evihk等,通識的前提是思想自由及意見的平等交流,除非香港的官方是由全面普選產生,否則很難令人相信香港的官方是自由開放, 並和民間平等交流。

2008年7月22日 星期二


這是我這一代人最常聽見的勸告,父母總是告誡我們要小心外人,潛台詞就是「不是自己人就要小心,外面的人都是壞人」,簡言之,自己人就是好人,不是自己認 識的人就是壞人。我當時想:為什麼在上一代人心目中,世界是一個如此恐佈的地方?為什麼家外面就是充滿危險的地方,只有家中才是安全呢?上一代不是利用恐 懼去把孩子留在家?上一代是不是為了所謂下一代的安全,不知不覺增加下一代對家外面世界的敵意,最後成了自我實現的預言,自己人和非自己人對立?


北京奧運稱自己為環保奧運會,因為它的場所建成時合乎環境保護的標準,而能源亦是來自太陽 能,但是有沒有人從整體的角度去看北京奧運如何合乎環保呢?說環保不單是目標環保,過程、方法和結果同樣要環保。而環保思維,並不單單是指物質層面上的環 保,亦指精神/社會/政治/經濟上的環保;環保指的是人重建被工業文明的演進而破壞的和大自然的關係,而最後的目標不單是人和環境的和諧,亦指人和人之間 的和諧,亦指前者和後者的和諧,而最終的目的是重新把人放到自然的一部份去生活。因為工業文明最大的破壞不單是自然環境,亦是把人和自然的關係由平等改成 人類征服自然,同時人本身亦被資本主義的經濟模式異化人和其他人之間都成了互相利用的關係。現在中共國的「超級資本主義」經濟模式,不單是國家把人當成經 濟生產的工具,凡事只考慮人的經濟價值,因為國家和人之間的關係是剝削,人所以和人之間的關係亦是剝削;因為人和人之間的關係亦是剝削,所以人和自然環境 的關係亦是剝削。例如中共硬性規定汽車依車牌的單雙數隔日行車,表面上是一時減低了空氣污染,卻沒有考慮當日不可以開車的車主的生活需要,以環保之名去腐 蝕他們的行動自由,環保因此成了不少人的公敵,如此的環保政策,以人和環境為名向人和人的和諧宣戰,忽略了人本身亦是大自然的一部份,人的需要亦是環保的 考慮,環保是要有機的手段去解決整個生活模式帶來的問題,考慮現在亦考慮將來。依此思路想到:會不會因為減少了北京現在的空氣污染,卻增加了其他地區的空 氣污染?會不會因為減少了北京現在的空氣污染,卻將來北京的空氣污染?會不會因為減少了北京現在的空氣污染,卻增加將來行管制空氣污染政策的難度?
最環保的奧林匹克運會,應該是各國的觀衆留在自己國家,透過人造衛星轉播觀看北京奧運會,因為大量的觀衆搭各種交通工具前往北京,會排出大量的溫室氣體, 加速地球暖化,當然北京不會應承。而北京奧運會更會豉勵遊客盡情消費,如何的消費才合乎環保原則?就算生產過程如何環保,但消費一些本來不會消費的物品即 是浪費,如何合乎環保的原則?另外,如何保證遊客在北京奧運會其間的一舉一動都合乎環保原則?如何確保生產遊客消費品的過程及結果都合乎環保原則?如何確 保中共國人不會因為收入增加,奧運會完成後更大量的消費,間接破壞環境?如何確保中共不會因為北京奧運會得來的大量收入用在最破壞環境,不理人民死活的土 木工程上呢?另外,因為北京奧運會,而被漠視了其他的環境問題,如沙膜化、水土流失、水源及空氣污染惡化,又如何合乎環保原則?因為北京奧運會,北京拒絕 各地民衆因涉及環境的問題上訪北京,做成地方政府可以膜視各地的環境問題,又如何合乎環保原則?因為北京奧運會,北京拒絕各地民衆上訪北京,做成地方政府 更明目張膽侵吞原本用來改善環境的款項,又如何合乎環保原則?因為北京奧運會,中共補捉環保份子,關閉他們的網站,阻礙他們用民間的力量去監察地方政府在 環境問題上胡作非為,又如何合乎環保原則?

2008年7月21日 星期一

Invention of today: Light-control mouse

When using mouse, there are several common malfunction: 1. The Wheel to scroll the webpage, 2. The ball for mouse to move its location in the screen by detecting the movement of the mouse, 3. The two buttons to indicate left click and right click. For the issue of item 2, we already see mouse design using light-emission and detection device to replace the ball to detect the movement of the mouse. It has the advantage that it has no moving part so there would be no mechanical failure, but the trouble is it require a medium that suitably reflect the light back to its light detector. Now assume this completely remove the 2nd malfunction, we are left with 2 malfunctions to go. My suggestion for the 3rd malfunction is to replace pressure detection mechanism to indicate the click command from the user, we could use a light-emit and detection mechanism similar to solution for 2nd malfunction(which take blocked stage as normal, and count the time between blocked and non-blocked stage as input); or we could use a electrical circuit that is sensitive to the electrostatic discharging brought by the contact of human finger.(which count the time from this discharge to next discharge).

Ideas of Generator design 11/21/10


2008年7月19日 星期六

The question on spiraling tunnel

Is that since a spiraling tunnel take longer time for fluid to descend from the top, does it absorb more gravitational energy as a result? Compare water falling downhill directly and water falling through a spiraling tunnel, which of them would have higher velocity at their common ground? If we accept the classic gravitational field theory, we could assert that since gravitational field is conservative field, it doesn’t matter which path does an object took from one potentiality to another potentiality. However, if we consider the possibility that gravity could be quantized, then the path it took affect the gain of kinetic energy from gravity, it do so by changing the amount of time the object to reach one level of potentiality to another level of potentiality. Ideally speaking, if we can ignore air friction, then we can use this experiment to find out the exact timing of gravitational field.


有某位最近屢犯政治錯誤,卻自號政治家的人在八百人小圈子選舉中提出一種「新思路」(The New Deal of Hong Kong),指民主普選不是解決所有社會問題的「印度神油」,我想試一試如果當他是想錯了,會有什麼事發生。民主普選可不可以應用在香港社會最擔心的議 題:「道德淪亡」上?如果有錯,煩請各位指正。
因為未曾有人研究過道德感和民主參與的相關性,所以恕我只可以由理論空談,如果有具體的數字最好。理論上提高公民的民主參與可增加他們的歸屬感,減低「我 只是過客」的心態,而香港政府防垃圾蟲的廣告,就是充份利用了這個原理。理論上如果我當這地方是我自己的,行為便慎重許多,因為我總是想把自己家做得最 好,這應是一般香港人的心理‧依此事實去推,如果我不單可以參與社區事務,還直接覺得我可以改變我住的地方的具體事務,則我的歸屬感更強烈,我比以前更看 重其他人對我的看法,更去想我的一言一行的影響,我凡社會事都有我的意見,我有政治立場,即對或錯。我希望政客/政府都以我原則中以為是對的事,愚以為在 政治事務吾對對錯的執着,和道德感中的是非對錯是一致的。我不敢說後者因前者而來,但我認為,前者可以加強後者。因為政治有對錯,人的行為亦當然有對錯之 分;道德來自對錯的判斷,而政治的取向,亦有是非之分。我投票給想對了的侯選人,正如我做的事,大部份都是對的。
以此假說來看,可以明白為什麼97年以後,一向世俗的香港人似乎不斷感覺道德淪亡,因為不少人不覺得新主權的中共國是個有道德權威的國家,另外,香港人以 道德為軸的政治參與,卻得不到什麼具體的社會進步,因此熱情一年比一年減退,香港政府以為可喜,以為更容易統治,卻發覺社會出現道德感下降的情況。因為香 港人的政治無力感日深,對錯亦不再重要了,最重要是搵食和為自己謀着數/好處,「過客」心態再現,只要賺到錢,我才有安全感,如果沒有安全感談什麼道德不 道德?所以12歲援交又何妨,社會根本不在乎我?我守道德又如何,這又不是我的地方!如果這我的地方,為什麼我連我自己的社區都沒有發言權呢(區議會無行 政實權)?


社會進步不是需要發明家的嗎?為什麼香港發明協會卻是年年經費不足?如果不是會員肯以一元象徵式的租金租出地方,竟然連會址租金也付不起呢?而不少會員, 創意爆棚,有人的專利達三十多個,然而卻不可以以發明家為正職呢?為什麼香港政府可以不計回報率投資在實用科技研究上,對民間的獨立發明家卻不理他們死活 呢?是不是香港無論做什麼事/什麼政策都要和大財團合作?官商勾結小一天都不舒服呢?而最迫切的能源的問題,香港政府卻什麼事都不做,只待「市場調節」 呢?


我的假說是有一種叫理性絕望的心理狀態,聰明的人會比愚蠢的人更容易落入這種心理狀態,因為他們看到現代社會雖云以理性為基礎,所作所為不一定合乎理性, 而理性只可以用來排除不合理的思想/行為,卻不能告訴他們什麼是真理。聰明的人比愚蠢更需要真理,卻無法在現代文明社會中找到真理,帶來強烈的絕望感,結 果,反而相信一些自號擁有真理的人,因為這些人完全相信自己的極端宗教,他們可以給他信心,最後終於找到真理,離開理性絕望,變成狂熱者 (frantic)。歸根究底,因為現代社會制度令人和大自然疏離,而理性思維結果又導致理性絕望,所以寧願相信任何事,都比什麼都不相信的好!


