2008年7月27日 星期日

Enmeshment and Real Estate industry in Hong Kong

When something abnormal is so prevalent in the society it maybe taken for granted without examine throughly by sociologist or social psychologist. It is a classical example of what psychoanalyst Eric Fromm called social pathology. One common manifestation of enmeshment are often manifest in excessive concern of the livelihood of the tenant, who usually rationalize it by seeing it as part of the process of tenant selection. It is often said that the renter is more picky in choosing the tenant than choosing the wife of his/her son/daughter’s wife/husband. But why is it necessary to know every detail of how the tenant live his/her life in order to decide whether the tenant is capable of paying the rent monthly, and the process has to be continue indefinitely? And it appears to me that renter is acting in a way which a closer relationship than is expected than that require of the rental agreement. It maybe that since Chinese is used to use land to define relationship, therefore those who live in his/her apartment is consider part of his/her family, which is why many oversea Chinese identify with Communist China.