有時不得不佩服曾蔭權的「政治智慧」,他最懂得的是包裝,能夠把偽普選包裝成普選,民主倒退包裝成民主進步,而官商利益輸送包裝成「急市民所急,想市民所 想」,所以他說自己是政治家,沒有錯;政治家的其中一個定義是有能力去顛倒是非黑白,把明明簡單的問題化成非黑非白。香港市民受通脹所苦,他不是說因為是 外圍因素,而派錢不是辦法,如今他寧願派錢卻不去針對問題的基本:商業壟斷如中電的利潤保障計劃、教科書商每年不論通脹而不斷加價,而消費者的權益又因消 費者委員會的經費有限而受捐。這些問題說穿就是官商勾結,為什麼香港政府不可以和兩電談判出更有利市民的條件?為什麼香港不附加上強迫兩電更積極研究再生 能源的研究?為什麼每年香港的科研經費中,只有極少部份是有關再生能源的研究?為什麼香港政府不支持民間在這分面的獨立研究?為什麼政府不正視教科書商加 價的問題,而研究一些切實可行的提議,如投入資源把wikipedia當課本?為什麼有成效的電子書未推及全港學校?為什麼消費者委員會如無牙老虎,不少 個案都積壓近年?為什麼香港政府不可以一方面增加它的經費,增加它的查案能力,順帶改善一下失業問題?如果香港政府不可以帶動干預市場,但為什麼不可以由 消費者委員會相對中立的公營機構出面為消費者在各方面提出可行的建議及實行呢?為什麼香港政府明知派85億給市民其實是間接送錢到兩電、教科書商、各地產 商在他們物業的指定寬頻及電訊經營商、巴士公司、兩家佔85%市場的超級市場,仍樂意如此?為什麼政制檢討不檢討一下在特首選舉期間,有錢商人大量開設空 殼公司來影響結果的問題,增加自己和大商家談判的籌碼?香港政府何時才會像克林頓一樣,會控告微軟壟斷,挫一挫大商家的銳氣?

2008年7月18日 星期五

The Basic idea of Static Wheel

In ideal condition, since the static charge is insulated, therefore it seldom require the Power Supply circuit to replenish it. But the wheel will keep rotating, and the output of this wheel can lead to the rotation of a Generator, thus electricity is produced.


One would also question whether this example is violating the law of conservation of energy, since the theoretical output could be greater than input.

The Process:
1. Charge is pumped to the charge holder using power source.
2. Charge holder held the electrostatic charge.
3. The metal plate in the middle would respond by producing charge opposite to charge in the charge holder. The location of the charge holder is such that the total electrostatic attraction forces would resulted in net force in one direction. (It may take experiments to determine where we could produce the greatest resultant force.)
4. Unbalance torques thus cause the metal plate to rotate.
5. The Rotor thus turn.

(We could also replace electrostatic charge with electromagnetic coil, but the disadvantage is that electromagnetic coil require constant supply of electrical energy, while former cost less in terms of electrical energy.



Biological idea: Replace the gene of human eye

One often cited argument from creationist is organ as complex as eye can’t be evolved by mere evolution, so eye must be designed from scratch. I would leave open the question how a designed eye compatible with other evolved organs. Unbeknown to most creationist is there are two ‘designs’ of eye, one which that the blood vessel is in front of the retina, another is which the blood vessel is behind the retina; it would leave to immense creativity of creationist to construe the argument why human being is endow with the later, thereby the inferior design? Why would the Almighty Christian God prefer jellyfish over human in the matter of eyesight?
My interest about eye design is not related to the enduring creationist-evolution debate, my interest is about the possibility of engineering a better eye for human being. Since we can transfer the gene from one species to another, why couldn’t we transfer the gene for manufacturing better designed eye from jellyfish to human gene pool? I don’t think anyone could find an argument against improve the eyesight of human as a species. What short term and long term disadvantage would a better eyesight confer to human being?
DNA-engineering offer human being an unique evolutionary advantage over other species: While other species have to use trial and error to find the gene most adapted to the existing environment which cost million animals their lives, human being can test-trial their idea of improvement pool in laboratory and inside computer. So what take other species a million years to develop, we as human only need to take a billion trial inside the computer(that is less than a hour in fast computer.)
So why not try this idea on human?

2008年7月17日 星期四

How to have fun with China's Great Firewall?

I have written two articles on how to circumvent China’s Firewall to filter out the corruption from the West except cash and gold. One direction of thinking is to minimize the efficiency of Firewall, retro it to almost non-existence. Another direction of thinking is maximize the extend of Great Firewall blocking unintended target. While the first is exploiting the weakness of the censorship software, the later is targeting the websites that is not intended for blocking. It is hoped that if it is disrupting enough to the surfing experience of Chinese Netizen, then there will be strong political pressure to disable it.
How? By pollute the website unrelated to censored topic with target word or phrase that would trigger the blocking response of the Firewall. The simplest and nastiest way is just to spam those website which allow posting of message. A more complex way is to insert these target word/phrase into any website that is normally allowed by China’s Great Firewall, maybe in a way not noticeable by browser. i.e. Inside the script or non-displaying html/php/perl code. (Or sending code from user’s computer to trigger the reaction from the Firewall.) Given hundreds or millions of computer are zombie in China, that shouldn’t be a difficult job for any talented hacker to do. Imagine the frustration the Netizen would have when s/he suddenly discover that 90% of the website s/he surf is blocked. Now, if there is no reliable for the Great Firewall to distinguish between its intended target and its non-intended target, that would crumble the Great Firewall.
Maybe it time for we to have fun with China's Great Firewall. If that collapse because of you, then your contribution to progress of humanity is as great as Linus! Would that be a nice way to celebrate Beijing Olympic?

2008年7月16日 星期三


香港政府可以出任何數量的公帑,例如一百億,然後在四川成立公司,由香港人管理,並聘請香港 的醫生、工程師、社工等來為四川地震善後,包括重建樓房、基礎設施、醫療及心理輔導等,同樣是一百億,同樣是為四川賑災,只要優先騁請經濟環境困難的人 仕,即可同時不用增加社會福利支出而改善香港的失業及貧富不均的問題,同時可以保證可以重建的質素,不用什麼資源即可達到國情教育的效果,並促進兩地的文 化交流。因為傳媒自會追訪,民間亦上載片段和其他人分享,官方亦可邊做邊拍攝。一石五鳥,香港政府要做的,只是透過公司去管理員工的工作而已,再者,如果 派副部長去管理,要他們為工程的進度負責,亦可收減低民怨之效。何樂而不為?為什麼要鑽牛角針,一味不計效果只懂損錢?而不利用香港在制度上的天然優勢, 去切切實實為中共國人民做福?為什麼不可以雙羸?



熱和涼是感覺,而冷和暖是溫度,一直以來都以為它們是指同一件事,因為天氣冷所以覺得寒,因為天氣暖所以覺得熱。直至後來有一次,翻開了高等物理的 課本,才發覺當風在動時,代表空氣粒子動能增加,換句話說,效果和溫度上升一樣?因此出現了矛盾,溫度上升反而令人更涼快,何解?是不是說身體的感覺並不 真實反映外界的環境?
後來才知道,風之所以令人涼快,不是在於風的本身,而在於風帶動空氣粒子做成的效果,因為天氣熱,人的生理反應是會流汗,而空氣粒子動能增加的後果是增加 汗的蒸發速度,汗的蒸發的效應就是被空氣的熱能啟動了液態轉氣態的物理反應,而在過程中反而吸入了比啟動能更多的熱能,因此做成身體溫度下降的效果。因 此,是身體本身變得比空氣涼快,而神經系統產生感覺所反映的不是過程的本身,只是過程的結果;而感覺反映的不是外界的環境的變化,而是身體內在的環境的變 化。因此科學書本上說人的感覺不敏銳,有誤差,只是對了一半,而是因為人的感覺系統只是為了人類的生存而設,不是為了準確偵測外在的環境,熱和涼是人的神 經系統經過複雜的運作,而外界環境又和生物反應不停互動反饋,理性思維為了表達這一過程而用語言創造出來的慨念物件,理性思維的前提是自我意識,而自我意 識又是神經系統活動的結果。我們本來是生活在一個抽象世界,而所感知的世界其實是我們神經系統整體活動所形成出來的自我意識所建構出來的心理世界,真實的 物理世界我們永遠接觸不到。
人的本質,是自我中心,人是不可能完全客觀的,因此人必須明白自己的本質是什麼,才可以理解世界。人最大的錯誤,是把主觀印象的誤會為客觀的事賁,眼晴看 不到眼晴自己在看,如果人再明正言順在性格上「自我中心」,則他/她和事實的實相愈走愈遠,由「being-in-the-world」變成全知全能全善 的「world-being」!


最近發生了一件知識界的怪事,在某小學生通識比賽中,其中一隊用「八萬五政策」來代替指定的 答案「鴕鳥政策」,結果被視為錯誤答案。於回答的小學生而言,因為董建華曾說「八萬五政策」沒有說等如不存在,因此「八萬五政策」便含有逃避、不肯面對問 題的意思,他們不明白為什麼刻舟求劍可以引申出「墨守成規,一成不變地用舊方法去解決新問題.對問題並無幫助」的意思,但最近的香港時事不可以用來引申出 香港人的集體觀念?不如我們再問一問為什麼不可以用「愛國論」來代表無中生有?為什麼不可以用「六四清場」來代表殘忍?為什麼不可以用「袁木」來代表說謊 的人?為什麼不可以用中共來代表「不文明」?理由真簡單,因為香港電台是官方機構,它代表官方的立場。如果一個八萬五都不可以容,香港可以談什麼通識?

2008年7月14日 星期一


(轉載自: http://euler.truthbible.net/index.php?entry=entry080713-235830

1. 一向中國人都以土地觀念認同中共即中國,目標是令中國人認同它的治國理念,當中華民國不存在;
2. 香港的立法會選舉在奧運後8日舉行,信不信民建聯不會借奧運成功來宣傳?中共有3星期的時間針對香港各階層進行心理戰。

2008年8月8日的3星期後是8月29日,距離立法會選舉剛好是8天,是陰曆八月初八,另外數字學上:2+8+9+7=26-> 8,全部都是8,是不是很有意思?明知8字是十分不利中共的數字,中共又和民建聯有關,而這天又充滿8,不知會不會影響投票者的心情。這代表什麼,香港變 天?

Method to implement Non-Dragging Generator(I)


Method to implement Non-Dragging Generator(II)

Method to implement Non-Dragging Generator(IV)


How to beat Lenz's Law in electromagnetic induction?

Lenz's Law is what cost kinetic energy to move the rotor in a Generator, namely electromagnetic coil resist any change on it by producing an electromagnetic field that opposite change. In the setting of transformer, it is what cost Primary energy.
In the Taoist philosophy, we heard of the idea of give-in to the demand in order to avoid the effect demand. Applied that in the case of Lenz's Law, to fight the Lenz's Law we would have to pretend that we give in to Lenz's Law: That we vary the V-I of Primary in the same way that the electromagnetic coil as it respond to a constant electrical current, we should thus expect ‘the enemy of enemy is our friend’. Therefore logic dictate that when vary the electrical current in this fashion, Lenz's Law is aiding the flow of electrical current instead of retarding it. i.e. We should have negative inductance when we applied the electrical current vary indirectly against time in the function of natural exponential function(or vary as though that time is flowing backward, to be technical.)

How does the classical electromagnetism explain this when extra energy is entering into the electromagnetic coil due to the variation of electrical current itself? (negative time* negative energy=positive energy?) Where does this extra energy coming from? Is that, in a sense, how the variation of electrical current of the Primary resonance with the natural parameter of Primary coil? What happen if we applied this variation to a traditional transformer?

Consider the case of Euler's Coil when four electromagnetic coils are connected as a square when one end of electromagnetic coil is next to the beginning of another electromagnetic coil. Now suppose we pass the source coil with electrical current vary in negative exponential of time. It follow that the electromagnetic coil next to it would be induced to vary its electromagnetic field in the exactly opposite fashion. So the next next electromagnetic coil would be induced to vary its electromagnetic field in the same fashion as the source coil. Lastly, the next next next electromagnetic coil would be induced to vary its electromagnetic field in the exactly opposite fashion as the source coil. Notice this electromagnetic coil would attempt to induce the electromagnetic field of source electromagnetic coil to vary its original pattern. Thus a self-reinforcement circle is setup, the influence of each other added into each other, and inductance of each other added to the electrical energy each electromagnetic coil contain.

2008年7月13日 星期日


我曾提及香港人有一種法律原教旨主義的趨勢,習慣以字面去解釋,而完全忽略了訂立該法例的社會/經濟/政治背景,和訂立該法例的原意和背後的假設,正因為 法律始終不可以純綷以字典的定義來作非黑即白的機械性判斷,因此我們需要有法官、律師和陪審團來決定每一條法例應如何應用在每一件案件上,最後還是以人的 判斷為依歸。法官要做的,是盡量在各案件的獨特案例中保持法律系統的邏緝完整性,同時亦不得不考慮該判例對社會的影響。
愚見以為,一條常被濫用的香港法例就是和未成年少女性交,即男方和超過12歲但未滿16歲的女性性交即屬犯法,不管對方是自願與否。該法例訂立的目的是防 止入世未深的少女被成年男性剝削,因為當時香港社會較保守,一般未成年少女的性知識較少,易被入世已深的成年人欺騙,而且社會普遍歧視有性經驗的少女,因 此做成心靈上的創傷。
但是,在資訊爆炸的現代香港社會,說一般未成年少女的性知識較少的說法已經難以置信,而社會亦比以前抱更開放的態度面對有性經驗的少女,依據一些社工的說 法,現在大部份的少女在中一、二時已經開始拍拖,而拍拖本意就是滿足雙方的生理及心理需要,拖手在廣義上其實是性交的前奏,不少男女在拖手已有性興奮的感 覺,亦自然產生和對方性交的期待,因此順理成章在一、兩個月內性交。兩情相悅到底是不是如法律時所說會傷害一對熱戀的男女?是不是只准他們滿足心理需要, 產生對性的期待卻不准他們再進一步,才是對他們的生理、心理發展最好?人所以有青春期,就是為了令他們在該段時間內結婚及繁殖下一代,這是人類演化近萬年 的結果,不是短短的現代文明可以改變。你又不可以改變人的生理周期,既推遲可以合法結婚的時間,卻又不准兩個血氣方剛的人的性慾得到宣洩,社會是不是在集 體剝削少男少女的性權利?
凡是女性在十六歲以前,她在任何情況下都不可以和任何年紀的男性性交,她的性需要只可以由自慰去解決,自慰當然是不及性交有效的解決辨法,香港社會是不是 打算逼瘋我們的下一代?是不是一句法例不准,少男少女的性需要就不再存在呢?香港社會是不是在用法例去傷害我們下一代的成長呢?
更荒謬的是,不少類似案件男方都被判去接受感化,反省他自己的過錯,他錯在什麼地方?他傷害了什麼人?是因為他的行為而直接傷害其他人,抑或是無知的社會 制度借他的行為來做籍口傷害他?輔導,輔導什麼呢?是不是輔導他這是個成年人掌握法制大權的社會,在任何情況下都一定要絕對服從成年人的規則,不要去思 考,只要服從?是不是輔導他「權力就是真理」?是不是輔導他要陽奉陰違,如不少成年人般做偽君子呢?

About the number 8


….. 8*251=2008 Olympic!


1. 中共國的防火牆小組不喜歡個別審查每一個案,因此寧願軟件封錯都不會每個封包去查,它們除了簡體中文之外,英文或其他語言都懶得去看;
2. 用審查軟件去審查網上內容當然是用機械式的關鍵字尋找方法,但軟件明白未能文章的真正意思及訊息,因此常常出現誤封無關政治的網站的情況;
3. 審查網上內容需要審查,但中共當然不想中國對外互聯的速度因此而變得太慢,慢就會傷害中共國的經濟;
4. 審查網上內容要成本的,中共當然不想因此而支出太多,影響其他IT項目;
5. 審查網上內容的軟件如果不夠精準的話,常常封閉無關的網站的話,中共國會因此要付出不輕的經濟代價;
6. 任何審查網上內容軟件的弱點:
A. 它不知網頁主人本來打算用什麼碼來顯示它的網頁,不可能頁頁、字字都瞎猜的!
B. 它是用中文字的組合及順序來分辨出關鍵字的,而不是用意思,亦不懂中文文法,因此可以針對這一點;
C. 它不懂分辨網頁各種內容(data type)是在表達意思中有什麼作用,它只是機械性的針對中文字,不會懂數字可以代替中文,中文亦可代替數字,圖案/符號/Flash 動畫亦可代替文字;
D. 它不懂閱讀圖案/影像/聲音/多媒體檔內的文字訊息,當然亦不知圖案/影像/聲音/多媒體檔是想表達什麼,但是這方法的檔案容量較大,加長上下載所需的時 間,或者可以把檔案壓縮來費卻時間。把檔案壓縮還有一個好處,就是審查軟件不可能把所有被壓縮的檔案都先解壓再檢查。
E. Java/PHP亦可以動態生產含中文字內容,審查軟件無從由它的程式碼得知它的真正內容,中文字還有一個好處,可以把中文字碼拆散,或當成變數作各種數 學運算。即使審查軟件有辦法知道每個變數,但一來它不知道這些變數的用途是什麼,二來要猜的話,所用的運算資源亦不成比例的高!

1. 由中文字可以用6-8種不同的中文編碼來入手,網頁不一定要標正確的中文編碼,它看不懂某字/詞就不可以審查內容,如果某網頁有3種不同的中文編碼,它要 平常費多達512部的功夫,而且因為網頁刻意破壞了關鍵字的連結關係,而無從審查。理論上,一篇有300字的文章如果3種中文編碼是隨機排的.因為它無從 知道什麼是正確的中文編碼,因此它要試6^300次所有組合! 問題是看網頁的人可能會很辛苦,要有專用的轉碼程式,依一定規則來轉碼,以及有其他人幫手就容易,就算審查軟件知道規則亦用盡審查方的運算資源!

2. 在關鍵字中加插空位、數字、符號、別國語文、英文,一般人用一用常理就分到,但對於審查軟件來說,分不清哪一些是無意義的符號,哪一些是有意義的。例如網 頁本來是字與字中間隔空的,忽然中間有個字或符號,審查軟件是分不出字或符號是本來意思的一部份故意放上去擾亂審查軟件的。再進一步的方法,可以用不規則 隔空/分段方式加字或符號來對付審查軟件。

3. 用圖來顯示網頁中的某些字詞,可以是被審查的關鍵詞,可以是無關的字,可以是關鍵詞的一部份,不一而足。其實不少網頁已經用圖來顯示中文字碼顯示不到的 字,每篇加多幾個字改成圖畫是小小的功夫,例如10個字隨機抽一個化成圖晝,在一篇100字的文章,自動化審查的難度多了1024部以上,而且它只看到部 份的字,文章的原意用再高階的系統都無從去猜!

4. 混合不同類別的資料種類,而不按常見的方法去用它,例如六4,6四,陸4,關鍵詞或非關鍵詞還可以用同音異字。讀者一看就明,而審查軟件卻要試所有可能的語音組合,費時失事。

5. 用英文/別國語文來表達關鍵字的意思,字典整個網隨處可見,用網上字典並不犯法,但軟件要先翻譯再檢查就麻煩得多,更有趣的用法是把被審查的關鍵字及非被 審查的關鍵字的部份用英文/別國語文來表達。寫網頁只要簡單的字典,用自動化的軟件隨機的把不同字眼譯成英文/別國語文。問題是看的人會覺得麻煩,需要有 軟件自動辨認語文及翻譯。

6. 審查軟件並不知道什麼為之網頁內容(包括文字、圖畫、影像等)的正確順序,因為它是不理解網頁內容的意思,亦不可能把網頁內容如一篇文章所有可能的排序全 都試完,例如一段20字的訊息有24兆種組合,把全中國的電腦合起來都需要1小時才可以運算出來,不要想像是便一篇有100字的文章了!所以可以用中國最 古老的方式去「加密訊息」,例如把想表達的訊息放在每篇文章隔第三個字,又或者是要第一篇的每三個字加第二篇的第二個字加第三篇的第一個字,當然可以篇篇 不同/次次新款,只要提供一些審查軟件讀不到的貼士給瀏覽者來解密;其實就算審查軟件讀得到貼士,它亦分不開什麼是文章內容什麼是貼士,什麼的文章該怎樣 去讀。如此作強迫審查過程不可以自動化,大幅增加它的成本和降低它的效率!


美國常用的號召選民登記口號是「Register to vote and rock the boat」,中文意思即是「登記做選民,齊齊搖沉船」,香港意譯可以為「登記做選民,齊齊玩殘議會廢人」。一句口號,足可見兩地文化/政治的天壤之別!我 想香港到2017年亦不敢用這樣的口號,只會用些「齊齊投票,社會和諧」的口號。有選舉但只淮溫和,足可見香港的民主化,有外表而沒有內涵!

2008年7月12日 星期六

Suggestions to overcome China’s Great Firewall

This is intended for webmaster who would like celebrate the natural beauty of freedom of information in the Internet during the 2008 Olympics. Since the censorship technology in China is partially base on keywords and partially base on url, my suggestions here is about exploiting the weakness of former.

Suggested Direction:
1. Mischaracterization: Mismatch the character set that the webpage intended for its audience to its META data, most Chinese read only website with Chinese characters on it, the software that do the censoring does NOT understand the meaning of Chinese words. There are five commonly adopted language set for displaying text, from Big 5 to UTF. If a webpage is mean to display in UTF is mis-understand by the censor software as displaying in Big 5, what the censor program see is nothing but gibberish. It is natural for Netizen inside China to adjust the language setting if what is display doesn’t make sense, but it is NOT natural for censorship software to do that. That would increase the load of censorship software 5 times.

2. A more advance idea is to break the webpage into several character set, For instance, break a webpage into partitions of Simplified Chinese, UTF and Traditional Chinese HK style. It would be troublesome for the Netizen to adjust the language display in individual partitions, but a single webpage that divided into 3 parts would increase the difficulty of the task by censorship software by 125 times. To alleviate the frustration of Netizen, we should develop software that can automate the task of ‘decipher’ the language ssetting of each webpage.

3. A related idea is to display the taboo word/phrase only in picture. The censor software can’t make any decision on pictures, they can only deal with raw text. Many webmaster already do that to display the Chinese character of the webpage that is not specified in character set data of webpage. How difficult it is to change only a few characters on a webpage?
Moreover, to increase the level of difficulty of censorship, the webmaster don’t just transform all the taboo item to pictures, the webmaster would do so randomly on taboo and non-taboo item. Doing so may require a software that automatically transform the require character into pictures. That is not difficult for webmaster, but it would VERY DIFFICULT for the censorship software to transform the picture into Chinese character that may or may not relevant to censorship process.

4. Add meaningless number, symbol, character from another language(like English), pictures or space inbetween the phrase that the censor software is looking for. Chinese language make sense only with an unique combination of character. The method is mean to disrupt this relationship for the censor software. For instance, democracy is made of (民主) two characters. The censorship software can’t block everything start with 民 or anything that end with 主, nor anything like 民 主, since the software doesn’t UNDERSTAND, it work only by inflexible mechanical rules.

5 Purposefully Wrongly align/indention to intentionally break the taboo words that is targeted for censorship software. It is easy for human to adjust the webpage in their hand, it would be very difficult for censorship program to try and test all possible indention and align to get the intended reading of the webpage. Beside, the censorship program itself does NOT understand anything of the content, therefore it has to test mechanically of every possible combination to look for taboo words. However, it can never tell which is the intended way of displaying the content of webpage.

6. Translated the part of the taboo words into another language like English, for instance democracy(民主) into people 主, or people master. Translation software is widely available in the Internet, it is nothing against the law in China to look for them, Therefore it is easy for Netizen to read the correct meaning but not for the censorship software.

7. Use only pronunciation to represent the whole or part of the taboo item. The censorship software is NOT equipped with the ability to recognize the character through pronunciation. It, however, require an intimate understanding of the pronunciation of Chinese character for different segment of Chinese. Moreover, the censorship software may confuse between different type of data. For instance, some Chinese Netizen use 1314 to represent ‘my whole life’ (一生一世), imagine if a Chinese Netizen use (1生1世). How can the censorship software distinguish the indent of number as for pronunciation or for representing Chinese character?

If every webpage that Communist China want to censor has adopt all or some of the above technique, then the cost and time of censorship would go up more than 1000 times. Let’s see if it want to slow down the Internet for 1000 times during the Beijing Olympics!

Suggestions to overcome China's Great Firewall(2)

Overall speaking, my idea are base on the following understanding of censorship process:

1. The censorship body does NOT enjoy to do the censorship manually in word by word fashion(especially when it is not the right type of Chinese character), therefore they rely on automatic mechanism;
2. Those mechanism are prone to error since computer software doesn’t understand what it do.
3. Communist China wouldn’t like to slow down the Internet because it is necessary for commercial transaction.
4. Communist China doesn’t like to increase the cost of censorship on its own expense, no censor like that.
5. There are economic price to pay when the censorship software block much more than its intended target.
6. The weakness of all automatic mechanisms in general:
A. It fail to recognize the correct language setting of the webpage, and has no low cost way to ascertain that;
B. It recognize the target word only by combination of Chinese character, not through an understanding of the sentence, thus many attack could target this;
C. It fail to recognize the intend of different types of data available in the webpage, it only mechanically check against a database of taboo words;
D. Censorship Software can’t read picture.

A more advance method is a website that has a software to reliably detect censorship mechanism. Once it recognize that is being blocked, it can automatically alter the disguise of content in according to my suggestions. Then it try again to see if its method is successful, that would keep altering its disguise until it is no longer blocked by China’s Great Firewall.

2008年7月10日 星期四


泛道德主義者總是覺得社會的一切問題根源在於香港社會上不是每人都認同同一套道德,而政府又不努力去教化下一代,政府一來在資訊爆炸的情況下有心無力,二 來它因權力源自中共,而中共在歷史上和國際上的道德形象亦不是太好,其身不正,難以正人,會被下一代指是虛偽;三來政府進一步向泛道德主義者傾斜只會加深 社會兩派的裂痕,世俗主義者和自由派會根據古典自由主義指政府越權。再加上,中共國自改革開放以來的種種亂像,泛道德主義者並不喜歡和中共有關的香港政府 結盟,只是不想讓自由派的影響力太大。
自由派總是覺得社會的一切問題根源在於香港政府總是在不知不覺間要全香港人認同同一套道德,社會被泛道德主義者把持,香港人並不自由。自由派因其理念被香 港政府排除在建制外,無力感深重,而中共和香港政府因在人權和民主的立場上保守,自然是和泛道德主義者掛了勾;其實,由於自由派難以駕馭,香港政府不能無 民意支持,因此,香港政府寧願和泛道德主義者合作,其實泛道德主義者事事要求香港政府插手干預,它不勝其煩,支出亦多了不少。但是起碼,泛道德主義者可以 接受沒有普選的社會。

To win a lottery using Mathematics(2)

It would be difficult to illustrate without giving an concrete example, suppose you define the higher the sum of score of three dice as an indication of luckiness. At one day, you are not feeling lucky, and you draw the lowest sum of all: one, one, one, that has 1 out of 216 chance to happen. i.e. If we can rank what is most lucky and what is most unlucky, you are in the 216th of 216 ranks. Then you brought a quick pick of 6 numbers: 1,2,3,4,5,6; since you know that is not your lucky day, the chance of this number to appear in the lottery is 1/216. You can thus advise your friend not to pick any number from 1 to 6, which increase their chance of winning slightly. You can repeat the process to eliminate other numbers like 7,8,9,10,11,12; 13,14,15,16,17,18; 19,20,21,22,23,24; 25,26,27,28,29,30… until all but 6 number remained. That is something unusual given the computer picked number are most likely to repeated in each ticket. To fit the definition of being unlucky, it should reduce your chance of winning the lottery regardless of which strategy you devised to defeat it. So you should be expected to see a lot of overlapping numbers from each of the ticket your brought, because that would realistically defeat the scheme I devise here, otherwise the idea of a luckiness index is invalid. Say you have the worst luck of all, you have a repeat rate of five out of six(i.e., Given the first quick pick is 1,2,3,4,5,6; next quick pick is 2,3,4,5,6,7; and the 3th quick pick is 3,4,5,6,7,8), and it take you 37 more picks to eliminate all but 6 number out of 49. Nevertheless, you can pretty assured that the remaining number has a much higher chance (215/216) of appearing in the lottery.
On the other end, if you have the best of luck but not enough to win a lottery, this method could increase your chance of winning the lottery. How? Because which number doesn't appear in the quick pick must have a much lower chance to appear in lottery. You can apply this method in opposition direction. Since you are luck, it follows that the number of repeated number should be less for you to eliminate the one which has lower chance of winning the lotter.
Suppose we now have 216 people has luck ranked from 1 to 216th. If each of them buy a quick pick lottery ticket, since there is only one combination 6 out of 49 number that can win a lottery regardless of the luck of each buyer. We could easily use a computer program to guess which six number better fitted with 216 hypothesis that the chance of winning the lottery is reflected in luckiness index by throwing the dice three times. Of course, to further increase the number of quick pick that each person brought. For instance, each of them can get 6 quick pick, what the computer software has to do now is first evaluate 1296 hypothesis of different level of luckiness to get a coherent picture of the chance of each number appears in the lottery number; then evaluate the 36 hypothesis for fixed level of luckiness. So the computer can arrive at a coherent picture of the probability distribution of each number, and advise the best number to pick from.

Who would like to write such a computer software? It is just a lot of Mathematics. It can even apply this method in opposite, advising the buyer how many more quick picks to buy to maximize his/her chance of winning the lottery.

The opposite of unlucky is lucky. Shouldn't that lucky is the opposite of opposite of lucky?

2008年7月8日 星期二


我一直以來現行的物理學框框走的是一條導致全人類滅亡的死路,因為資本主義的基本動力,不是有效利用能源,而是盡量製造更多的消費意欲,生產更多的產品, 過度生產比剛剛合乎市場需求更合乎商業原則,結果當然是大量浪費天然資源和能源。因為資本主義的動力是要令人永遠需求更多,因此,天然能源開發再多,亦追 不上人被資本主義經濟刻意引發貪慾的澎脹做成的需求。況且目前的能源供應已經不夠所有發展中國家的應用,除了十三億人口中國,還有整個在急速發展的非洲大 陸,而目前的風能、海能、太陽能技術的效率太低,絕對追不到全世界經濟發展的能量需求,最有效率的是核能,但是成本極高,風險亦不成比例地的高,而且所要 求的技術亦不是最缺乏能源的發展中國家可以負擔,難道它們可以寧要經濟發展,不要發展教育及其他社會基建?可悲的是,發展中國家,比發達國家更欠缺完整的 環保政策,因此商人更加不需要有效利用能源,形成惡性循環。
中國的例子比較特殊,可以籍此看世界能源危機和政治的關係,自1989年天安門大屠殺事件以來,中共的治國策略刻心就是以除了政治上的開放來換取統治的認 受性,包括在某些領域採取比西方老牌資本主義國家更開放、更放任的經濟政策,其理念是用經濟利益來交換社會穩定:「除了政治上我要管,其他領域我任你亂 來。」世界能源危機當然不及政權的穩定重要,中產階級要民主和人權,我不給,但容許他們去買車買船買小型飛機買鑽石買人體器官買性奴,分散他們注意力得一 時就一時,如果還不夠我就年年辨奧運會和國際盛事。當然,中共自己心裏明白,經濟的手段是解決不了政治的問題,結果,中共因其政權不民主開放,需要用比較 原始的技術去令國家經濟發展得比其他資本主義國家更快,以恆常的加速度去消秏所剩無幾的不可再生能源,令世界能源危機百上加斤!


原則1: 不會刻意改善自己去求取異性的歡心,因為如此一來,豈不是要一生一世在她面前做戲,在最愛面前都不可以用真性情來待人,將會生活得很痛苦。而且,最好的愛情當然是雙方都可以接受對方本來的性格,從而在生活上取長補短,發揮最大的社會效益。

原則2: 平等,在愛情上,男女平等;如果在追求時期默認了對方的地位比自己高,結果是一生一世都要活在她的權威之下。在人生的所有層面,包括政治、愛情都同用平等原則,要在智性上完整及不自相矛盾。你怎待我,我怎待你,互相尊重是所有關係的基礎。

原則3: 異性的智力、知識水平、文化程度都要和我不相佰仲,最好政治取向亦差不多,因此我們可以時刻溝通,我們的知識、眼界、智力一方面可以互補不足,另一方面可 以激發對方良性競爭,愛情是要有情感的成長,亦有智力/知性的成長。將來如果我的腦力大不如前,她還可以輔助我的事業,甚至管理我的生活。我不是野孩子, 不斷追求自由,過份放縱是會有壞後果的。例如不少男性在婚後仍然拈花惹草,因為他選擇了智力大不如他的女性,管制不了他,最後以中風及半身不遂收場。

原則4: 愛情不是只建基在性需要之上,只可以為愛而性,不可以為性而愛,精神勝過物質。因為性需要的本質是濫交、不分對象,目的只是為了繁殖下一代設想,但愛情的 目的不是為了繁殖下一代,我思想的承傳遠比遺傳因子的承傳重要。性需要是人類的動物本能,不能超越它,枉稱自己為知識份子。

原則5: 在任何情況下,背叛都是最高的罪行,沒有籍口,採取任何形式的報複都是合理。性格不合而變心不成理由,承諾是不可改的。

原則6: 情場如戰場,為愛情可用任何手段。

原則7: 無所謂性格合不合拍,和不同性格的人相處,愛情可以擴闊一個人的眼界,學習怎去欣賞人,和相似的性格人相處,可以一起在安全的心理環境下探索其他的角度和 想法。一切只視乎雙方想不想為適應對方而努力,和對方值不值得為適應對方而努力。愛情,本質就是選擇和選擇的後果。

2008年7月7日 星期一


記得某位風水大師曾在今年預測曾蔭權「大事不宜」,想不到果然應驗,篤信風水命理的他一定是 「有得震,無得訓」,而把所有政治危機的責任推在運氣上。我想,有時上天真的是公平的,他上任之初,剛遇着香港經濟由谷低反彈,而且因為董建華的無能,相 比起他的「年輕、朝氣、活力」,因此他的民望自然水漲船高;但是,當比較效應消失後,而香港的通脹又升到有史以來最高的時侯時,他的民望當然會如市民的購 買力一樣貶值,而他提供口實給人是他自己蠢而已!

如果從心理學的角度去看,可以視為「自我實現的預言」,由政治學的角度去看,可以視為香港政治系統的內在結構問題,在遇到類似條件下用不同的形式表 現出來。香港的政治結構問題來自97年前選民可以投票選政黨,而所選的政黨可以參與制訂政策,因此感受到自己有民主權利,自己可以控制自己命運;但97年 以後,選民雖仍可以投票選政黨,但所選的政黨實際上只可以支持或反對政策,而感受到自己的民主權利被壓縮,為了維持心理平衡,於是傳媒由單表達工具變成政 治工具,本來由各政黨壟斷的民意授權部份被傳媒分享。傳媒染指政治本來既是中共國的國情,亦是後現代世界不區分意見和事實的大趨勢下的結果。

傳媒為了吸引讀者,不可能事事平實報道,而負面的新聞一定較有吸引力,因此市民對於97年後香港政府印象,是以負面居多;同時,親普選傳媒和反普選 傳媒各自有它的利益盤算,反普選傳媒向中共及曾蔭權討價還價的手段,主要是以攻擊97年後香港政府居多,因此中共、曾蔭權、親普選傳媒、反普選傳媒、親普 選政黨和反普選政黨各自以自己利益為最大依靠,一是親普選傳媒和親普選政黨團結對抗反普選傳媒和反普選政黨,曾蔭權中立;一是由親普選傳媒或親普選政黨或 反普選傳媒發起攻擊曾蔭權,其他三方亦加入戰陣,香港政府因此成為衆矢之的。歸根結底,最快最有效增加自己民望而成本又最低的方式就是攻擊曾蔭權帶領的香 港政府,而不是自己辛辛苦苦研究出來的政策,在立法會分組點票的機制下被否決!因此任何特首,如果任內的民望可以保持高企,是奇蹟中的奇蹟!用心理分析學 來說,是香港人潛意識中對自己民主權利被壓縮的一種被動反抗,借經濟/社會問題的面孔表達出來。而世界的民主化的潮流,亦增加了香港被動反抗曾蔭權帶領的 香港政府的誘因,曾蔭權帶領的香港政府鷄犬不寧是常理,天下太平,難矣!



本人得聞曾蔭權先生最近因副部長制一事成了反對派及傳媒的攻擊對象,因為自香港政府成立十年來,貧富不均問題在香港的經濟結構下一直未有改善,而前 任董建華亦留了一幅難攤子給你,在此等經濟環境下,他們如果不借你來消消氣,就不當你是特首了。本來香港是自由經濟,香港政府再強亦不可以指揮經濟,不可 以把責任全推到你身上,可惜你一而再,再而三提出了具爭議性的政策,而九月立法會選舉臨近,如果不攻擊你就拿不到選票了。
我有一個相當大膽的建議,希望可以幫到你,因為你剛提出拿一百億去為四川賑災,本意及出發點都是非常好,只是提出的時機不對,如果你在五一二地震發生後第 二天立刻提出此想法,則大有可能被立法會即時通過,並在中國內外受一致讚賞,如今事過境遷,香港人正為通脹而煩惱,經濟又未見有起色,而且還是在副部長制 的陰雲未消下提出,要成功當然是有難度了。但是,我不以為立法會一定會否決此次撥款,問題是你要有辦法令議員不可以拿損給四川的一百億和其他的項目如增加 長者生活浦貼、減稅、增加綜援等相提並論,前者不是投資亦無法保證物盡其用,後者卻可以被視為投資在市民身上,不過現在百物騰貴,成效頗成疑問。
我以為政府可以嘗試從問題的根本着手,通脹的主要成因是油價居高不下,而香港的工商業十分倚重不可再生的化石燃料。所以政府必須試圖減低香港對化石燃料的 依賴,我以為目前的另類能源如風能、太陽能及節能措施都是杯水車薪,除非政府可以撥款一億資助新能源的開發。雖然看來是冒險一點,但以你和中共國政府今年 屢遭天災人禍的勢頭,你大有可能成為董建華第二,因此兵行險着是其時。




Biological invention: Artificial Muscle

This is an idea I got when I study this invention.

Everyone has the experience of twisting a wet tower to expel all the water it has soaked. It is difficult to achieve this goal if you had a mighty hand. Then I was thinking: Since tower itself wasn’t make to be a tough material, it is only this way of moving this tower creating the toughness in the tower.
So if I am going to design the muscle from the scratch, I would build muscle fiber using long chain of muscle cells surrounded a long axial cells. In the normal state, they are twisted clockwisely or anti-clockwisely to a smaller extent so the distance between two ends is shorter than its length if it is fully unscrewed. There is a central axial acting to fix the level of twisting of the outer muscle. Upon receive the message from the nervous system, the central axial would turn either more clockwisely or anti-clockwisely, thus the outer muscle would increase its extend of twisting. As the outer muscle is sticked into location. Therefore, it would become shorter as a result. Force is thus exerted by the outer muscle to do useful work.

2008年7月6日 星期日









What is Non-Linear Propulsion?

Non-Linear Propulsion refer to an object move by imbalance of angular momentum. For instance if a ship is full of gas engines in all direction, then to remain stationary, all gas engine projecting gas to tangential directions, which make a full circle. This is mean to be propelled by fluid dynamic.

A method for self-sustainable Non-Linear Propulsion I


(A Mechanism for a craft to propel itself in any direction through Non-Linear-Propulsion model while simultaneously generate adequate electrical energy for its own operation.)


Updated: 01/26/06

Background/Development of Idea:

From the innovation of Propulsion and Electrical Energy Generation System we learn that it is possible to use the same pair of force to both propelling an object forward while rotate a rotating component to generate electricity, which the rotating component could also function as a pathway for the reaction force to exert its effect on the opposite side from where the action force exert its effect. However, why is it necessary the reaction force must act on the exact opposite of where the action force exert its effect? This rotating component provide an excellent platform to direct this reaction force to exert its effect in any angular position. And since we can exert action and reaction force in any degree, thus the propulsion could happen in any direction at any time.

Although with this structure we could have theoretically have build an engine propel the object in any direction almost instantaneous, but the trouble is it take a lot of energy to overcome the momentum of that object if it is traveling in linear fashion. So to overcome this problem, we could adjust the model of travel from the linear model to non-linear model. In this new model, all trajectory is compose of circle of different curvature. Since any rotating object has rotational inertia pointing to all different direction, it is thus easier for an rotating object to change its direction of travel compare to object travel in linear manner.

To complete the picture, we also need a mechanism to decelerate the rotation at any angle. We can borrow the technique from either RPS or RMRS. Thus now we have a propulsion technology that can propel an object to any direction in any moment instantaneously.

Summary & Discussion:

This engine is made of at least three components. A control mechanism to determine the degree where action-reaction force happen(Source), an impulse is thus driven the external surface of this object to start rotating in that direction. The rotating component in the middle would also rotate in the opposite direction. To overcoming the possible effect of changing direction on the part of the outer rim to the inner rotating component, a mechanism that guarantee a unidirectional movement similar to that HPTS. The inner rotating component is connected to a NDG for generation of electricity. Now to creates a momentum toward a particular direction, we can accelerate the outer rim at the direction we want to propel the object forward to at the Source, then use either the RMRS to decelerate or another Source to generate a force of equal strength at the 180 degree away from the first Source. (The result would a linear inertia propel this object to move in that direction.) Or we can decelerate at the angular position which form the linear vector we want the object to move. Alternatively, any pattern of acceleration and deceleration as long as the sum of their Difference equal to the vector we want the object to move.

A much better method is using non-linear vector calculus to determine the shortest rotational path to the destination, then this decision is passed down for execution by the control mechanism. The electrical energy generate by NDG is then feedback to maintain the operation of the whole system.

Claim:The system in its entirety with at least all its essential components each for the purpose stated above and together as a whole for the purpose of using the same pair of action-reaction force respectively for both the purpose of propelling an object toward any direction through method based on model of Non-Linear Propulsion(rotational approximate linear model of motion) and purpose of energy generation through rotation.

Related Claims:

Reactionless Motion Retardation System(Euler)
Reactionless Propulsion System(Euler & Paul Toomer)
Propulsion and Electrical Energy Generation System(Euler)


Engine for any transportation agent


  1. Almost instantaneous change of direction without overcome a large momentum.

  2. Less energy expenditure.

  3. Energy generation while propulsion.


1. Non-linear calculus haven't been developed!


香港社會素來以英國為藍本,政府的權威建立在香港人信任及接受英國的制度上。但是,因為彭定康在97年前鑽基本法空子,擴闊了功能組別選民的定義,因為他 看準了香港人的心理弱點,一但享受了民主的甜頭後,一但被充權後;再從他/她手中從回已擴的權利會令被奪回權利的人很痛苦。所以中共是可以成立臨時立法 會,但其認受性就遠不如「回歸」前的立法會(被謔稱為「臨時垃圾會」),而且其成立過程在法理邏緝上留了一個大洞,而後來的居港權事件,香港政府為達把中 共國人拒諸門外的目的,不惜破壞法治,繳請人大用釋法的方式去竄改法例。結果,1997年7月1日第一日,香港人習以為常的兩條統治的合理性支柱:司法、 立法立刻出了裂痕,香港特區政府給香港人的第一印象是不守法紀,於是香港人便用法律為武器去挑戰它的權威。後來中共食髓知味,以為香港人懦弱,二次再度因 政治需要修改基本法,支持香港特區政府合法性之支持:司法再度受損,它的權威不斷被削弱,只能以民綷主義治港,直至一天它崩漬為止。



公開信寫了近二星期,未見你的任何反應,我猜你可能自背叛我們的愛情當日開始,已經下定決心不再回頭了,如果你真的是理性客觀的去下這個決定,我不 會恭喜你,只會樂於看着你如何被男朋友玩弄至身心俱疲為止,亦即是我第一封信裏內分析你的形勢,過了十四年,毫無寸進,你是枉看哲學和心理學的書了,連自 己的心結都解不開,而智力亦沒有幫助到你的思想超越你的社會階層及經濟環境,想到在所有其他社會階層及經濟環境下的想法。你還是由物質、社會控制的原始 人,因此,你是有幸得着我青睞你,而我始終是你的男朋友中最好的一個,看來你是有多少被虐待狂,喜歡屈就,又或者你男朋友的智力方便你把他玩弄於豉掌之 上,你不喜歡我因為我不易被操縱,有人可以控制十級的烈火嗎?不過.你細心想一想,一個可以被你輕易控制、指揮的人,他可以有什麼成就?他最大的成就,會 不會是像四面楚歌的曾蔭權「做好呢份工」呢?你以為他會是另一個Bill Gates,還是Linus Torvalds?你以為他的德性,有機會可以從老鼠籠走出嗎?還是很慶幸尚有老鼠籠可住?你打不打算一世和一位把沒出息當出息的人生活?如果你連他都可 以容忍,為什麼反而不可以容忍我?他如果沒有一絲缺點,我就不可以乘虛而入了?你應該由第一眼開始,就應該知道我是向大目標走的人,亦是我吸引你的地方。
好了,罵完人,談一談一些本來在拍拖時想和你說的話,但你知道我一向是十分熱心社會的人,當時彭定康把香港弄得,我怎可能不理?另外,你真的十分性感,我 見到你的時侯,除了想像和你做愛之外,一些最高階的思考都停擺了。你可以令到一個二十四小時腦根過度活躍的人,停止思想,其實是相當了不起的成就。但是我 一直想告訴你,我當時的立場和現在不變,都不是隨隨便便跟隨潮流的結果,我一切都有詳盡的理由和理據在背後支持。
我以為,民主始終是最好的政治制度,值得不論貧富的人去捍衛,尤其是前者,因為綜觀世界,在民主國家做窮人會比在專政國家做富人快樂,而他亦活得較有尊 嚴,生活亦較有保障,根據印度籍諾貝爾經濟獎的得主的研究,即使是缺糧的情況下,民主政制的國家亦少出現飢荒,因此而餓死的人亦較少,有興趣可以拿印度和 中共國的情況比較一下,你就知道,民主政制最大的好處是保障收入最低者的基本生活待遇,相反,收入較高者並不像貧民一樣依靠民主制度的保障。我當時像泛民 主派的政客一樣,目標就是為沒有保護自己能力的人出頭,我以為我的道德比不少「一生被剝削的窮人,只求自己一天顯貴,以便將來可以出人頭地時,可以踐踏他 人」的人高尚。
我是無神論者,亦十分不滿基督教把基督教教義強加於他人,信仰基督教成了在學校有成就的不二法門,你在同一學校讀的時間比我還長,應該不會知道非基督教徒 所受的歧視,而就算由學生選出的學生會,他們亦要叉一腳,基督教徒何曾尊重過民主制度,何曾尊重無神論者不信基督教的神的權利?他們想到的,只是利用老師 的偏心來為自己撈好處,他們有沒有為中學學生會將來的發展設想?他們關心自己的特權多一些,還是在神面前人人平等?他們有關心過其他中學生從學校學習了什 麼壞榜樣?基督教不尊重非基督教徒,我為何要尊重濫用權力的基督教徒?聖經是真理嗎?佛經是真理嗎?道德經即真理嗎?可籣經真是理嗎?如果不是真理,學校 管治的理據何在?他們用的是理性權威(即真理之力),還是暴力權威?知識份子的基本定義,就是在任何情況,不惜一切擁抱真理,絕不是「人在屋詹下,不得不低頭」。
另外,我亦明白你為什麼會選擇保守主義,這和你當時的身體孱弱及心理狀況有莫大的關係,小小的心理分析即可明白,你的意識形態並不是建立在理性分析之上。 依據一位社會學者研究,如今香港和1997年的政治/經濟/社會的情況相差無幾,則你是不是十分滿意現在的香港社會?如果讀心理學的你還未發覺香港社會自 97年後出了什麼亂子,則你不單是政治無知,你更是對時事不知不覺,而且欠缺了同理心。權力意志(Will to Power)是人性天然的一部份,但是香港有近60萬選民票是投了給泛民主派,卻看不到他們因立法會分組投票的機制,不能代表支持者行使管理權力,他們的 無助感及憤怒可想而知,再者,當你走過政黨橫額及貼在佈告板宣傳單張,發覺被破壞的多是泛民主派的,如果你是其中一個投這一派的選民,你會有什麼感想?香 港把以大欺小、恃強凌弱的事制度化、合理化,你會相信如此一個社會的人會快樂?這個社會會是烏扥邦?


記得以前有一次為中學生補習時,學生問我:為什麼號稱最民主的美國不重視香港人的人權,正值沙士期間要把香港商人分隔到另一獨立展覽廳?我想因為我曾到美 國留學,可能在不少香港人的潛意潛中,等於我是認同美國的價值觀,如以民族主義的邏緝來看,當有國難時,我是近乎和外國私通賣國的漢奸了!
我不記得當時我有沒有用這樣的說法來回應:一般人心中仰幕的是美國的民主制度,而民主制度在香港人心目中往往和道德是掛勾的,因此泛民主派因認同和爭取 「民主」,立刻佔有道德高地,其實民主制度在本質上是和道德無必然關係。在民主制度之下,政客的良心是要對得住所屬政黨.推而廣之是本國選民,最後是全體 國民,因此美國政客最高的道德是盡量保護其國民的生命、財產及尊嚴,因此,在大難(瘟疫)之前,外國人民的人權不及民主政治的「道德」重要,而他本來選出 來就是要維護他選民的利益,因此是理所當然。一如美國出了瘋牛症,香港政府一樣會禁止美國的牛肉入口,而去理會依賴出口牛肉為生的美國農民的生存權;如果 中共國發生疫瘟,香港一樣要中共國的旅客隔離檢役,這時不見得會有香港人會提出要尊重中共國人的人權及尊嚴?
香港人是時常混淆了普世人權價值和民主政治制度的道德,前者理應是世界各國共同遵守,是人之所為人最基本的道德,它是以全人類來劃線的,無分國界、種族, 亦是相當高尚的道德情操;而後者指的是為本國國民/選民謀福利,爭權益,本質就是計算如何令自己的政治目標達到,道德不道德只是相對於政治目標而言。從來 沒有人說,民主社會一定是對外國人有道德的社會,民主的發源地希臘,本身是大量利用奴隸,而且其霸權主義的侵略及剝削他國人民,絕不下於美國及西歐對第三 世界的侵略及剝削;而美國在打獨立戰爭時亦有行奴隸制度,是不是因此民主制度可以容忍不道德的事發生,所以就可免則免呢?
如此說來,我真不知該行什麼的政治制度才算有道德?是不是香港/中國只行有道德的政治制度呢?民主制度在某些人心目已經是不道德,但是中國古老的皇朝亦不 見得如何有道德,每一朝都是削剝人民來保護皇帝家族,每一朝都有政治犯,如今中共的所謂共和制,除了名號濫用人民一詞外,在結構和運作上不見得和封建皇朝 有大分別,有八千萬的中國人枉死,更談不上道德。相對以言,如只以人民基本生活被保障的程度當為道德的標準,民主政治制度仍是比專制和獨裁政治制度更有道 德,因此只有中共國的人移民他國,卻不見有英美的國民移民中國,而所謂「移居」中共國的人絕大部份是華人,而且像香港的副部長們一樣,絕不放棄外國國籍。

2008年7月5日 星期六

The sequence of n^x

Last time I have consider the sequence of x², x³,… x^n. We found that we can reduce their differential to a constant in n times. Could we apply the same method to 2^x, 3^x, 4^x?

Let’s start with 2:

Their differential:

The differential of this differential again yell:

Notice that since the differential is identical with the original sequence, therefore this method doesn’t work for 2^x..

Let’s tried with the sequence of 3^x:

Their differential:

The differential of their differential:

Although they may look different at the surface. Notice that:

Thus, it is again a repeating sequence. We could thus said, the sequence of the n^x has the property that repeat itself in the differentiation process. Moreover, we also notice that for n^x, the differential of differential is a multiple of previous sequence by (n-1).

Let’s test this hypothesis:
Take 3,4,5 as example:

For 3, we have:

For 4, we have:

For 5, we have:

We thus verify the hypothesis. One thing interesting is, if we look at the first item of each differential sequences, it formed a sequence identical to last sequence.
What can we make of this?

Donate n to the power x by k(x,n), we list them in order:

There many equations we can form using them, I just list one type here:

or (k(3,n)-2*k(2,n)+k(1,n))/(k(2,n)-k(1,n))= (k(4,n)-3*k(3,n)+3*k(2,n)-k(4,n))/(k(3,n)-2*k(2,n)+k(1,n))
we can form however complex relationship from this base.

Positive Drag Generator design

(Euler’s suggestion of Generator design which produce more output than input, because magnetic energy as a by-product of the generating process of the electromagnetic(generating) coil is used to compensate the repelling forces between electromagnetic coil and Magnet. It is said that compensating effect could be bigger than repelling force so the Generator is self-accelerating.
Reprinted with permission of Euler.)


(There is an error in the calculation from Euler, the ideal acceleration ratio =((1+1)²+(1+1)²)²*2-4=124
The effective acceleration ratio is ((1+1)²+(1+1)²)²*60%*2-4*1.2=72,
That is the output would be 72 times of the input.)

2008年7月4日 星期五

My thought of Energy By Motion technology

PMM machine powered by gravity?

This is intended more as a dilemma for classic Fluid Dynamic theory than as a working model for PMM. But in my mind, I think it is more like to construct a PMM using principle of fluid dynamic.



常常聽見別人說他的人生哲學,我於是想:哲學其實有兩個功用,亦可分作真偽。有一些人的哲 學,在心理上的作用是文過飾非,為自己的行為、選擇找一個漂亮/抽象/冠冕堂皇的籍口,在事情發生以後來建立自己行為的連續性,其實他自己心裏比誰都清 楚,他只是不經思考而隨便做的決定,這是我心目中的偽哲學;相反,有另一些人事事都講求原則和理由,時刻都追求自己行為的合理性,因此他會盡量在事前想清 楚一件事才做,希望事情的動機、過程和結果盡量和他的做人原則/哲學相乎,例如他的人生哲學是「平等主義」者,則他做什麼事都是以平等的理念為先,盡量對 所有人一視同仁,而不是對人的態度一時一樣,隨自己的情緒起伏而定。另外,前者會檢討自己的人生哲學看起來合不合理,想一想如何在過往不同的選擇建立連貫 性,像中共一樣調整整體哲學/理論來適合自己的行為,例如一時又毛澤東理論,一時又鄧小平理論,一時又「三個代表論」等等;後者則會檢討自己的行為合不合 乎自己的人生哲學,如何令未來自己的行為更有一致性及整體性,如何避免自己的行為出錯,如何減低行為和人生哲學不相乎發生的機會等;保守主義者,可能因為 一次待油站惡劣態度的店員太有禮貌而深深懊悔,檢討自己在什麼情況會忽然對低下階級的人友善,如何避免此等情況發生等。
在心理學的研究,亦支持人可以以行為的連貫性來分類的說法,有一些人的行為可預測性較高,因為他們講求原則,要世界乎合他們的做事方式;相反,另一些人的 行為可預測性較低,因為他們較重視的是適應環境,如何和環境配合而作出最有利自己的選擇。一般來說,行為的內在連貫性對於同一個人來說,多數是常數,即真 哲學的人行真哲學的路,偽哲學的人行偽哲學的路,各不相干。

To fill a bucket of water

If we can choose the height(within the range of bucket) which the water is pumped into the bucket,
we could choose to pump the water at the highest point of the bucket, the middle point between the highest and the bottom of the bucket and the lowest point of the bucket. Which is the most energy efficient way to pump the water?

You don’t have to study three years of fluid dynamic to realize that pumping the water at the lowest point would consume the largest amount of kinetic energy just to fight off the weight of water pumped to the bucket; lesser if we choose the middle. And we virtually waste no energy (except against liquid-air friction) if we choose the pump at the height of the bucket.

To illustrate it, we just need to look the amount of pressure required to pump out the water at various instant. Naturally, when we choose the bottom of bucket to begin with, the pump would have to continually spare a part of kinetic energy to prevent water already pumped to the bucket going back to the pump. There will be less when the pump is the middle, and there will be none if the pump is positioned at the height of bucket.

The curious part is: The result are all the same, but the amount of energy spent is different. Where does the extra energy gone to?


Morale of the story: In order to save electrical energy from the water pump, it is best to fill the water bucket from the highest position.


我在大學讀書的時侯,因為我讀的是心理學,有一天被同房們為難,說我讀的不是科學,而心理學及社會科學,因為心理學針對的對象是不可以量化的人,而所謂研 究亦不過是一個慨念/思想的文字遊戲,在本質不如物理及化學等是具體可以量化、看得見的科學。我不得不同意他們的部份觀點,即如果以研究的對象來劃分,心 理學及社會科學把人量化,是有點勉強,即用來研究的方法和研究的對象並不配合。物理學可以數粒子的數量、波鋒和波谷,全部研究數據都可以直接由觀測被研究 對象而來,研究的抽象性低,可以用客觀的工具來建立客觀性,所以較客觀;相反,心理學/社會科學研究人的情緒、喜惡,幾乎所有的研究數據都必須透過「旁敲 側擊」來獲知,因為研究者不是被研究者本身,你如何去保證你得到的數據一定是被研究者本身的「客觀、真實」情況?又如何去定義在心理學上什麼為之「客觀 性」?如果各研究者有各研究者的客觀性標準,則心理學的本質似乎是由一開始便註定陷入了沒完沒了的爭辯,得不到一些客觀有用的內容。
但是我不同意他們的論點在於我心目中的科學是以科學方法來定義,即研究的過程而不是研究的對象本身來決定該學科的屬性,因此不論研究的對象本質是什麼,用 合乎邏緝的科學方法學過程去研究任何對象,得出數據用有數學理論支持的統計學方法來分研、歸納,它就是科學。而科學理論本身一定是抽象的,只有最基礎、最 表層的現象才是看來是十分具體,所謂測量本身就是一個抽象化的過程,其實不單人是一個整體,而每一件事都可視作完整的整體,測量就是把整體的一部份孤立出 來用公共的客觀性標準來量;例如物理學,為什麼我們去觀量一個性質如粒子的數量、波鋒和波谷而不是它的形狀、顏色或其他特質?到底所謂研究的方法和研究的 對象配合不配合的結論是如何由被研究的對象導出?物理學和心理學還不是從它們的理論去導出來?物理學用的客觀性標準是公制的尺,是因為所有人看來的結果都 不會相差得太遠,其實和心理學的各種問卷如WICS、MMPI不是用反覆的研究去確保它在所以研究者依預定的程序來問而得出來的數據不會因研究者而異,在 本質上不是大同小異嗎?如果說心理學是反過來由理論主導整體心理學研究過程,則物理學何嘗不是先有理論,再由理論決定研究什麼和用什麼方法研究?物理學可 以做實驗,心理學同樣可以做實驗,大家都是在驗證抽象的理論,物理學的理論為何會抽象得比心理學具體?所有科學背後其實是由最抽象的數學在背後支持?有人 可以解釋為什麼用統計學理論的方法可以合理地由邏緝導出它的統計學結論?數字背後本身亦不過是數字!如果心理學是思想遊戲,整個科學都是思想/文字遊戲!

2008年7月3日 星期四

My thoughts on a thought experiment

The thought experiment I am referring is proposed by euler in here. It challenge the very idea of energy conservation in the process of electrical generation. Since we often think of generation of electricity using induced magnetic flux change in electromagnetic coil is a conversion process, which kinetic energy of the process of creating the magnetic flux change is converted into electrical energy. That experiment intended to prove otherwise.

My thought here is on how to improve that experiment with respect to the technicalities of that experiment. One technicality is the timing for turning on and off the electromagnetic coils: In case which the extra kinetic energy from the repulsion between the coil and swinging magnet would merely slow down the approach of the swinging magnet; in other case which that kinetic energy is helping to push swinging magnet downward. My suggestion is to use multiple independent electromagnetic coils arranged in a n*n square with only one end to face the poles approaching swinging magnet. This is applying Euler’s Coil’s principle to increase the strength of repulsion force, thus the kinetic energy given by the electrical generation process. Theoretically, that would decrease the time needed for the electromagnetic coil to be switched on.

My another design suggestion is instead of placing one electromagnetic coil at the highest point which the swinging magnet reach, we can place many electromagnetic coil along the rim of the circle(i.e. the trajectory of the swinging magnet). Only when the swinging magnet reach certain height then we activate those electromagnetic coils, what we intended to achieve here is the vector sum of all repelling forces from the electromagnetic coil has the effect of pushing the magnet upward in its original direction of motion. Then the electromagnetic coils are immediately shut off. Now, if the timing is excellent, we should have the swinging magnet has more kinetic energy after electrical energy is generated. That would pose more difficulties to the view that electrical generation is an energy conversion process, and allow us more choice to interact with the movement of the swinging magnet along its pathway.

My last design suggestion is to connect the electromagnetic coils in the left and right using even/odd number of independent electromagnetic coil. The purpose is to create a pull effect on one side of the swinging magnet and a push effect on the other side of the swinging magnet, thus increase the reactionary kinetic energy of the swinging magnet when it is nearest to the electromagnetic coil. Thus, in theory, the swinging magnet would swing indefinitely.

In either cases of my improvement, the law of conservation of energy in electrical generation is violated if we accept the notion that generation of electricity is an energy conversion process.
It doesn’t matter the technicalities of each suggestions as long as there exists cases against this law.


如果子女是紅衛兵,則誰是毛澤東呢?父母是不是毛澤東呢?父母是不是覺得子女像紅衛兵一樣盲目相信毛澤東的理論,用來打壓父母的言論自由?如果是的話,子 女是如何利用毛澤東的思想來打壓了父母的言論自由、思想自由?抑或是子女是如何利用毛澤東的思想來打壓了父母的傳統權威呢?為什麼父母會覺得他的子女會懂 得什麼叫毛澤東思想?父母自己是用什麼去定義毛澤東思想呢?父母知不知道什麼叫毛澤東思想呢?
我以為父母一代都是把凡是抗拒上一代的傳統權威的理論/思想,通通都歸類成毛澤東思想,忽然間毛澤東不單是主張人民民主專政,而是主張青年該有自己的私人 空間、遲回家不用通報家長、喜歡和什麼人拍拖就和什麼人拍拖、可以穿着父母不喜歡的衣服,我真想不毛澤東思想是如此有前瞻性,不單是政治,更連現代的吃拉 穿都包括在內!
可以想像的是,一般情況下子女都是在嘗試擺事實、講理由,但是父母不滿下一代為什麼不像他們自己一代這樣對上一輩言聽計從,因此子女的行為在父母心目中, 仿如文化大革命的紅衛兵在鬥爭父母一樣,不留情面。他們可以有想過,在真正的文化大革命時,父母不單被反駁,更要受酷刑,不知父母是不是覺被子女「教訓」 是酷刑的一種?他們可以有想過,動以文化大革命來壓制理性討論一件事的機會,以紅衛兵不光彩的歷史來侮辱想理性討論的人,不把任何討論理性化,卻用自己的 歷史上的權威來壓人,其行為的目的和毛澤東當年要人人把他奉若神明有什麼分別?毛澤東要年青人不加思考而全盤接受他的理念,而父母則要子女無條件照單全收 父母的管理子女理念!

My Practical innovation: Healthy Shoe


上一代指1970年以前出世的一代,我這個劃分有點隨意,其實應用本身思想的可塑性代替年齡的分界。我不以為只要是年青人的思想,就一定比較容易適應環境 的變化;而年紀較大的人,就一定是老頑固。依此而言,上下一代的其中一個思想/行為分野是下一代人比較不容易盲目相信權威,而上一代較容易盲目相信權威。 這個分別,和現代社會資訊發達,及現代社會政制相對民主開放有關。


1.平等精神,美國人的階級觀念一般來說不強,你修電器的、修車的、賣車的、待應生、教授,都是工作一份,沒有什麼高級職業看不起低級的,即使是教授亦相 當平易近人。因為美國人人自稱中產,無端問人的收入是相當不禮貌的行為,客人和待應生的相處都是和洽的,不用什麼「和諧社會、無階級社會觀念推廣運動」。 社會主義的理想,一部份是實現了,不是「人待人如狼」;

3.冒險精神,不像中國泛道德主義規定什麼可以做的什麼不可以做,想做就去做,不會連「想做就去做」的廣告亦不准去賣。因此美國盛產發明家及黑客, 就算是黑客亦不是一定有錯,必須要證明他/她的錯是真的損害了其他人才算是錯,不像香港,法例原教旨主義,只要違反一條法例就是錯,並不理會該法例的立法 原意和動機。

2008年7月2日 星期三


哲學的目的是使人在思想上在任何時侯任何處境上都戰勝生活裏任何的窘困,人因此而得到精神上自由,心理學的作用是在使人明白自己及其他人的 心,因為明白是自己的心是如何運作,因而活得更自在,哲學是比心理學更勝一籌,因為它是終極的通識,可以應用在任何知識範圍上(即任何學科),因此它太抽 象,不及心理學具體;而心理學可以處理的範圍較窄,不及哲學可以遍及生活上任何一部份。



我有話要快說了,依據16年前的預言的基礎,亦是後來被你撕爛的我有生而來第一封情信,我的任務時間所剩不多了。因為我在16年前一次打坐,不單預 見了會考的題目,亦預見了我和世界的將來,亦是我一切發明創作靈感的泉源,但我一直沒有告訴你,一來害怕嚇壞你,二來亦嫌你愛我不及我愛你的深,因為香港 不是在1997年世界未日,但我自己只有16年的時間,即今年將是一個終結,你會想和一個沒有未來的人編織將來嗎?我為你帶來愛情、希望,你為我帶來了什 麼?
情債是不可以還的,但是因為你,我當時的精神已經崩潰了,還可以再考高考嗎?因為你,在高考前的學校假期,我父母見我傷心,便帶我吃盡最好的東西,我學到 的教訓是,精神的痛苦不可以用任何的物質來彌補,當時唯一的感覺就是沒有感覺,及異常的悶,到圖書館只是借書,卻沒有看,每天都玩着三國誌,盤算着如何了 結自己的生命!除了玩電腦,以及記下每一分鍾我做過的事,就是寫、寫和寫,記夢和解夢,我想為自己的存在留一點記錄,而你知道我一向以來都是不喜歡留任何 記錄的人。
結果,父母看我不成樣子,帶我去美國旅行,帶我玩盡美國的名勝,然後想盡辨法,用盡金錢,明知我是遊客身份卻硬要找大學取錄我,為的是不想我再幹任何的傻 事,因為他們知道我最會演戲,可以在事前無任何跡像的,用無可挽回的方法來自盡。其實我當時已經自殺得太多,想我一生人已經是用盡幾世人的壽元,而心理學 始終都是我喜歡的,可以把我的注意力用部集中到心理學上,減輕一下心靈的重擔,亦不想負父母太多。但是,在第一學年的署假、寒假,父母還是來到美國陪我, 因為他們不想全家最聰明、思想最豐富、最多愁善感的兒子客死異鄉,結果我只是額外演出更多的戲,後來我的戲還進化到假裝追求別人,還有時忽然正義,為大學 的同學爭取互聯網自由,成了小小的領袖(Fruher),用此來斷絕一切可能的愛情。因為四年在美國的生活及父母來美國的支出,又無暇 及香港的經營情況,我家族經營達十多年的生意崩漬了,父母還要看我的畢業禮!他們第一句說是說,你沒有得吃嗎?怎樣瘦得不像人形?而在加洲的親戚更懷疑我 是不是吸食大麻了!如果我想,我是可以的,又或者是比用近乎偏執狂的工作來麻醉自己更健康,有人借酒消愁,有人吸煙、吸毒,我因為傷得太深,就連這些方法 都失效了。
當我回到香港時,真的是另一個世界了,不單是我本來愜意的中產生活消失了,我最嚮往的海景消失了,父母把唯一的物業都變賣了,居無定所,連以前香港的統治 者,亦由文明的英國換了曾發動文化大革命、一向以愚民政策治國的中共,後來父親因為經營生意,心力交綷而中風。怎樣我的美麗世界一下子都消失了?因為盡心 盡力去愛你,我由天堂墮下了地獄,你把我手上擁有的一切都變走了,我欠你什麼?為何我的愛情只有痛苦,沒有甜蜜?


2008年7月1日 星期二

My understanding of electrical energy from Battery

My very strange invention

The name of the game is to prevent electrical charge from going back to the other end of the battery so electrical energy would not dissipated as a result, which is base on my understanding that battery is a medium of electrical energy but not the source of electrical energy itself. This is my idea on how to do it.

A Question on the difference of Electrical and Magnetic field

Why that in the Parallel Path Effect which two magnetic flux merge in a conducting material to produce a stronger magnetic field, while we haven't heard of two electrical flux merge in a conducting material to produce a stronger electrical field? Does it have anything to do with Magnetism being the tendency for electron to spin?

Question of today on nature of Magnetism

Does the brittle nature of Permanent Magnet has anything to do with its unlimited supply of Magnetic energy? i.e. Does the mechanism/structure which provide the Magnet which unlimited Magnetic energy is what make the Magnet brittle?

My idea of Assisted Inductance Technology


My thought today is if we can applied Euler's Coil Technology into the assisting(non-central) electromagnetic coils for increase the effect of electromagnetic induction in this design?

My Designs on using Electrostatic energy

We can harvest the force from Electrostatic repulsion as a source of free energy. One technical hindrances is to prevent the static charges from discharging to the air, so we can use insulator which would not block electrical field. Another issue is the nature of electrostatic force being static, however that force would vary with distance. So I have a few suggestions here:


Very Strange Idea+ Euler's Coil Technology

A mechanism for Charge multiplier?

(This is an idea from Euler, reprinted with permission, my thought to why couldn’t we arranged the metal plate in a circle so the electrostatic field reinforce each other? Also another technicalities which Euler has ignored is the mechanism to keep other plates electrically neutral, and does that mechanism require energy to maintain its operation? It especially looks like an development from MCSSF.
The original illustration is here, here and here.)

Background/Development of Idea:

Consider a simple capacitor, when we charged it to +Q then the capacitor is carrying Q charges. Now suppose we can ‘fuse’ another identical uncharged capacitor to this charged capacitor, what will happen?

What will happen is instead of +Q charges, the charges would raised to +2Q. Now assume we can repeat this process for N times so then we have +NQ charges. We could then discharge and feedback this amount of charges into the first capacitor. Then the process restart again from +NQ until N2 Q . We can repeat this process as much as we want until the capacitor reach it’s maximum charging capacity. And the amount of electrical charge, thereby the content of electrical energy has been amplified without costing the user any extra energy.

Summary & Discussion:

The process of amplification of electrical energy is as followings: First electricity from a source is feed into the first compartment of a device which used to held charges, then the controlling mechanism deactivate the field blocking mechanism between first and second compartment. The second compartment is made of material sensitive to electrical field which respond by forming a comparable electrical field. Alternatively, we can have two independent devices for holding the charges(without the need for inputing extra energy to maintain the charge of either one) as the first and second compartment, which in this case the second independent device is move closer to the first. But the charges in both compartment of device are not allow to move across the boundary of device/compartment. In either case, the purpose is for the second device/compartment to respond to the presence of electrical field by forming an electrical field either the same or higher strength using simple electrostatic induction principle. This process is repeated until we get a desirable One Time amplification ratio(o). At the end of the first turn, all charge are discharged using a discharging mechanism or device. Now since each charges carrying the identical amount of electrical energy content, this process is thus increase the overall electrical energy content. And if we are still not satisfy with the amplification of electrical charge/energy for this time, we can feedback the new amount of electrical charge/energy as the source and repeat this process recursively until the final amplification ratio (f) is satisfactory to us.

Claim:The system in its entirety with at least all its essential components each for the purpose stated above and together as a whole for the purpose of magnification of electrical energy through simple electrostatic induction take place in recursive manner.

Related Claims:



Electrical Energy Amplification System as a critical component in powering every Self-Sustainable process


  1. Simple to construct.

  2. Effective in its purpose.

  3. Energy saving.


  1. The efficiency of field separation mechanism.

  2. The timing of control mechanism.

  3. The control of feedback process.

Curious thoughts on Parallel Path Technology

1. Could we use Parallel Path Technology to enhanced a Permanent Magnet? To strengthen its magnetic field?

2. What would happen if we use Parallel Path Technology to enhanced an electromagnetic coil? Do we get extra magnetic energy from the electromagnetic coil? Or getting extra electrical energy from the electromagnetic coil?